Publications and Presentations:

d'Alessio, M. A., 2012. Schoolyard geology as a bridge between urban thinkers and the natural world. Journal of Geoscience Education, in press. [Download Article]

d’Alessio, M. A., 2009. Schoolyard Geology: Leading simple geologic excursions on your school playground, California Science Teachers’ Association Annual Meeting, Palm Springs, CA, 2010-October-25. [Abstract]

d'Alessio, M. A., 2005. Schoolyard Geology. U.S. Geological Survey web publication,, 2005-December-15.

d'Alessio, M. A., Pehl, J., Ferrier, K., and C. Pehl. 2004. Teaching Geology at San Quentin State Prison. EOS, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting Supplement 85, Abstract ED51C-0032.

d'Alessio, M. A., Pehl, J., Ferrier, K., and C. Pehl. 2004. Teaching Geology at San Quentin State Prison. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 36(5), p. 239.

Can you spot the geologic principles of superposition, crosscutting relations, and original horizontality in this image?

Schoolyard Geology helps bridge the gap between the built environment familiar to urban thinkers and the natural processes that we want them to learn about in Earth science.