Services Price List

Listed below are the most common services we offer to campus partners along with pricing. Please note that this is not a comprehensive list and the cost of services starts at $60/hr. Additionally, there is a 20% project management fee* associated with all projects. A 20% printing coordination fee* will be applied to projects that require this service.

If you are interested in working with our team, please complete and submit a creative services request unless otherwise noted.

If you have any questions, please e-mail

SCBM Services

  • Advertisements
    • Print (5hr minimum, starting at $300)
    • Digital (5hr minimum, starting at $300)
    • Out of Home (5hr minimum, starting at $300)
      • Ex: Billboards, light pole banners, bus benches, etc...
  • Flyer (5hr minimum, starting at $300)
  • A-Frame Poster (5hr minimum, starting at $300)
  • Lawn Sign (5hr minimum, starting at $300)
  • Brochure (10hr minimum, starting at $600)
  • Invitation Package (10hr minimum, starting at $600)
    • Includes outer & inner envelope, invite, and RSVP card
  • E-mail Banner (2hr minimum, starting at $120)
  • Photoshopping Images (3hr minimum, starting at $180)
  • PPT Template (5hr minimum, starting at $300)
    • Cover slide + 3 presentation slides

  • Web page build (8hr minimum, starting at $480)
  • Website build (8hr minimum, starting at $480)
    • Includes home page + 4 child pages

  • Half day + processing (minimum 6hrs, starting at $360)
    • Includes 50 processed images
    • Travel/parking for off-campus events/photoshoots not included
  • Full day + processing (minimum 12hrs, starting at $720)
    • Includes 50 processed images
    • Travel/parking for off-campus events/photoshoots not included

  • Social media campaign (2hr minimum, starting at $120)
  • Social media consultation (1hr minimum, starting at $60)
  • Copy writing (2hr minimum, starting at $120)
  • Copy editing (2hr minimum, starting at $120)

  • Media Release
    • Please send request directly to
    • Topic must be "newsworthy" and of interest to the general public. If the request is regarding a gift, there is a monetary threshold of $500,000 and/or the uniqueness of the gift. Requests will be acted upon at the discretion of the Media Relations team, in consultation with the AVP for Strategic Communication and Brand Management.
  • Media Advisory
    • Please send request directly to
    • Incumbent on news worthiness and media appeal. Requests will be acted upon at the discretion of the Media Relations team, in consultation with the AVP for Strategic Communication and Brand Management.
  • CSUN Update “Focus On” placement
  • Faculty & Staff headshots
    • Minimum 3 people/session
  • Letterhead Template
  • College or Department Logos
  • Site Access
  • Web Page Updates
    • Only Applies to Copy & Image Updates for Existing Pages

*Pricing is subject to change. Project management fee is calculated by total number of hours estimated for the entire project. Printing coordination fee is calculated by total number of hours estimated for creating the printed deliverables.

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