
Summer Sweep

Building on the success of our document and video accessibility project from Fall 2019 and our first ever Summer Sweep in 2020, CSUN will take targeted steps over three weeks this summer to make our web content, specifically public-facing PDF documents, more accessible.

North Carolina State University inspired our approach, and over 50 colleges and universities joined them in 2020.

Due to the concurrent project to redesign the CSUN website, in 2021, we will not convert documents into new web pages. Instead, this summer we will focus on PDF forms.

"CSUN eProcess+ is a campus-wide initiative using technology to digitally transform processes for our students, faculty and staff. The initiative leverages applications such as Adobe Sign, myCSUNbox, OnBase, SOLAR, and others to create user friendly, efficient online processes using workflow and electronic signatures." CSUN's eProcess+ team will provide guidance around options to replace public-facing standalone PDF documents with eProcess+ forms and processes.


Week 1 – Current PDFs (June 28 – July 2)

The Universal Design Center will distribute a list of PDFs on division and college websites. Go through your list and remove from the site any PDFs that are outdated or unnecessary. Of the remaining PDFs, start to identify which of your PDFs can be converted to eProcess+ (or web) forms, and which are appropriate to remain public-facing PDFs. 


Week 2 – PDF Form to eProcess+ Conversion (July 6 – 9)

Using your list from week 1, begin to convert appropriate inaccessible PDFs to eProcess+ forms. Other options for forms include Qualtrics and web forms; for PDFs that should be web forms, you are welcome to address those later during the CSUN website redesign project. 


Week 3 – PDF Accessibility Review (July 12 – 16)

Evaluate any remaining PDFs on your list and ensure they are accessible. 

Target Date for Completion: August 13

Converting a PDF to an eProcess+ form and process can take time. We encourage you to complete as much as possible by August 13, 2021. 


The Universal Design Center team is available for one-on-one consultations throughout this summer project. Contact us at 818-677-5898 or udc@csun.edu