
  • Mobile Accessibility

Device Limitations


Mobile devices are changing the way people access the Web, and it is no longer safe to say that a specific device or set of devices will be used to access content. One user may have a small screen, another a big screen, and yet another somewhere in-between. Also, device capabilities may vary between mobile devices, with many now supporting gestures, voice commands, and a variety of gadgets.

  What to Consider


Do not rely on cookies being available.

Object Or Script

Do not rely on embedded objects or script.

Tables Support

Do not use tables unless the device is known to support them.

Tables Alternatives

Where possible, use an alternative to tabular presentation.

Style Sheets Support

Organize documents so that if necessary, they may be read without style sheets.


Do not rely on the support of font related styling.

Use Of Colors

Ensure that information conveyed with color is also available without color.


Mobile Accessibility: How WCAG 2.0 and Other W3C/WAI Guidelines Apply to Mobile

Mobile Accessibility Standards and Guidelines at W3C

W3C - The Web and Mobile Devices