Faculty Development

Course Organizer Workshop (Part 1 of 2)

Tuesday, November 27, 2018 - 3:00pm to 5:00pm

UN 211
Through use of the Course Organizer Routine, an instructor helps students understand the "big picture" of the course, and how lectures fit within it, including identifying critical concepts that will be central to understanding the course content, and establishing rituals that will be used throughout the course to guide discussions and learning. The Course Organizer Routine is a wonderful way to communicate your course to students and build an learning community.
This is a 2-part workshop. In this first workshop you will learn the basics about course organizers and receive sample templates. The second workshop (December 11 also 3-5) is designed to view sample course organizers, to exchange ideas with fellow faculty, and include dedicated work time to prep for your Spring courses using the templates.