What happens if we lace together the critical and ethical dimensions of Active Learning, Culturally Responsive Teaching, and Transparency in pedagogical praxis? In this three-part workshop series, participants will be invited to reimagine teaching and learning through the lens of embodied engagement. Participants will create and prepare to integrate into their teaching a collaboratively-constructed engaged learning activity tailored to their specific discipline and instructional needs.
Registration is currently closed.
When is it?
The first and last workshop will be held in-person in FacDev Commons. The second workshop will be held online via Zoom.
Dates: Tuesdays, October 1, 8, & 15
Time: 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Location/Format: October 1 & 15--in-person in FacDev Commons (Garden Level of University Library in Room UL 3); October 8--Online via Zoom
Deadline to Register: Friday, September 27
Who should enroll?
Faculty committed to meeting the CSU’s GI2025 goals will learn evidence based strategies to:
- Closing equity gaps
- Improving climate in your classroom
- Improving student success
Is there funding?
Participants who attend and engage in all three workshops in the series and complete written reflection activities will receive funding of $200.