Faculty Development

  • the words Engaged Learning Series in white text against an orange background

Engaged Learning Series

What happens if we lace together the critical and ethical dimensions of Active Learning, Culturally Responsive Teaching, and Transparency in pedagogical praxis? In this three-part workshop series, participants will be invited to reimagine teaching and learning through the lens of embodied engagement. Participants will create and prepare to integrate into their teaching a collaboratively-constructed engaged learning activity tailored to their specific discipline and instructional needs. 

Registration is currently closed.

When is it?

The first and last workshop will be held in-person in FacDev Commons. The second workshop will be held online via Zoom.

  • Dates: Tuesdays, October 1, 8, & 15

  • Time: 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. 

  • Location/Format: October 1 & 15--in-person in FacDev Commons (Garden Level of University Library in Room UL 3); October 8--Online via Zoom

  • Deadline to Register: Friday, September 27

Who should enroll?

Faculty committed to meeting the CSU’s GI2025 goals will learn evidence based strategies to: 

  • Closing equity gaps
  • Improving climate in your classroom
  • Improving student success


Is there funding?

Participants who attend and engage in all three workshops in the series and complete written reflection activities will receive funding of $200.