Faculty Development


Featured eLearning Portfolios

Jessica Kim


Grishma Bhavsar

Health Sciences 

Rosamond Rodman

Religious Studies

CSUN faculty created ePortfolios to demonstrate evidence of impact of their eLearning Grant projects. Projects are organized by college (see below).

Arts, Media, and Communication

Business and Economics

Accounting and Information Systems 

Dat-Dao Nguyen & David Liu: Implementing the Hybrid GE Course IS 212 for a Large Cohort of Students

Business Law 

Ray Calnan: Course redesign for hybrid delivery of Real Estate Appraisal

Nanci Carr: BLAW 308 OHBLAW 430 Online Hybrid (OH)


Violet Z. Christopher: Introduction to Business

Keith Gosselin: MKT 440: Conversion to Hybrid


Zhong-guo (John) Zhou: Finance 303 Online - A New Experience

Systems and Operations Management

Siva Sankaran: eLearning Experience in Business Statistics SOM 120


Engineering and Computer Science

Health and Human Development


American Indian Studies

Kimberly Robertson: Introduction to American Indian Studies

Central American Studies

Joseph Wiltberger: Integration of eLearning Instructional Tools for CAS 311

Chicano/a Studies

Antonio Gallo: Constitutional Issues and The Chicano

Melisa Galván: Incorporating Technology into the Online History Classroom

Citlali Sosa-Riddell: Learning the Significant Debates in History: A Flipped Classroom and Experiential Learning


Jon Beadle and Corri Ditch: English 115: The Application of Transparent Assignments to Improve Students' Essay Writing

Andrea Hernandez: Designing Effective Online Assignments for English 205: Business Communication in its Rhetorical Contexts

Santosh Khadka: Redesigning Assignments for English 113B

Eric Kuffs: Writing Performance Gone Gradeless on Canvas

Amber Norwood: Developing Digital Learning Objects for Upper Division Online English Classes

Iswari Pandey: ENGL 205: Business Communication in its Rhetorical Contexts

Gender & Women Studies 

Dianne Bartlow: GWS230 Women and Entertainment and GWS350OL Gender, Race, Class and Sexuality

Heidi Schumacher: Building Class Community & Fostering Sense of Belonging in the Hybrid Classroom


Sean Pessin: Humanities 101OL

Liberal Studies

Lisa Shanti Chaudhari: Converting a hands-on sustainability class to a fully online format


Stephanie Kim: Hybrid Course Redesign to Create a Space for Research and Collaborative Teamwork

Evelyn McClave: Moodling an Introduction to Linguistics

Christina Scholten: E-Quizzes and Polling in the Classroom

Modern & Classical Languages & Literatures

Drake Langford & Yoshiko Takase-Owens: Japanese Vocabulary Study with Quizlet & Moodle Quiz

Tim Watson: CLAS 102L: Elementary Latin II


Abel Franco: Philosophical Problems (PHIL 310)

Justin Kitchen: Using 'Exit Tickets' to Teach Philosophy

Weimin Sun: eText for PHIL 210

Queer Studies  

Amanda M. Harrison: Queer Studies 301OL

Religious Studies  

Xochiti Alvizo: RS 150 OF (World Religions): Course Redesign for Online Delivery and Creating a Hospitable Learning Environment 

Amanda Baugh: Student Engagement in RS 100: Introduction to Religious Studies Transparent Case Study Assignments

Rosamond C. Rodman: Using RS 100 to Read Better

Mustafa Ruzgar: RS 100: Introduction to Religious Studies

Claire White: Video Intervention to Increase Transparency in Assignments for RS100

Science and Mathematics

Social and Behavioral Sciences
