Faculty Development

  • CSUN Connects on white text over a yellow background

CSUN Connects

This program provides an opportunity for faculty, staff, and students to connect around shared experiences and identities by proudly displaying placards that contain statements meant to lift up experiences and identities that are often undervalued in higher education. 

CSUN Connects placards can be added to your email signature, course syllabus, or Canvas page, or you can print and display the placards. Participating is easy — just self-enroll in the Canvas course and download your CSUN Connects placards. Or you can visit FacDev Commons during FacDev Lounge Hours to pick up laminated print-outs while supplies last.

Download CSUN Connects Placards: https://canvas.csun.edu/enroll/WTJP8R

When is it?

This ongoing program is available now. Just self-enroll in the Canvas course and download your CSUN Connects placards.

Who should enroll?

All faculty, staff, and students are encouraged to engage with CSUN Connects.