Over 300 CSUN faculty have completed FacDev’s eLearning Institute since it was revised in 2020. If you are one of the faculty who have completed the program, we are now offering ad hoc eLearning peer reviews for graduates of the eLearning Institute. You may want to have an ad hoc peer review done if you want to get feedback from a faculty mentor on either (1) a new course or (2) on the further revisions you have made to the course you worked on during the Institute. If you have not yet completed the eLearning Institute, it is offered in the winter and spring, and you can join the interest list anytime.
Program Details
When is it?
Applications are now being accepted.
This is a flexible program, ad hoc eLearning peer reviews are conducted year round. Faculty accepted into the program can work at their own pace until April 1 to complete their self-review and request a peer review in the current academic year. Applications will be accepted for the following year after that date.
Who should enroll?
This program is designed for faculty who have completed the eLearning Institute to continue to work on improving courses using the Quality Learning and Teaching (QLT) framework. If you have not yet completed the eLearning Institute, we recommend you apply for that program first.
Is there funding?
In this program, faculty will complete a self-review using the QLT Workbook and then sign up to receive an ad hoc eLearning peer review at no cost. Faculty Development will provide funding to the faculty mentor to complete the peer review and one-on-one meeting. Faculty participants will not receive any funding from Faculty Development in this process.
How do I get my peer review?
Once you are accepted into the program, access will be provided to a Canvas site with instructions and materials. To be eligible for the peer review, the participant must complete another self-review that fulfills these aspects:
Attempt to meet all 24 CORE items and describe in detail in the QLT Workbook
Address all non-CORE items in the QLT Workbook (even if stating why they don’t meet it)
Include direct links to their Canvas course in the QLT Workbook and/or page locations in the syllabus as applicable
The QLT review process works best for online asynchronous activities that are directly linked in the participants' Canvas course. For courses that include face-to-face or online synchronous components, it is recommended to include a representative component for activities that would only be covered in the live portion of the class so that it can be reviewed by the faculty mentor. At minimum, a description of what happens in the live session should be included
What are the program goals and objectives?
This program is designed for faculty who have completed an eLearning Institute to continue to work on improving courses using the Quality Learning and Teaching (QLT) framework and to get feedback from a faculty mentor on either (1) a new course or (2) on the further revisions you have made to the course you worked on during the Institute.
After completing the ad hoc peer review process, faculty will be able to better:
- Describe the Quality Learning and Teaching (QLT) framework
- Identify areas where you need to update your course materials to align with QLT items
- Apply strategies from QLT in the (re)design of your course
- Evaluate your course using the QLT-based Self-Review process
- Discuss how the QLT framework connects with equity-minded teaching practices
- Create a plan to implement QLT-based course improvements
How do I sign up?
Applications are now being accepted