What is ACUE?
The Association of College and University Educators (ACUE) is an organization that offers faculty asynchronous courses on how to teach effectively in both face-to-face and online course environments. To learn more about ACUE course content and the course-taker experience, you can attend an ACUE Course Information Session.
Program Info
Design more learner-centered courses with aligned assessments, assignments, and learning experiences that offer students clarity around what they are learning and how they will be assessed. ACUE’s course "Designing Learner-Centered and Equitable Courses" supports instructors who are building a course from the ground up as well as those teaching predesigned courses.
Program Details
When is it?
Applications are now being accepted for our March session. NOTE: Faculty who previously completed ACUE's Effective Online Teaching Course or ACUE's Effective Classroom Teaching Course have already completed this microcredential as part of those yearlong programs and are therefore not eligible to repeat the program.
This is a fully online, asynchronous program (with a 90 minute synchronous orientation session in mid March) that runs from March to May. Faculty learners have the flexibility to complete each module at days and times that fit their schedules including an early start option before spring break. Participants will spend 2 to 3 hours each week engaging with module content, participating in virtual discussions, implementing new practices, and completing reflection assignments.
Who should enroll?
Faculty eligibility criteria include:
- those able to protect roughly 3 hours per week
- comfortable using Canvas as a learner
- must be employed at CSUN and teaching a course in which they can implement new strategies
- faculty at all ranks (tenure-track and lecturers) and experience level (novice and senior level faculty) are welcome to apply
- this course is for motivated faculty who are open to joining an iterative and collaborative process of taking their teaching to the next level
Is there funding?
Funding of $200 will be available to faculty who complete the program.
What are the program goals?
This microcredential program will deliver tools and resources to design more learner-centered courses with aligned assessments, assignments, and learning experiences that offer students clarity around what they are learning and how they will be assessed through the following six modules:
- Ensuring Learner-Centered Course Outcomes
- Designing Aligned Assessments and Assignments
- Aligning Learning Experiences with Course Outcomes
- Creating Equity with Checklists and Rubrics
- Developing Equitable Grading Practices
- Preparing an Inclusive Syllabus
Completing this course is one step toward becoming certified in ACUE's Effective Teaching Practice Framework, endorsed by the American Council on Education (ACE). Educators who complete the requirements for this program earn a microcredential in “Designing Learner-Centered and Equitable Courses” This microcredential may be utilized in meeting partial requirements necessary to earn the American Council on Education (ACE) endorsed Certificate in Effective College Instruction.
What do CSUN Faculty say about ACUE Programs?
Hundreds of faculty at CSUN have completed ACUE microcredential and credential programs. The majority say being involved in these programs is beneficial and believe the programs have positively impacted their teaching. Sample comments by CSUN faculty include:
- There is no question that the ACUE course has significantly improved my teaching and student outcomes.
- ACUE presents the information in very translatable fashion so it was easy to quickly operationalize the pedagogical tips/tricks/insights.
- Exceptional quality program with practical knowledge that can be immediately implemented into the classroom.
How do I sign up?
Applications are now being accepted for our March session. NOTE: Faculty who previously completed ACUE's Effective Online Teaching Course or ACUE's Effective Classroom Teaching Course have already completed this microcredential as part of those yearlong programs and are therefore not eligible to repeat the program.
Which CSUN faculty have earned this microcredential ?
Arts, Media, and Communication
- Art: Peri Klemm, Juliet Moss
- Theatre: Stephanie Lim
Business and Economics
- Economics: Leah Marcal
- Systems and Operations Management: Qiuhua Sheng
Engineering and Computer Science
- Electrical and Computer Engineering: Sequare Daniel-Berhe
Health and Human Development
- Child and Adolescent Development: Tracey September Ewing, Kandice Grote
- Family Consumer Sciences: Joyce Marie Brusasco
- English:Nicholas Bonhomme, Malinda Hackett, Marlene Pearson, Nicole Solis
Science and Match
- Math: Krysten Schmidt
Social and Behavioral Sciences
- History: Henry Maar
- Political Science: Kristy Michaud
- Sociology: Dione Washington
Student Success
- Academic First Year Experiences: Conchita Battle