Community Engagement

Student Scholar Training Information!



Congratulations on being selected as a Student Scholar!

In preparation for the work ahead of you, you will need to attend a virtual training. If you are working with your faculty member in Fall semester or during the whole academic year, you should attend the training in Fall. If you are working with your faculty member in Spring semester, you can attend the training either in Fall or Spring. 

What to expect:

We will go over the main requirements for the position, the use of the S4 Database and fill out all required paperwork (including forms that will help you get paid in a timely manner). 

Regarding Payment:

Please note that this is a grant award with payment processed by University Cash Services and paid into your student account as a scholarship payment towards the end of the semester you complete work in. Should your student account have a balance due, this grant payment will be credited towards that balance. If your account balance is zero, University Cash Services will issue a check in your name for the grant amount assigned by the faculty member you assist. 

What to bring

-       A copy of the syllabus for your class

-       A list of any duties that your faculty member would like you to perform over the semester

-       A computer (tablet, etc.), so that you can access S4 database during the training

 The virtual training is a requirement for all Student Scholars. Please contact the Office of Community Engagement with any questions at