
Here is a list of test-related resources and websites you can take a look at.

Tips for a Successful Test Day

On Your Test Day

If you are taking a proctored test…

If you are taking an accommodated test ...

If you are taking a CLEP test …

If you are taking the CPT tests ...

If you are taking the TEAS test …


What you should know about proctored exams on your test day

You must have a form of photo identification to take your test

  • Any current government-issued ID is acceptable

We charge for proctoring services

  • $20 per hour for a paper exam for the scheduled amount of time of the test
  • $30 per hour for an online exam for the scheduled amount of time of the test
  • We only accept cash

We will not provide postage to return your test. If your test must be mailed back to the institution, you must provide postage and an envelope. You CANNOT take the test with you to mail back.

We have limited space for testing. You MUST schedule an appointment with us at least 5-7 days in advance. During finals week, we have very limited space, particularly for computer-based tests. Please schedule an appointment with us as soon as possible to ensure you will be able to take your test.


What you should know about accommodated testing on your test day

You must have a photo ID to take your test (a driver's license and passport are all acceptable).

You must arrive on time for your test. If you are more than 10 minutes late for your appointment, you will not be able to test without the professor's approval.

You must register for your tests at least 7 days in advance. For finals week, you must schedule two weeks in advance.

Your test may not be sent over before your test appointment. Speak with your professor before the test day to ensure you know how your test is to be delivered (you may need to retrieve it before your test appointment).

Accommodated testing for CSUN exams is scheduled through the Alternative Testing office. They can be reached at 818-677-2684.


What you should know about CLEP on your test day

Items needed on test day:

  • Printed copy of your admission ticket.
  • You MUST have the correct type of identification to take your test
    • One (1) unexpired state or federally-issued ID (Driver’s license, passport, military identification)

CLEP tests cost:

  • Exam fee payable to the College Board (at the time of online registration)
  • $40.00 payable to the CSUN Testing Center (by cash only)

You do not need to bring writing utensils or scratch paper—these items will be provided to you by Testing Center staff.

Cell phones and other electronic devices are prohibited from the testing room. You cannot use a calculator for CLEP tests.

We have lockers available for all test-takers, so you don’t have to leave all your belongings in the car.

We will ask you to keep food and drinks in your locker, as you cannot have them in the testing room.

You cannot leave your test to feed a meter—parking garages are your test day friend.

If you have any questions, the Testing Center staff are here to help.

Additional information about your CLEP test day can be found at the College Board website: http://clep.collegeboard.org/exam-day-info.

Test preparation information can be found on the ETS website:


What you should know about the CPT on your test day

You MUST have the correct type of identification to take your test

  • You must have a government-issued photo ID to take your test (driver's license, state ID, and passport are all acceptable).

  • Must be valid (i.e., unexpired)
  • The first and last name on the ID must match the name on the access pass exactly

Other items needed on test day:

  • Printed copy of your CPT Access Pass

We ask that candidates report no more than 15 minutes before their test appointment time. Latecomers may be dismissed if the center is unable to admit them in a timely fashion.

Cell phones and other electronic devices are prohibited from the test site. If you are found with one, you will be dismissed and your scores will be canceled. Test center staff CANNOT hold electronic devices for you.

When you arrive and the testing staff is ready to admit you to the testing room, your access pass and ID will be checked and you will be given an assigned seat.

You cannot wear hats, gloves, or scarves during the test. These items must be placed in the provided locker.

Candidates should expect that the test day may cover up to 1 hour for the CPT.

All irregularities during testing will be documented by test center staff. Students found engaging in any type of misconduct may be referred for student disciplinary action. 

More information about your CPT test day can be found on the Testing Center website:

What you should know about the on-campus TEAS on your test day

Items needed on the day of your exam:

  • You MUST have the correct type of identification to take your test
    • One (1) unexpired state or federally-issued ID (Driver’s license, passport, military identification)

TEAS test costs:

  • Exam fee payable to ATI Testing (by debit/credit card on the day of the exam)
  • $40.00 payable to the CSUN Testing Center (by cash only)

You do not need to bring writing utensils or scratch paper—these items will be provided to you by Testing Center staff.

Cell phones and other electronic devices are prohibited from the testing room.

We have lockers available for all test-takers, so you don’t have to leave all your belongings in the car.

We will ask you to keep food and drinks in your locker, as you cannot have them in the testing room.

You cannot leave your test to feed a meter—parking garages are your test day friend

If you have any questions, the Testing Center staff are here to help.

Examinees may take advantage of the ATI website to prepare for the tests. You may also check the frequently asked questions. The website includes practice assessments, a study manual, and links to various resources (at a fee).

Test Anxiety

What is test anxiety?

Test anxiety is a psychological condition that causes uneasiness or apprehension before, during or after an examination because of concern, worry or fear. Almost everyone experiences some anxiety before a big test. But some students find anxiety interferes with their learning and test taking to such an extent that their grades are seriously affected. While students may have the skills and knowledge to do very well on an exam, their excessive anxiety can impair their performance. Fortunately there are many different ways to gain control of your testing anxiety and keep it at a manageable level. Below are some helpful tips and more in-depth websites on the causes and techniques for taking control of your anxiety.

Simple steps to help control your anxiety

  • Get or design sample exams and take several practice exams. Time yourself to see if you can finish in the allotted time.
  • Get enough sleep for at least two nights before your exam.
  • Be well prepared for the test - study!
  • Don’t talk to friends about the exam material just before going into the exam.
  • Before taking your test, take a few moments to sit and write out exactly how you are feeling and why. You may do this on scratch paper once the test starts, in your dorm room, or in the hall way right before class starts. Studies have shown that a majority of college students who did this simple exercise experienced a significant decrease in their amount of anxiety while taking their test!
  • Circle or underline significant words in the question. Read carefully to avoid misinterpreting what is being asked.
  • When working out a problem, write down whatever you know. It might help you to figure out the problem and some teachers even give partial credit in recognition for what you know.
  • If you feel very anxious or even panicky in the test, take a few minutes time out and calm yourself down. Stretch your arms and legs and then relax them again. Do this a couple of times. Take a few slow deep breaths. Do some positive internal self-talk; say to yourself, “I will be OK, I can do this.” Then take your time and get back into the questions.