CSUN Sustainability 2020

Virtual book tour with Christopher Carter The Spirit of Soul Food: Race, Faith, and Food Justice

Friday, April 22, 2022 - 12:30pm to 1:30pm

Zoom: https://csun.zoom.us/j/86947644081?pwd=TGdrU0pZZ0lZZzFMZHg1RCsrNGhyUT09

Soul food has played a critical role in preserving Black history, community, and culinary genius, soul food is also a response to—and marker of—centuries of food injustice. The book reflects on what soul food should look like today: that is, how people of color can eat in a way that reflects their cultural identities while remaining true to the principles of compassion, love, justice, and solidarity with the marginalized.

Christopher is an assistant professor of theology and religious studies at the University of San Diego, and a pastor within the United Methodist Church.

Zoom link: https://csun.zoom.us/j/86947644081?pwd=TGdrU0pZZ0lZZzFMZHg1RCsrNGhyUT09