TUC Sponsored Programs

Reporting Unethical/Inappropriate Conduct

Reporting Unethical or Inappropriate Conduct is Every Employee's Responsibility!

Employee Conduct Guidelines

These guidelines apply to all employees of The University Corporation.

TUC has established employee conduct guidelines, which are to be followed by all employees. TUC employees are expected to treat each other with dignity and respect and to abide by certain rules of conduct, based on honesty, good taste, fair play and safety. TUC will not tolerate conduct that is immoral, unethical, or illegal.

It is not possible to provide an exhaustive list of all types of inappropriate conduct. The following are some, but not all, examples of conduct that will lead to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

  • Falsification of employment or other TUC records
  • Recording the work time of another employee, allowing another employee to record your work time, or allowing falsification of any timecard, either your own or another employee's.
  • Theft, destruction, or deliberate or careless damage of any TUC, University, employee, or customer property.
  • Unauthorized use or removal of TUC or University property, equipment, time, materials, or facilities.
  • Provoking a fight or fighting during working hours or while on TUC or University premises.
  • Participating in horseplay or practical jokes on TUC time or while on TUC or University premises.
  • Carrying firearms or any other dangerous weapons while on TUC or University premises at any time.

Unfortunately, there are times when an unethical or inappropriate display of conduct may be witnessed or cause suspicion by another employee. It is every employee's responsibility to report the display or suspicion of unethical or inappropriate conduct to his/her immediate supervisor or to any one of the contacts listed below, without fear of retaliation.

Available Resources

The University Corporation

Rick Evans (818) 677-6285
John Griffin (818) 677-4815
Kathryn Weeks (818) 677-5040
Tim Killops (818) 677-5594
Betsy Corrigan (818) 677-2669

WE TIP Hotline

Call: (818) 677-TIPS (8477)

This Hotline is operated by the Department of Public Safety and is available for ANONYMOUSLY reporting concerns and information regarding criminal activity.

The Department of Public Safety

Investigations Unit
Detective Sergeant (Dana Archer) (818) 677-3826
Detective Corporal (Mark Benavidez) (818) 677-3901

Patrol Operations
Captain Operations, Commander (Scott Vanscoy) (818) 677-2764
Captain, Parking and Transportation (Fred Fernandez) (818) 677-3961