TUC Sponsored Programs

Project 41023672

Project ID:4102 3672
Project Title:Maternal PKU Camp Conference
Principal Investigator(s):Annette Besnillia & Tung-Shan Chen
College/Department:College of Health and Human Development - Department of Family and Consumer Sciences
Sponsoring Agency:California Department of Health Services
Original Source of Funds: 
Award Amount:$19,096
Matching Amount: 
Indirect Cost:$2,491
Start Date:04/01/07
End Date:06/30/07
CFDA # : 
Type of Project :Education
Abstract:The purpose of the camp/conference is to provide an educational program to young women with PKU on the importance on diet managment prior to or very early in preganancy. The Marilyn Magaram Cener has hosted this event several times in the past 15 years.