January 5, 2018
Dear Principal Investigator and Research Administrators:
Below is a message from Kathryn Weeks, TUC Human Resources Associate Director...
Happy New Year!
As we begin 2018, I am writing to update you on two new important California employment laws which became effective January 1, 2018:
· AB 168 prohibits State and local government employers from asking applicants about prior salary history.
o This means that search committees, hiring managers, and anyone involved in the recruitment process, may no longerrequest salary history information.
o Additionally, campus HR is currently updating the employment application to remove all questions related to salary history.
The law also stipulates that employers must be prepared to provide the pay scale for a position to an applicant for employment upon reasonable request.
o Most likely this request would come to us in HR but if you receive a request then you will need to provide the full pay range.
· AB 1008 prohibits employers from inquiring or considering conviction history until after a conditional offer of employment has been made. As such, the Chancellor’s Office has updated the CSU background check policy accordingly.
o Effective immediately, an offer of employment must clearly state that the “appointment is contingent upon successful completion of a background check and may be rescinded if the background check reveals disqualifying information and/or it is discovered that the candidate knowingly withheld or falsified information.”
This new law does not apply to positions where a criminal background check is required by law, including any position with a university law enforcement agency.
Please share this update with employees in your department who are involved in any recruitment/hiring processes and that I may have missed.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Kathryn Weeks, PHR
Associate Director, Human Resources