
Yolanda Vasquez-Salgado

Dr. Vasquez-Salgado
Associate Professor
(818) 677-4927
Office location:
Lilac Hall 107



Ph.D. 2018, University of California, Los Angeles (Developmental Psychology)

M.A. 2012, California State University, Northridge (Psychology)

B.A., 2010, California State University, Northridge (Psychology)

Courses Taught

Psychology 313: Developmental Psychology

Selected Publications

Guan, S. A., & Vasquez-Salgado, Y. (in press). A cultural mismatch intervention to increase science self-efficacy among STEM college students. Understanding Interventions Journal.

Vasquez-Salgado, Y., Greenfield, P. M., Guan, S. A., *Gonzalez, L., & *Tarlow, D. (2023). Peer-peer cultural value mismatch in the dormitory during the transition to college: Antecedents and correlates. Journal of Intercultural Communication & Interactions Research, 2, 37-74.

Vasquez-Salgado, Y., Camacho, T. C., *López, I., Chavira. G., Saetermoe, C. L., Khachikian, C. (2023). “I definitely feel like a scientist”: Exploring science identity trajectories among Latinx students in a critical race theory-informed undergraduate research experience. Infant and Child Development, e2371.

Vasquez-Salgado, Y., Guan, S. A., *Alvarado, D., *Salcedo, J., *Thwaits, A., *Serrano, J., *Quach, C., *Ramirez, J., & Toledo-Corral, C. (2022). Cortisol awakening response among Latinx and Black students transitioning to college prior to and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology, 3, 100043.

Guan, S. A., Vasquez-Salgado, Y., & *Burke, C. (2022). Stress during the COVID-19 Pandemic predicts psychological, physical, and academic outcomes among STEMM students at 2-year and 4-year institutions. International Journal of Learning and Teaching. 8, 174-178

Guan, S. A., Ashcroft, J., Horowitz, B., Ie, E., Vasquez-Salgado, Y., & Saetermoe, C. (2022). Sociocultural and contextual determinants of science career goal at a community college and baccalaureate-granting institution. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance.

Vasquez-Salgado, Y., Greenfield, P. M., & Guan, S. A. (2021). Home-school cultural value mismatch: Antecedents and consequences in a multi-ethnic sample transitioning to college. Frontiers in Cultural Psychology, 12:618479.

Vasquez-Salgado, Y., & Greenfield, P. M. (2021). Introducing sociocultural developmental neuroscience: Introduction, implications and guiding principles. In J. Chiao, S. C. Li, S. Y. Lee-Tauler, & B. Pringle. The Oxford University Press Handbook of Cultural Neuroscience and Global Mental Health.

Vasquez-Salgado, Y., *Thwaits, A., *Serrano, J. P., & Guan, S. A. (2021). Protocol for safely collecting saliva as a biospecimen during and post the COVID-19 pandemic. Protocol Exchange. doi: 10.21203/rs.3.pex-1597/v1. Available at:

Camacho, T. C., Vasquez-Salgado, Y., Chavira, G., Boyns, D., Appelrouth, S., Saetermoe, C., & Khachikian, C. (2021) Science identity among Latinx students in the biomedical sciences: The role of a critical race theory-informed undergraduate research experience. CBE-Life Sciences Education, 20, 1-10.

Vasquez-Salgado, Y., Ramirez, G., & Greenfield, P. M. (2018). The impact of home-school cultural value conflicts and president Trump on Latina/o first-generation college students’ attentional control. International Journal of Psychology, 53, 81-90.

Chavira, G., Cooper, C., & Vasquez-Salgado, Y. (2016). Pathways to academic achievement: Career and educational aspirations and expectations of Latina/o immigrant parents and early adolescents. Journal of Latinos and Education, 15, 214-228.
*Burgos-Cienfuegos, R., Vasquez-Salgado, Y., Ruedas-Gracia, N., & Greenfield, P. M. (2015). Disparate cultural values and modes of conflict resolution in peer relations: The experience of Latino first-generation college students. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 27, 365-397.
Vasquez-Salgado, Y., Greenfield, P. M., & *Burgos-Cienfuegos, R. (2015). Exploring home-school value conflicts: Implications for academic achievement and well-being among Latino first-generation college students. Journal of Adolescent Research, 30, 271-305.

Vasquez-Salgado, Y., & Chavira, G. (2014). The transition from middle school to high school as a developmental process among Latino youth. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 36, 79-94.

Research Interests

Dr. Vasquez-Salgado’s research focuses on Latinx, first-generation college, and low-income student populations during the transition to college. She utilizes various methodologies (qualitative, survey, experimental) to investigate factors that contribute to the health (mental, physical) and academic achievement of these populations, with the goal of using the results of her inquires to design interventions that help promote resilience. She is particularly interested in the cultural mismatch that students raised in more collectivistic home environments experience with the individualism of the university culture (e.g., mismatch between collectivistic family obligations and individualistic academic obligations; mismatch between collectivistic behaviors of one peer and individualistic behaviors of another). Her more recent projects utilize a variety of biological and clinical health assessments in order to understand how experiences with cultural mismatch get under the skin. Dr. Vasquez-Salgado's research is currently funded by a grant she received from the National Institutes of Health.

Culture, Health and Development Lab Website:
Lab Instagram: @csun_chdlab

To view a video of Dr. Vasquez-Salgado's lab, visit: