Political Science

  • Banner is made up of three images representing our three branches of government. They include the Capitol building, the White House, and the Supreme Court building

    Department of Political Science

  • President Harrison and CSUN DC Interns, 2013
  • A Conversation with Gov. Michael Dukakis and Gov. Linda Lingle

Latinos/as/x and the #BlackLivesMatter Movement Survey

June 22, 2020

 Latinos/as/x and Black Lives Matter Movement Red Banner with white text.

This project began in 2016.

The purpose of this project is to explore the ways in which the #BlackLivesMatter movement resonates with "Latinos/as/x." As the #BlackLivesMatter movement attempts to "(re)build the black liberation movement," it is important to understand the ways in which this movement resonates with other minoritized groups and how it can affect perceptions of political commonality and representation among other marginalized groups in the U.S.

Take the Latinos/as/x and Black Lives Matter Movement survey here

Este proyecto comenzó en el 2016.

El objetivo de este estudio es explorar las distintas maneras en que el movimiento #BlackLivesMatter (Las Vidas Negras Importan) encuentra eco entre la gente Latina. Dado que el movimiento #BlackLivesMatter intenta “(re)construir el movimiento de liberación de la raza Negra,” es importante entender, (1) si otros grupos minoritarios se sienten identificados con este movimiento, y (2) cómo este movimiento impacta la manera en que otros grupos marginados en los EEUU piensan sobre sus experiencias políticas que les son comunes a estos grupos, y el nivel de representatividad que ellos tienen este país.  

Llene la encuesta Latinos y el Movimeinto Black Lives Matter ( Las Vidas Negras Importan) aqui