Monday, March 6, 2017 - 4:00pm
Location:The Department of Anthropology proudly presents the 19th Annual Keith Morton Memorial Lecture: The Promise of Contemporary Primatology, Advancing the Study of the Human-Nonhuman Primate Interface in the 21st Century with guest speaker, Erin P. Riley from San Diego State University.
Drawing from primatology, conservation ecology, and sociocultural and environmental anthropology, Erin P. Riley's research focuses on primate behavioral and ecological flexibility in the face of anthropogenic change and the conservation implications of the ecological and cultural interconnections between human and nonhuman primates. With notable publications in American Anthropologist, Evolutionary Anthropology, American Journal of Primatology, and Oryx, her work spearheaded the field of "ethnoprimatology" – the study of the multifaceted ways the histories, ecologies, lives, and livelihoods of humans and primates intersect. Her field research in Indonesia and Florida has been funded by the National Geographic Society/Wai Foundation, the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, and the American Institute for Indonesian Studies.
Communication services (sign language, interpreters, notetakers, real-time captionists or assistive listening devices) are available for this event. Requests for services must be submitted at least five (5) working days in advance. Please contact the Anthropology Department with any questions or to arrange for these services.