Educational Psychologists, Theorists, Researchers, and Authors
General Educational Theories
- active learning - C. Bonwell
- classification of educational objectives - Benjamin Bloom
- critical pedagogy - Paulo Freire
- cognitive dissonance theory - Elliot Aronson
- cognitive learning theory -Jerome Bruner
- computer based learning Robert Gagné
- conditions of learning - Robert Gagné
- constructionism - Seymour Papert
- constructivism - Jean Piaget
- discovery learning - Jerome Bruner
- discovery learning - Seymour Papert
- discovery learning Jean Piaget
- educational equity - Linda Darling-Hammond
- educational progressivism - John Dewey
- experiential learning theory - David Kolb
- guided discovery - Ann Brown
- how people learn - John D. Bransford
- Learning styles: Visual, Auditory, Reading, Kinesthetic - Neil Flemming
- learning styles - Anthony Gregorc
- mastery-learning- Benjamin Bloom
- measurement of intelligence - Alfred Binet
- metacognition - Ann Brown
- metacognition - John Flavell
- multicultural education - Donna Golnick
- multiple intelligences - Howard Gardner
- pedagogical content knoweledge - LeeSchulman
- pragmatism - John Dewey
- multiethnic educaiton - James Banks
- science/technology/society - Robert Yager
- social cognitive theory and self-efficacy - Albert Bandura
- social cognition - Lev S. Vygotsky
- subsumption theory, advance organizers - David Ausubel