AP BIOLOGY OUTLINE FOR BEHAVIOR: PRINCIPLES OF BEHAVIOR: 1. Stereotyped and Learned Behavior 2. Biorhythms 3. Societies: social insects, birds, and primates 4. Social Behavior A. Communication and signals B. Dominance Hierarchy C. Territoriality D. Aggression E. Courtship F. Parental Behavior ESSAY QUESTIONS: 1970: In recent years, studies of animal behavior have become increasingly important. Answer either a. or b. below. a. Describe experiments that demonstrate how honeybees communicate the location of a food source to other members of the hive. b. Discuss several examples and the possible biological functions of territoriality in the vertebrates other than man. 1982: Define and explain the role of each of the following in social behavior: a. Territoriality b. Dominance hierarchies c. Courtship behavior 1983: Describe and give an example of each of the following. Include in your discussion the selective advantage of each. a. Pheromones b. Mimicry c. Stereotyped Behavior (instinct) 1985: Describe releasers, imprinting, and communication, as each of these terms relates to animal behavior. You may include in your answer a discussion of the classical studies of Nikolaas Tinbergen, Konrad Lorenz, and Karl vonFrisch.