Student Research Opportunities
In keeping with the Mission of the College, we encourage all eligible students to become involved in research with faculty in their area of interest. All five departments in the College have very active research faculty who welcome both undergraduate and graduate student researchers. Participation in hands-on research is critically important for developing skills relevant to advanced education and/or future careers related to science and mathematics. Many students find these to be the most rewarding experiences during their time at CSUN.
There are a great many ways students can gain direct hands-on research experience. Our lower-division laboratory courses are important as an initial introduction to scientific methodology, and many of our upper-division courses contain labs and/or field trips which allow students to develop those skills further. In addition, each department has courses in which students can receive academic credit for individually supervised research with faculty; these are typically numbered 299, 399, 495 or 499. Students may also seek to complete an undergraduate Honors thesis by working with faculty. The best way to learn more about these opportunities is for students to ask faculty in their area of interest.
In some instances students can even be paid for conducting research. See:
CSUN-UCLA Bridge to Stem Cell Research Program /science-mathematics/biology/stem-cell-training-program