Office of the Provost

  • Picture of a Academic Affairs Meeting

    Office of the Provost & Vice President

Road Map Strategic Direction: Strengthen Capacity for Institutional Transformation

We seek strategic investments that advance our mission, JEDI core values, and institutional capacity by transforming institutional structures, processes, systems, virtual and physical spaces, and investing in the diverse talent we will need to realize a more equitable and just future. Realizing our future requires generating resources and leveraging cross-divisional support from Administration and Finance, Information Technology, and University Relations and Advancement to advance sustainability and develop capital facilities and infrastructure supporting inclusive teaching and learning approaches to student success.



⮚     Invest in the creation of infrastructure (human capital, technology, and space) to support the implementation of expanded equity-centered work.

⮚     Ensure human resources are aligned to support JEDI core values, institutional change

⮚     Honor the role that all members of the campus community play in support of student success.

⮚     Create, design, and build sustainable spaces to support innovative curriculum, instruction, research, and scholarly activities.

⮚     Create and implement a comprehensive strategic communication plan that serves to engage prospective and current students, internal and external campus constituents, and clearly defines CSUN’s unique value and identity within the context of the national higher education landscape.

⮚     Use a data-driven approach to prioritize and leverage philanthropy to advance institutional priorities and goals.

⮚     Strengthen operational systems to better support cross-campus engagement in philanthropic efforts, strategic communication, and community and government relations.

⮚     Support new technology to improve our work environments and provide the capacity to respond to internal and external systems interruptions.