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2024 W-2s will be issued in January by the State Controller's Office and mailed to the address on record in SOLAR HR as of close of business, Friday, December 13, 2024.
If your mailing address has changed, please go online today and update your records through the CSUN Portal. Once logged on to the CSUN Portal:
- Navigate to the “HR” tab
- Select “Personal Information”
- Select “Update Personal Information”
- Select “Change home/mailing address”
Remember - current and past (up to four years) W-2 and monthly earning statements are available online through your Cal Employee Connect account.
Enroll in Cal Employee Connect Now for Timely and Easy Online Access to Your W-2 Information
Cal Employee Connect (CEC) allows CSUN employees to securely view up to four (4) years of their earnings statements and W-2’s, along with personal information online. Cal Employee Connect reduces state costs and workload by providing a tool for all state employees to access their earnings information electronically.
CEC offers a range of tools to help you view your earnings, update tax withholdings, and calculate changes with breakdowns of deductions to earnings. CEC also enables you to enroll in and manager your Direct Deposit status. To learn more about CEC or how to enroll, we invite you to visit here.