When planning a special event on campus, remember that PARKING will be the first and last impression your guests will experience. To help ensure a positive guest experience, please follow the processes.
1. Contact the Parking Office at 818-677-2157, 14-30 days in advance of your event. Please provide the following information:
- Date of event
- Start and end time of event
- Type of event
- Expected number of attendees
- Expected number of cars (if available)
- Special accommodations needed (i.e. VIP, disabled needs, shuttle, limo parking, reserved parking stalls, etc.)
2. Depending on the needs of your event, parking traffic officers, parking attendants, mobile parking booth, or way-finding signage may be required. These services are provided at an additional expense.
3. Advise your guests in advance of the rules and regulations concerning parking on the CSUN campus, as well as the special arrangements that may be made with the Parking Office.
4. Parking Permits are required and to be displayed at all times on all vehicles parked on campus.
5. Parking permits are $8.00 per day per vehicle/stall. Permits can be purchased by the event host (individual or department), or by the user.
6. Permits can be purchased and/or distributed through several means: Information Booths (permanent), permit dispensers, on-line, or provided by the Parking Office.