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Orientation Day (Students Only)

We're excited to have you join us.  Information below details what students need to know when coming to campus for NSO.


ARRIVAL: For programs beginning in the morning, we suggest you arrive about 30 minutes or so prior to the event start so you can find a parking space, and navigate to the check-in location
PARKING: If you will be driving to campus, we have arranged for parking for you in student parking lots G3, G4, and F5 which are circled the "CSUN Orientation Map which can be viewed by clicking here. 
PARKING PERMIT: A one-day parking permit will be sent to all students a day or two prior to their NSO event date. You will need to print it out and place it on your dashboard if you are driving.  If you don't have access to a printer, you can obtain a one-day permit from an attendant at the parking kiosk on Nordhoff St and Lindley Ave.  NSO Leaders will also be at the parking locations with permits handing them out. They will be in Red Polos - feel free to ask them for one if you see them.  Printed permits are also available for you in the check-in area which you will need to bring to back to your vehicle.
CHECK-IN: All programs will begin at the University Student Union (USU) Plaza Del Sol. The map also indicates a circle around the USU area. 
PERSONAL ITEMS AT ORIENTATION: All items larger than a medium-sized backpack (scooters, skateboards, etc.) will need to be checked in during certain lecture-style sessions of the day. If possible, we encourage you to leave these items at home.
ORIENTATION SCHEDULE: Click the links below to view your NSO schedule which includes activities and workshop sessions.

MEALS: A light continental-type breakfast will be available as well as lunch.  

PARENTS & FAMILIES: NSO is designed for students only; however, if this is a true deterrent to having you attend Orientation, please contact the NSO office and we can assist you and try to make special accommodations/exceptions.  NOTE:  Parent/Family Day is typically held during between mid-September and mid-October.


You may have a lot of questions about what to expect! This activity allows you to learn about others' experiences at CSUN, and provides an opportunity for you to share your thoughts and feelings about coming to CSUN. We want to learn more about your perspective so that we can give future students better insight into what coming to CSUN is like. Thank you for taking time to complete this activity, which should take approximately 30 minutes.
Please visit the link to complete the activity prior to your first day of classes: 
TRANSFER: https://csun.sjc1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_37B8hID1WolJhpI



SCHEDULE OF CLASSES: It may be helpful for you to bring your schedule of classes with you, as you'll have an opportunity to identify buildings with your Orientation Leader.
WHAT TO WEAR?  Presentations take place indoors; however, the campus tour and navigating from place to place will occur outside so please keep an eye on the weather report and dress attire that makes you feel comfortable. 
ACADEMIC ADVISEMENT: While some of the NSO presentations speak to the academic process, you will not receive "Academic Advisement" (selecting courses, etc.) For information on advisement, please click this link here: https://www.csun.edu/University-Advising   Note: You can attend Orientation even if you have not yet met with an Academic Advisor. 


  • FRESHMAN FEE: Freshman orientation fees are automatically assessed and placed on student accounts. 
  • TRANSFER FEE: These are charged once you log into the NSO online system, or register for the NSO on-campus program event. The fee assessed covers the cost for BOTH program types so students attending the on-campus NSO program will automatically get to utilize the NSO online program interface and vice versa.   
  • INTERNATIONAL FEE: Freshman students will automatically get charged the fee and it will be placed on student accounts; Transfer/Graduate students will be assessed their fee once they register for NSO. 
  • WHERE ARE FEES LISTED? To view the cost for tuition and other fees visit this webpage  https://www.csun.edu/stufin/tuition, the orientation fee is listed under the "non-refundable fees & charges" drop-down list.  Payment on fees can be found on your student portal, under the “Financial Matters” page.
  • CAN’T FIND THE NSO FEE? If you are not seeing the ‘orientation fee’ then chances are that you may have already paid for it when you made your initial payment for tuition/fees.  Keep an eye on your student financial account just to be safe, and you can check with University Cash Services If you have any questions at (818) 677-8000 or university_cash_services@csun.edu.  (Reminder: Failure to pay may result in a hold blocking all University services. This is a separate fee from tuition and financial aid does not automatically pay for this fee. 

 QUESTIONS? Please visit the NSO website FAQs or contact an Orientation Coordinator at orientation@csun.edu, or by calling our department's office at (818) 677-4100.