
Karen Morgaine - Recent Publications

Morgaine, K. Forthcoming. “Positionality and Privilege in Qualitative Research: Feminist Critical Praxis.” In The Handbook of Feminist Social Work Research. Routledge Press. 

Morgaine, K. and Capous-Desyllas, Moshoula. In Press. Anti-Oppressive Social Work Practice: Putting Theory into Action. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. 

Morgaine, K. 2011. “How Would that Help Our Work?’:Domestic Violence And Human Rights on The Ground.” Violence Against Women 17(1): 6-27. 

Morgaine, K. 2009. “You Can’t Bite the Hand That Feeds You’: The State, Domestic Violence snd Human Rights.” Affilia: Journal of Women and Social Work 24(1): 31-43. 

Morgaine, K. 2007. “Domestic Violence and Human Rights: Local Challenges to a Universal Framework.” Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare 34(1): 109-129. 

Nelson, K., Morgaine, K., and Yatchmenoff, D. 2006. Supplemental Report to the Children’s Justice Act Task Force Neglect Study. Report submitted to the Oregon Children’s Justice Act Task Force.