To become a hub for the research and community engagement being done by other CSU universities and forefront work being done by other California and national universities across all disciplines so that that broader work in the field is linked to the SOEI web site for easy reference. Many of those thought and practice leaders in the field are brought together by SOEI for conversations and collaborative projects across disciplines and contexts.
To engage with and foster active, collaborative, and mutually supportive working partnerships with those agencies, foundations, and organizations at work in the region and the state dedicated to building sustainable ocean environments and/or a sustainable ocean economy.
To gather and provide easy website access to influential, informative, and innovative articles, reports, and other resources that can inform the work of those working to craft the future of the LA Region’s and California’s sustainable ocean economy.
To gather/convene, learn from, and directly connect with national and international models that can expand collaborative working relationships fostered by SOEI as well as informing regional and state approaches to developing a sustainable ocean economy.