Office of Student Success Innovations

  • TownHallFall2017

    Fall 2017 Town Hall Meeting

  • Institute for Transformative Teaching and Learning

    Spring 2018 Institute for Transformative Teaching and Learning

  • December 2016 Town Hall Audience

    December 2016 Town Hall Meeting

Office of Student Success Innovations (OSSI)


The mission of the Office of Student Success Innovations is to close the opportunity gap among our students by engaging and empowering faculty, staff, and students to work collaboratively to develop innovations that increase educational equity and student success.

By fulfilling this mission, the Office of Student Success Innovations will:

1. Build collaborative relationshipsbetween faculty staff and students in support of student success and inclusive excellence.

2. Improve educational equity by closing the opportunity gap between underserved students and their more privileged peers.

Food for Thought from the OSSI Staff

J. Luke Wood: Addressing unconscious bias to create an inclusive campus community (AACC Webinar, October 31, 2018)

Estela Bensimon: Reclaiming racial justice in equity (Change Magazine, October 16, 2018)

Frank Harris III and J. Luke Wood: Actually achieving equity (CSU GI 2025 Symposium, October 18, 2018)

Yvette DeChavez: It's time to decolonize that syllabus (LA Times, October 8, 2018)

Stephen Aguilar: On belonging in the academy (Inside Higher Ed, August 29, 2018)

Jeffrey Selingo: Why do so many students drop out of college? And what can be done about it? (Washington Post, June 8, 2018)

Kristy Michaud, Linda Bowen, Janet Oh, and Elizabeth Adams: Becoming a Student-Ready University (A Vision for Equity, March 22, 2018)

Lindsey Malcom-Piqueux and Estela Bensimon: Taking Equity-Minded Action to Close Equity Gaps (Peer Review, Spring 2017)

Kristy Michaud, Linda Bowen, Janet Oh, and Elizabeth Adams: A Data-Informed Approach to Advancing Equity (Peer Review, Spring 2017)