Student Services Center and EOP Satellite

  • Graduation Pictures

Exam Rules


Please print out and read these instructions carefully  before you come to the exam

  1. Show up at least 10 minutes before the scheduled exam time with a CSUN Picture ID PLUS one other official picture ID (ex: Drivers' license, California ID, Passport).
  2. Only the students who have made an appointment through the online system for a particular lab session are allowed to take the lab exams.  The exam proctors will call your name and assign you to a computer station.  If you are not present at least 10 minutes before the exam time, you will be marked “no show” and a penalty applies as explained in the lab website. 
  3. Please do not use any electronic devices while taking the exams, particularly cellphones and smart watches.  Any violation of this policy will result in an automatic fail in the BUS302 lab
  4. A marker pen and a transparency sheet for scratch work and a calculator will be provided. A 3x5 card is available upon request only to note the top ten concepts missed. Please do not bring any other books or materials to the exam.
  5. In the lab, check to see if your name appears on the screen.  It is important to sit at the right terminal because each student, even those taking the same LDC subject area, has a different randomly selected exam.
  6. There are no breaks allowed during the exam. 
  7. Select the Exam that you wish to take.
  8. Click the “Begin Quiz” button at the bottom of these instructions. (Your allowed time of 35 minutes starts after you click on this button.)    
  9. Maximize the screen by clicking the icon › on the right hand top corner of the screen.
  10. When you are finished with the exam, be sure to click on “Submit” and then click on “View Results”. 
  11. You are strongly asked to take two exams in the same exam session.  Each exam has 16 questions.  Be sure to save each of your answers as you take the exam because the computer will not accept your answers after the allowed time expires.
  13. Please note that the following activities will be considered as cheating on the exam and will be subject to appropriate penalties:

           a. ATTEMPT TO OPEN other programs or browser screens on the exam terminal.

           b. Writing down the text of questions to take them out of the room.

           c. Asking for help from other students or consulting books, materials, notes, etc.

           d. Attempting to log into the system from outside BB 1105.