New Student Organization Registration

The 2024 to 2025 New Student Organization Registration will become available in early September 2024. For any additional questions, please contact the Activities Coordinator, Alyssa Herrera (alyssa.herrera@csun.edu) or email micclubs@csun.edu.

Student Organization Requirements:

To start a new student organization must have:

  • Five (5) currently enrolled CSUN student members

  • University Advisor

  • Constitution

Once you have the required number of members, a university advisor, and a constitution, the president must submit the online new student organization registration form.

Starting the New Organization Registration Process

To begin the process of starting a new student organization, schedule a meeting with Activities Coordinator, Alyssa Herrera, or a Student Organizations Student assistant, through booking a New Student Organization Registration Meeting. *Please note that this link will be updated once New Student Organization Registration has opened.

During the meeting staff will provide detailed information on the registration process including:

  • Officer requirements

  • How to draft a constitution

  • Training requirements for officers

  • How to complete the online registration form

Student Organization Registration Frequently Asked Questions

What is a university advisor?

  • A University Advisor is a faculty member or professional staff member who is an employee of the CSU or one of its auxiliaries (i.e., University Student Union, Associated Students, The University Corporation)

What are the requirements to be a president or treasurer?

  • The President and Treasurer must meet the following eligibility requirements:

    • Be in good standing (not on academic, disciplinary, or administrative probation) while holding office

    • Maintain a 2.0 cumulative GPA and previous term GPA while holding office

  • Unit Load

  • Undergraduate students must earn a minimum of 6 semester units while holding office.

  • Graduate and credential students must earn 3 semester units per term while holding office.

  • Maximum Allowable Units

  • Undergraduate students are allowed to earn a maximum of 150 semester units or 125 percent of the units required for a specific baccalaureate degree objective, whichever is greater.

  • Graduate and credential students are allowed to earn a maximum of 50 semester units or 167 percent of the units required for graduate or credential objective, whichever is greater.

How do I create a constitution?

  • Depending on the type of organization you are starting you can use one of the templates Use one of the Constitution Guides below to create your constitution: *Please note that these guides are currently being updated and will be uploaded once New Student Organization Registration is available

  1. Greek Clubs and Organizations Constitution Guide

  2. Non-Greek Clubs and Organizations Constitution Guide

  3. Sport Clubs and Organizations Constitution Guide

MIC staff can provide additional support with creating the organization’s constitution. Email Activities Coordinator, Alyssa Herrera at alyssa.herrera@csun.edu.

How do I access the new student organization registration form?

The registration form is available through Matasync. After the president meets with a staff member to discuss the new organization, the registration link will be provided.

What are the required trainings?

As part of the registration process, the President and Treasurer are required to complete the Student Organization Orientation training and the alcohol safety training. The University Advisor is required to complete the alcohol safety training.