April 3, 2018
On Monday, April 2nd, we had two student teams win 2nd place and 3rd place in the CSUN 2018 AI-Jam Research Track! The second place winners (Tasti) and The third place winners (Helia Nutrition& Health) created a product to increase the accuracy of one's food log by using artificial intelligence and image recognition to track an individual's intake to improve health and increase health awareness. Students in both teams will be working with Dr. Besnilian and the Marilyn Magaram Center to continue to develop the research project.
Congratulations Students!
2nd Place Team "Tasti": Clifford Mao, Jaime Gupta, Xenji Sarabia, Anhnhat Tran, and Megan Meyers
3rd Place Team "Helia Nutrition & Health": Andrew Placeb, Ashley Santiago, Jose Serrano, Louis Hoang, and Steve Lopez
To learn more on each team's project, view their Portfolium entries here: https://portfolium.com/challenge/AIJAM2018