Marilyn Magaram Center

MMC News

The Marilyn Magaram Center News are intended to showcase and feature the events and programs the Center offers and how they impact the community within and outside of CSUN.

Student Highlights

March 16, 2021

student highlights

The Department of Family and Consumer Sciences and the Marilyn Magaram Center are committed to providing our students with financial support and opportunities for advancement in the fields of Nutrition, Dietetics and Food Science. Read more

CalFresh Updates

March 16, 2021

cal fresh healthy living

CalFresh Healthy Living is a Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education (SNAP-Ed) grant that aims to reduce obesity and chronic disease among low-income populations. The Marilyn Magaram Center and the Institute for Community Health and Wellbeing aim to inspire and empower under-served SNAP-Ed eligible participants to improve their health by promoting awareness, education, and community change through diverse partnerships, resulting in healthy eating and active living. Read more


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