Marilyn Magaram Center

Food Science

Antioxidant Research

Determining the antioxidant potential of leafy green varietals grown in aquaponic, hydroponic, and geoponic media.

Microbial Testing

Studies overall plate count of microbes from different food products developed by students (i.e. Matador Marmalade, Spicy Matador).

Gardening and Nutrient Analysis

Aims to provide an affordable nutritional analysis service for locally grown agriculture and food companies by examining different levels of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and heavy metals.

Sensory Evaluation and Analysis

Studying experimental design and statistical analysis in the scientific discipline behind the human senses for the purposes ofevaluating food products with the use of Compusense, a sensory analysis software.

Product Development

CSUN Food Science interns research food products to formulate sustainable, healthier alternatives, such as Spicy Matador’s low sodium blend and FitJam’s low to no sugar jams.

Bee a Matador: 

Preparing honey comb frames to be centrifuged and harvested for packaging and labeling locally sourced wildflower honey straight from CSUN’s Orange Grove and Botanic Garden.

Matador Marmalade:

Spicy Matadors:

Matador Sol Sauce:

Developing hot sauce without salt using habanero peppers, pineapple, and turmeric to create a well-rounded sweet heat sauce.

Matador Pro

Developing hot sauce without salt using habanero peppers, pineapple, and turmeric to create a well-rounded sweet heat sauce.1.7.

Protein-Enhanced Foods

Developing food products to provide extra protein content to foods for athletes or those with protein deficiency. Our products include protein barsand muffins and gelatin-based foods.

C SunT

Developing healthy herbal fruit teas, increasing awareness of healthier alternatives to flavored beverages and empowering people to reduce sugar-sweetened beverage intake.

Effects of a New Formula on the Growth, Safety and Tolerance of With Growth Failure (Collaboration with Nutricia)

Performing diet analysis of infant formula and food intake record using Genesis Food Processor.