Marilyn Magaram Center

Thrive With Diabetes

Thursday, January 14, 2021 - 6:00pm


FREE Online Diabetes Management Program

What can I expect to learn from this program?

    This program teaches you how to properly manage your diabetes through a number of avenues. Healthy eating and exercise are the two best ways to manage diabetes. You will also learn how to properly manage your blood sugar and medications. The program will help inspire you to stay motivated and be proactive!

Program Breakdown

    Note that because of the structure of the classes, it is best to attend all of the classes.

Meetings 1 & 6

    A 15-minute individual appointment with a Registered Dietitian to discuss the individual's unique goals.

Meetings 2 - 5

    1 Hour Group Classes:
    - Diabetes Overview(1/19)
    - Diabetes & Nutrition (1/21)
    - Monitoring & Medications (1/26)
    - Staying Motivated with Diabetes(1/28)


Individual Assessment
January 14 Time: TBD

Group Class
January 19 Time: 6pm

Group Class
January 21 Time: 6pm

Group Class
January 26 Time: 6pm

Group Class
January 28 Time: 6pm

Individual Reassessment 
February 23 Time: TBD

Location: Virtual Meetings via Zoom

How do I get started?

To register or ask questions about the program, email us at