Contact your Web-One liaison.
Web-One FAQs
How can I get started with Web-One?
How do I receive Web-One training?
Please review the training tutorials and training guides. Contact your Web-One liaison for more information.
Do we still have access to Google Analytics reports?
Yes, Google Analytics reports are available and are sent to your group admin. For more information, contact your Web-One liaison.
Can events be displayed in a calendar block format?
Yes. Information on how to set this up has been added to the Web-One Essentials User Guide (.pdf). Additionally, users can view the Adding a Calendar video tutorial.
Can I set up a blog in Web-One?
The Web-One theme is available for WordPress blogs. To request a blog instance, contact the IT Help Center.
What size is the banner in Web-One?
The Banner width is fixed (1128 pixels wide); however, the height is optional based on the image used. Recommended banner heights are 336 pixels and lower.
How many links can we include in the Web-One primary navigation bar?
The Web-One primary navigation bar allows up to seven links. You can also add drop-down menus like the current CSUN homepage. View the Web-One Group Administrator User Guide (.pdf) for more information.
Is the Web-One Constituency navigation bar optional?
Yes, this is an optional navigation bar; it can be used to provide direct links to groups of campus constituents (e.g. students, faculty, staff, prospective students, alumni, visitors) and can be added to any page in Web-One. View the Web-One Group Administrator User Guide (.pdf) for more information.
Does Web-One support drop-down menus?
Drop-down menus can be added to the primary navigation to create secondary navigation. View the Web-One Group Administrator User Guide (.pdf) for more information.
Does Web-One support hot spots to rollover content?
This is not currently available.
Does Web-One support breadcrumbs functionality?
Yes. View the Web-One Essentials User Guide (.pdf) for more information.
Can video be used in Web-One?
Yes, Web-One enables you to link to a video that resides on a video hosting site such as YouTube. View the Web-One Essentials User Guide (.pdf) for more information. Please note, all video content must be captioned for accessibility.
Can Social Media icons be used in Web-One?
Yes, Social Media icons can be placed in the body of a Web-One page or in a side block.
Can RSS feeds be used in Web-One?
Yes, an RSS feed is available for users to subscribe to the latest news and to subscribe to upcoming events.
How do I report a problem when using Web-One?
Contact the IT Help Center to report error messages or any other system issues.
How do I get help using Web-One?
Refer to the Web-One Content Owner Guide or contact the IT Help Center.
How do I request an enhancement to Web-One?
Contact your Web-One liaison who will document the requested need and submit it to the Web Coordination Group. You can also refer to Web-One Development Guidelines (.pdf) for Web-One Enhancements.
How do I find out more about content owner roles and responsibilities?
Refer to the Content Owner Roles and Responsibilities document.
How do I find out more about Web-One development guidelines?
Refer to the Web-One Development Guidelines (.pdf) document.
How do I request go-live for a Web-One website?
Step 1: Review your site in to check for any issues.
Step 2: Web-One liaisons should contact the IT Help Center and provide the following information:
- Name and contact information for group administrator who oversees the site.
- URL path (e.g., /it) of site that will “go-live” on Web-One.
- URL path exceptions for pages that temporarily will remain on the legacy web system (e.g., /itr/downloads/index.cgi) because complex changes must be made before it can be moved to Web-One.
- Requests should be made at least the Friday before “go-live” is desired.
Step 3: The new site will go-live in Web-One the Friday after it is requested, typically between 9:00am-10:00am. IT will coordinate directly with the group administrator regarding the cutover. The group administrator should be available during and after site cutover to check the site and to help resolve any linking issues that may arise on the site.
Refer to the Site Migration Guide and the Web-One Group Administrator Guide (.pdf) for detailed information regarding link aliases if not all the pages on your site go-live at once.
How do I request a new Web-One website?
Step 1: Contact your Web-One liaison to request a Web-One site for your college, division or department.
Step 2: Web-One liaisons should then Contact the IT Help Center and provide the following information:
- Group administrator name, user ID and email address
- Name of department
- List of all department numbers that fall within this group (for the people list)
- Site URL (refer to the Web-One Guidelines (.pdf)
Step 3: IT will create the Web-One site and inform the group administrator when it is ready.
- IT will create the requested Web-One site and group administrator account within 3 business days. The group administrator will be notified via email of their access and the login URL.
- IT will also create a site that will route to the group Web-One site. This will enable the group to preview and test their site before “go-live” without having to login to Web-One. This URL is only for previewing the site. To add and change content within Web-One group site, content owners must be logged into Web-One.
- IT will also update the people load table so that the people list within a department will be updated automatically on a daily basis. Groups can edit this information within Web-One (add a related web page, etc.), and the information edited in Web-One will not be overwritten.
Refer to the Site Migration Guide regarding things to consider when planning a site in Web-One.