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New Enhancements in Canvas

January 15, 2021

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As of January 4, 2021, the Rich Content Editor in Canvas has been updated to provide a condensed, more intuitive toolbar. Canvas Quiz Log Auditing is a new feature designed to investigate problems students may encounter while taking a quiz. Both features have been deployed to CSUN Canvas and will enhance your teaching experience.

New Rich Content Editor

The New Rich Content Editor is an update to the previous Canvas Rich Content Editor. It provides a condensed, more intuitive toolbar that is grouped by common icons and interactions. For a more in-depth look, the FTC has created a video overview of the New Rich Content Editor which you can find on the Academic Technology YouTube channel [LINK PENDING]. You can also learn more on the Canvas What is the New Rich Content Editor page.

Canvas Quiz Log Auditing

This Canvas Quiz Log Auditing feature is designed to help you investigate problems that a student may have while taking a quiz. The log begins when a student starts the quiz, so some logs may show that the quiz is in progress. To learn more about this feature, visit the Canvas How do I view a quiz log for a student page. Quiz Log Auditing is only available to Teacher and TA roles. If you have questions regarding any specific feature please contact