April 10, 2017
Carefully chosen RS majors have been hired as tutors specifically for RS tutoring by the Learning Resource Center (LRC) and are available for specific hours at the LRC, 3rd floor of the Oviatt Library. Students are encouraged to stop by in order to receive help studying for exams, doing homework, and for help on their essays. The LRC is a quite setting so feel free to take advantage of the opportunity to come in to do homework and study for an exam with a tutor.
You can visit the tutors in the LRC anytime Monday and Wednesday between 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. It is completely free to visit the tutors and no appointment is necessary.
Students are able to stay for any minimum amount of time. So feel free to drop by even if you have only one question or only plan to stay for five minutes. You are absolutely welcome to come in and visit. The tutors are able to see three students at a time, so feel free to invite some of your classmates to go as a group together to see the tutors.
This is a great new resource to help students succeed in their Religious Studies courses.