Jewish Studies Interdisciplinary Program

Careers - Why Major or Minor in Jewish Studies

Geometric Play With Fives and Sixes, David FriedmanPeople complete the degree and go to different graduate programs or work situations. Upon completing a JS Major or Minor, you can tell a potential employer about your skill set:

  • Skills in critical thinking and writing, critical historical analysis, socio-cultural analysis and comparative analysis of the "other" equip you for many areas in the academic, business, social-services, law, medicine and professional spheres.
  • A broad-based cultural, historical, and artistic background will help you sharpen your analytical skills and writing. A Jewish Studies degree uses a multidisciplinary approach including philosophy, history, sociology, anthropology, archaeology and theology.
  • Cultural literacy prepares you to move intelligently and sensitively through our multi-cultural society. You'll work collaboratively with people from different religious, ethnic, racial, and national backgrounds.

Here are some of the jobs our students got without any graduate work. They did have work experience or volunteer internships from the JS 390cs course (see

  • teaching in a private school (no credential required)
  • work in a community non-profit organization
  • work for a local city council member or congressman
  • computer-related work
  • business

Our majors and minors have gone on to pursue advanced degrees in:

  • law
  • education
  • business
  • journalism
  • history
  • social work
  • sociology
  • psychology
  • teaching
  • theater
  • counseling
  • the rabbinate or Christian clergy  

Corporate businesses in the U.S., as well as international business firms, are increasingly looking for strong liberal arts majors who have analytical skills and communicate well for management and marketing positions.