The Literature Option focuses on analytical reading of British and American Literature.
Literature continues
reative Writing
The Creative Writing Option provides students with the opportunity to develop narrative, verse, or playwriting skills while building a solid background of study in the literatures of Britain and America.
Creative Writing continues
nglish Subject Matter Programs
The English Subject Matter Option is designed for prospective secondary English teachers and is a state-approved waiver program. Students receive a B.A. in English and a single-subject competency waiver by completing the approved coursework with no grade below a C and maintaining a GPA of 2.99 or better; students must also complete the Subject Matter (Exit ) Interview, the English Department’s exit evaluation of single-subject competence. The Department also offers Integrated Undergraduate Teacher Credential Programs.
The Four-Year Integrated (FYI) Teacher Credential Program in English and Junior-Year Integrated (JYI) Teacher Credential Program in English are blended programs that enable students to earn a bachelor's degree in English and a single subject teaching credential as an undergraduate.
English Subject Matter Programs continues
onors Program
The Honors Option is a special program which enables students, by working independently and in seminars, to develop a strong academic background in preparation for postgraduate study in English or for entry into a variety of postgraduate fields. Admission to the program normally begins in the first semester of the junior year. Honors students are eligible to join Sigma Tau Delta, the International English Honors Society. For further information and admission to Honors Program, contact...
Honors Program continues