Saturday, March 27, 2021 - 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Location:Register for this event

Many English majors focus on careers in publishing and education, but a wide range of professions require stellar writing and communication skills; fields with good salaries and career ladders. Four CSUN English alumni will discuss their professional journeys, how they use their English degrees in their daily work, what skills and expertise students need to compete in today’s workforce, and what they wished they’d done in college to prepare for their careers.
Wafa Azeem (English Literature 2015 ) - Strategic SEO Manager, Scorpion
As an SEO manager for over 60 strategic clients, Wafa is responsible for driving in organic leads and traffic to the site by getting the clients’ keywords to rank on page one of Google.
Michael Berns (Rhetoric and Composition 2016) - Senior Marketing Manager, Wingman Marketing
Whether it’s helping clients with branding, positioning, or storytelling online, Michael not only helps his clients create a unique online persona but also manage their paid advertising and mixed media campaigns.
Shelly Thompson (English Literature 1990, Educational Administration 2010) - Director, Office of Undergraduate Studies, CSUN
System administrator for the campus e-Advising technology, Shelly responds to student inquiries and serves as a liaison for academic advising and degree requirements to the campus community.
Rachelle Yousuf (English Literature 2015) - Membership and Engagement Coordinator, CSUN Alumni
Rachelle Yousuf is the Membership and Engagement Coordinator for CSUN Alumni, overseeing programs and services that strengthen alumni engagement and increase volunteer opportunities.
Moderator: Kathy Leslie
Kathy is a CSUN English alum (BA 1989; MA 2005) and former English department faculty member who has had extensive career experience in education and business and knows how valuable the skills developed as an English major can be in building career success.