Human Interaction Research Institute

HIRI Nonprofit Research Fellowships

Next Deadline:


About the Fellowship:

The HIRI Nonprofit Research Fellowships provide support for faculty research studies on a wide range of topics about nonprofits and philanthropy. Since 2014, 46 have been awarded. Each Fellow submits a report which is placed on this webpage when the project is completed (See the list of past winners.)

Established through a permanent endowment to honor the nonprofit Human Interaction Research Institute (HIRI), which conducted research on the nonprofit sector from 1961-2014, the Fellowships are coordinated by Thomas E. Backer, PhD, and administered through the Institute for Social and Behavioral Sciences, CSUN College of Social and Behavioral Sciences


To be eligible to receive a HIRI Nonprofit Research Fellowship, an applicant must be a regular member of the faculty of CSUN's College of Social and Behavioral Sciences. Applicants may not apply if he/she currently holds a HIRI Fellowship that has not completed all requirements of the award.  Preference is given to applicants who have not previously received an award.

Application Process:

View the Call for Proposals (.pdf)

Review Process:

Applications will be reviewed by the Dean of the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, and Dr. Thomas Backer, President Emeritus of Human Interaction Research Institute and Senior Research Fellow at the College. Outside reviewers are invited as needed to evaluate specific proposals.

Award Process and Agreement:

Applicants whose research studies are selected for funding will be known as HIRI Fellows. Each HIRI Fellow will receive an email notice of award, which will serve as an agreement between the awardee and the University, and the winner must accept this agreement by return email.

Award Amount:

Up to $5,000 to cover faculty extra pay or hiring of student research assistants, or both, for the proposed research project. Release time and other research expenses cannot be covered by this grant.