Facilitated By:
Tiffany Alvoid, Attorney, Community Organizer, and Speaker
Microaggression is a term used for brief and commonplace daily verbal, behavioral, or environmental indignities, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative prejudicial slights and insults toward any group. This training focuses on the historical context that makes certain phrases offensive in an effort to help participants understand the unique perspective of marginalized groups . In this session, Tiffany Alvoid will discuss how this behavior manifests itself , the role you play and strategies you can implement to avoid microaggressions in your life .
About the Presenter:
Tiffany Alvoid is an attorney and an international speaker. In December 2019, she gave a TEDx Talk about microaggressions in the workplace. She earned a JD from UCLA School of Law with a concentration in Critical Race Theory.
Tiffany created his training in an effort to create awareness about how destructive microaggressions can be in the workplace. She conducts the training for teams to help create a more inclusive and productive work environment. In 2019, the Minority Bar Coalition of the San Francisco Bay Area awarded Tiffany the Unity Award because of her dedication to working in a unified manner to advance the cause of diversity in the legal profession.
In 2021, the National Bar Association awarded Tiffany the 40 Under 40 Award for using her juris doctor degree in innovative and community-impacting ways.
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