HERE Center


Mirna Troncoso Sawyer, PhD

Faculty Partner


Department of Health Sciences, Public Health program

Telephone: 818-677-7610





Mirna Troncoso Sawyer is an Associate Professor in Public Health in CSUN’s Department of Health Sciences. Her research interests include family and adolescent food decisions, school and community food environments, and overweight and obesity. Dr. Sawyer is currently with Dr. Nellie Duran (Dept of Family Consumer Sciences), Dr. Danielle Spratt (English Dept.) and Dr. Rosalia Garcia Torres (Dept of Family Consumer Sciences) on a program to improve faculty knowledge and attitudes related to student basic needs.

Since 2020, Dr. Sawyer and Dr. Duran, and a team of students and staff including Maria Elizondo (Coordinator of CSUN Basic Needs Food Programs) and Karla Gonzalez (Special Analyst for the CSUN Office of Student Involvement), under a CalFresh Healthy Living (CFHL) on College Campuses grant, have been delivering nutrition education classes and activities to support student health. Dr Sawyer is also involved with food security research on campus, efforts to build a Community Kitchen on campus, and a mindfulness and meditation affinity group.

Degrees Held: PhD, MPH

Non-academic interests or hobbies: Meditation, yoga, and tennis

Looking For Research Assistants/Interns?

- Yes



  • Cal Fresh Healthy Living on College campuses
  • Basic Needs/Campus Climate Study at CSUN of Faculty/Staff attitudes and knowledge of student basic needs