Family Focus Resource Center

  • Your best resource is another parent collage


December 3, 2014

Changes are coming to Early Start, California’s Early Intervention program.

Beginning January 1st, 2015, infants and toddlers who are at high risk of having substantial developmental disability due to a combination of biomedical risk factors, will be eligible for Early Start.

Some common risk factors are:

  • Prematurity
  • Health condition
  • Prenatal exposure to drugs or alcohol

Also, infants and toddlers (up to 36 months) who have a 33% delay in any single area of development will be eligible. The five developmental areas are:

  • Gross and fine motor – rolling, sitting up, crawling, walking; holding toys, using pincer grasp
  • Cognitive – learning and understanding; problem solving like how to work a puzzle or shape sorter toy
  • Adaptive skills – learning to do age-appropriate things for oneself, such as opening/closing items, feeding
  • Language and communication – babbling, talking, understanding
  • Socio-emotional – behavior and socialization with family and others

We are working with North Los Angeles County Regional Center to transition children who are currently in our Prevention program to Early Start.

For information about our Prevention program, contact Stacie Anderle at 661-294-9715.
For more information about Early Start, contact North Los Angeles County Regional Center’s Early Start intake unit at 818‐756‐6170.