Cllick on the sections below to see PPM Standard Operating Procedures.
Administrative Services
Engineering Services
PPM SOP 18-2000 FPDC Project Hand Off
PPM SOP 18-2001 Special Campus Accommodations
PPM SOP 18-2002 PPM-SETC-Teamsters Project Review Process
PPM SOP 18-2003 Facilities Condition Database Maintenance and Update
PPM SOP 18-2004 Preventative Maintenance Intervals
PPM SOP 18-2005 Vehicle Inspection
PPM SOP 18-2006 Lock Key Access Control
PPM SOP 18-2007 Unplanned Power Outage Response and Recovery
PPM SOP 19-2008 Preventive Maintenance Program
PPM SOP 19-2009 CSUN State Owned Conveyance Management
PPM SOP 23-2010 Elevator Outage and Maintenance Notice Communication
PPM SOP 23-2011 PPM Electric Cart Inspection
PPM SOP 24-2012 PPM FPDC Project Permit Validation
PPM SOP 25-2013 General MetaBIM SOP
PPM SOP 25-2014 MetaBIM Purchases and Receipt Entry
PPM SOP 25-2015 Work Control Center
PPM SOP 25-2016 Routine Work Orders
Financial Services
PPM SOP 19-3000 Cardholder Procurement Process
PPM SOP 19-3001 P-Card Statement Reconciliation Process
PPM SOP 23-3002 Master Pay Certification
PPM SOP 23-3003 Monthly Reconciliation Process
PPM SOP 23-3004 FPDC Funded Project-Tracking
PPM SOP 23-3005 Positive Pay Process
PPM SOP 23-3007 Single Item Purchase $2K and Above Procedures
Grounds Custodial and Events
PPM SOP 19-4001 Rain Event Protocol
PPM SOP 19-4002 Wood Chipper Operating Procedure and Guidelines
PPM SOP 19-4003 Trenching Excavation Safety
PPM SOP 19-6001 Sanitation and Hygiene
PPM SOP 20-7000 Events Overtime Guidelines and Eligibility Procedures