Contact Me'Laine Pemberton (x7131, in the Dean's Office to access these materials, or click a title to request via web page.

University of Nebraska- Lincoln Independent Study High School  University of Nebraska- Lincoln    Teaching & Learning  2007 104 
Knowledge Management - Volume 3 Tacit Knowledge and Innovation  Johannessen, Jon-Arild    Program Development  2016 176 
Communicating with Customers      Mgmt. & Org. Dev. 
Essential Resource for the Future of California, An      Mgmt. & Org. Dev. 
Peter Senge on Competitive Advantage  Senge, Peter    Mgmt. & Org. Dev. 
Organization and Provision of Continuing Professional Education: A Critical Review and Synthesis  Cervero, Ronald M. & Young, William H.    Adult & Cont. Ed.  27 
One Amazing Thing  Divakaruni, Chitra B.    Liberal Arts  2009 220 
Stop Acting Your Age  Thom McFadden  3L Publishing  Teaching & Learning  2017 230 
Diversity Blueprint: A Planning Manual for Colleges and Universities  University of Maryland & AAC&U  AAC&U  Higher Education  1998 137 
Liberal Learning and the Arts and Sciences Major Volume 2: Reports From The Fields  Chandler, John W., et al.  AAC&U  Higher Education  1990 226 
Unfinished Design  Johnston, J., et al.  AAC&U  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1988 77 
The Drama of Diversity & Democracy  Benally, Susan, et al.  AAC&U  Higher Education  1995 44 
Liberal Learning & the Arts of Connection for the New Academy  Benally, Suzanne  AAC&U  Higher Education  1995 40 
American Pluralism & the College Curriculum  Association of American Colleges & Univ.  AAC&U  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1995 44 
Diversity Works  Smith, Daryl  AAC&U  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1996 154 
Diversity in Higher Education  Musil, Caryn  AAC&U  Higher Education  1995 68 
To Form A More Perfect Union  Musil, Caryn, et al.  AAC&U  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1999 62 
Achieving Faculty Diversity  Smith, Daryl  AAC&U  Higher Education  1996 151 
Contemporary Understandings of Liberal Education  Schneider, Carol G., et al.  AAC&U  Higher Education  28 
Mapping Interdisciplinary Studies  Klein, Julie  AAC&U  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1999 28 
Heeding New Voices  Rice, R. Engene, et al.  AAHE  Inst. Des. & Assess.  2000 51 
Making a Place for the New American Scholar  Rice, R. Eugene  AAHE  Higher Education  1996 36 
Campus Use of the Teaching Portfolio  Anderson, Erin  AAHE  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1993 121 
Senior Faculty Considering Retirement  Ferren, Ann S.  AAHE  Higher Education  1998 30 
New Yardsticks to Measure Financial Distress  Chabotar, Kent J., et al.  AAHE  Higher Education  1996 33 
Work, Family, & the Faculty Career  Gappa, Judith M., et al.  AAHE  Higher Education  1997 31 
The Teaching Portfolio Capturing the Scholarship in Teaching  Edgaton, et al..  AAHE  Teaching & Learning  1991 63 
The Search Committee Handbook  Marchese, Theodore J.  AAHE  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1988 56 
The Disciplines Speak II  Diamond, Robert, et al.  AAHE  Higher Education  2000 234 
The Disciplines Speak  Diamond, Robert, et al.  AAHE  Higher Education  1995 167 
Departmental Assessment  Wergin, Jon, et al.  AAHE  Inst. Des. & Assess.  2000 40 
Making Outreach Visible  Driscoll, Amy, et al.  AAHE  Higher Education  1999 47 
Making the Case for Professional Service  Lynton, Ernest A.  AAHE  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1995 104 
The Collaborative Department  Wergin, Jon F.  AAHE  Higher Education  1994 128 
Making Teaching Community Property  Hutchings, Pat  AAHE  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1996 115 
Sparks of Innovation in Human-Computer Interaction  Shneiderman, Ben  Ablex  Ed. Technology  1993 387 
Managing the Whole Student Life Cycle: A Handbook for Higher Ed  Marthers, Paul  Academic Impressions  Higher Education  2022 621 
Legal Aspects of Educational Management & Practice; Vol.1  Biegal, Stuart  Academic Publishing  Higher Education  1998 393 
Legal Aspects of Educational Management & Practice; Vol.2  Biegal, Stuart  Academic Publishing  Higher Education  1998 394 
Brief Guide to U.S. Higher Education, A  American Council on Education  ACE  Higher Education  2007 63 
Collective Foresight: The Leadership Challenges for Higher Education's Future  White, Bryon P., et. al  ACE  Higher Education  2008 22 
On Q: Causing Quality in Higher Education  Seymour, Daniel  ACE ORYX  Higher Education  1992 196 
The Innovative Campus  Kliewer, Joy R.  ACE ORYX  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1999 307 
Dialogues for Diversity  Kramer, Martin  ACE ORYX  Higher Education  1994 161 
Fitting Form to Function  Weingartner, Rudolph H.  ACE ORYX  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1996 125 
The Successful President  Shaw, Kenneth A.  ACE ORYX  Higher Education  1999 130 
Challenges Facing Higher Education at the Millennium  Hirsch, Werner Z., et al.  ACE ORYX  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1999 199 
The Department Chair as Academic Leader  Hecht, Irene. et al.  ACE ORYX  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1999 280 
Transforming Higher Education  Green, Madeleine F.  ACE ORYX  Higher Education  1997 339 
Investing in Higher Education  Green, Madeleine F., et al.  ACE ORYX  Higher Education  1994 369 
Presidential Leadership  Fisher, James L., et al.  ACE ORYX  Higher Education  1996 421 
Fact Book on Higher Education  Andersen, Charles J.  ACE ORYX  Higher Education  1998 254 
External Degrees in the Information Age  Spille, Henry A., et al.  ACE ORYX  Adult & Cont. Ed.  1997 239 
The Missing Connection Between Business and the Universities  Lynton, Ernest A.  Ace/Macmillan  Higher Education  1984 174 
The Academic Dean  Tucker, Allan, et al.  ACE/Macmillan  Higher Education  1991 306 
The Art of Decision Making  Plante, Patricia R.  ACE/Macmillan  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1987 201 
The Journal of Continuing Higher Education Volume 48 Number 2  Hanniford, Barbara  ACHE  Higher Education  2000 48 
The Journal of Continuing Higher Education Volume 51 Number 1  Hanniford, Barbara  ACHE  Higher Education  2003 59 
The Journal of Continuing Higher Education Volume 51 Number 3  Hanniford, Barbara  ACHE  Higher Education  2003 59 
The Journal of Continuing Higher Education Volume 48 Number 1  Hanniford, Barbara  ACHE  Higher Education  2000 51 
The Journal of Continuing Higher Education Volume 48 Number 3  Hanniford, Barbara  ACHE  Higher Education  2000 46 
The Journal of Continuing Higher Education Volume 52 Number 3  Hanniford Barbara  ACHE  Higher Education  2004 60 
The Journal of Continuing Higher Education Volume 55 Number 3  Hanniford Barbara  ACHE  Higher Education  2007 67 
The Journal of Continuing Higher Education Volume 56 Number 3  Hanniford Barbara  ACHE  Higher Education  2008 71 
The Journal of Continuing Higher Education Volume 56 Number 2  Hanniford Barbara  ACHE  Higher Education  2008 63 
The Journal of Continuing Higher Education: Volume 65, No. 2 May - August 2017  Collins, Royce Ann  ACHE and Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group  Higher Education  2016 147 
Cold Calling Techniques (That Really Work)  Schiffman, Stephan  Adams Media Corporation  Marketing  1987 140 
Style: Ten Lessons in Clarity and Grace  Williams, Joseph M.  Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers, Inc.  Writing Reference  2000 309 
The Discipline of Market Leaders  Treacy, Michael  Addison-Wesley Publishing  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1995 208 
On Becoming a Leader  Bennis, Warren  Addison-Wesley Publishing  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1989 226 
Corporate Cultures  Deal, Terrence, et al.  Addison-Wesley Publishing  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1982 232 
Going the Distance: A Handbook for Part-Time & Adjunct Faculty Who Teach Online  Beck, Evelyn, et al.  Adjunct Advocate, Inc.  Teaching & Learning  2005 96 
Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research Vol. XIV  Smart, John C.  Agathon Press  Research  1999 499 
Issues in Integrative Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal  Journal  Alliance Printing  Ed. Technology  2006 184 
The Culture of the School & the Problem of Chang  Sarason, Seymour B.  Allyn & Bacon  Higher Education  1982 311 
Qualitative Research for Education  Bogdan, Robert, et al.  Allyn & Bacon  Research  1998 276 
Overcoming Organizational Defenses  Argyris, Chris  Allyn & Bacon  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1990 169 
Rapid Assessment Process: A Introduction  Beebe, James  Altamira Press  Inst. Des. & Assess.  2001 199 
Student Assessment-as-Learning at Alverno College  Loacker, Georgine  Alverno College Institure  Teaching & Learning  1994 148 
Self Assessment at Alverno College  Loacher, Georgine  Alverno College Institute  Teaching & Learning  2000 162 
Learning to Listen, Listening to Learn  Thompson, Kathy P. Leintz, B. Nevers, S. Witkowski  Alverno College Institute  Teaching & Learning  2007 58 
Fundamentals of Project Management: Developing Core Competencies to Help Outperform the Competition  Lewis, James P.  Amacom  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2002 148 
Generations at Work: Managing the Clach of Veterans, Boomers, Xers, and Nexters in YOur Workplace  Zemke, Ron et al.  AMACOM  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2000 280 
The Complex Universe of Alternative Postsecondary Credentials and Pathways  Brown, Jessie; Kurzweil, Martin; Ithaka S+R  American Academy of Arts & Sciences  Higher Education  2017 46 
The Daedalus Volume 126 Number 4: American Academic Profession  Altbach, Philip G.  American Academy of Arts & Sciences  Liberal Arts  1997 338 
Daedalus Volume 128 Supplement: Forty Years On  Graubard, Stephen R.  American Academy of Arts & Sciences  Liberal Arts  1999 112 
Daedalus Volume 128 Number 3: America's Museums  Anderson, Maxwell L.  American Academy of Arts & Sciences  Liberal Arts  1999 337 
Daedalus Volume 128 Number 2: The Next Generation Work In Progress  Graham, Burnett D.  American Academy of Arts & Sciences  Liberal Arts  1999 218 
The Daedalus Volume 129 Number 4: End of Tolerance - Engaging Cultural Differences  Chambers, David L.  American Academy of Arts & Sciences  Liberal Arts  2000 259 
Daedalus Volume 128 Number 1: Distinctively American  Astin, Alexander W.  American Academy of Arts & Sciences  Liberal Arts  1999 272 
Daedalus Volume 127 Number 3: Early Modernities  Berry, Mary E.  American Academy of Arts & Sciences  Liberal Arts  1998 279 
Daedalus Volume 133 Number 1  Miller, James  American Academy of Arts & Sciences  Liberal Arts  2004 103 
Lapham's Quarterly: Water, Volume XI, Number 3, Summer 2018  Lapham, Lewis H.  American Agora Foundation Inc.  Liberal Arts  2018 219 
Lapham  Lapham, Lewis H.  American Agora Foundation Inc.  Liberal Arts  2019 219 
Beyond 2020 envisioning the future of universities in america  Daren Mary Landon  American Council of Education  Higher Education  2009 219 
Distributed Education: Summary of a Six-Part Series  Various  American Council on Education  Ed. Technology  2003 21 
The How To Grants Manual (3rd Ed.)  Bauer, David G.  American Council on Education, Oryx Press  Fundraising  1995 234 
Extreme Teams  Shaw, Robert B.  American Management Association  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2017 212 
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association    American Psychological Association  Writing Reference  2001 439 
The Web of Lif  Capra, Fritjof  Anchor Books  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1996 347 
The Broken Image: Man, Science and Society  Matson, Floyd W.  Anchor Books  Liberal Arts  1964 342 
To Improve the Academy Volume 25  Robertson, Douglas Reimondo  Anker  Inst. Des. & Assess.  2007 389 
The Teaching Portfolio  Seldin, Peter  Anker Publishing  Teaching & Learning  1997 268 
Making Teaching and Learning Visible: Course Portfolios and the Peer Review of Teaching  Bernstein, Daniel, et al.  Anker Publishing  Teaching & Learning  2006 234 
The Learning Paradigm Colleg  Tagg, John  Anker Publishing  Higher Education  2003 379 
Assessing Academic Programs in Higher Education  Allen, Mary J.  Anker Publishing  Inst. Des. & Assess.  2004 193 
The Course Syllabus: A Learning-Centered Approac  Gruneert, Judith  Anker Publishing  Teaching & Learning  1997 97 
Interactive Learning  Brown, David  Anker Publishing  Teaching & Learning  2000 282 
The Learning Portfolio  Zubizarreta, John  Anker Publishing  Inst. Des. & Assess.  2004 257 
Departments that Work  Wergin, Jon F.  Anker Publishing  Higher Education  2003 156 
Academic Life  Bennett, John B.  Anker Publishing  Higher Education  2003 198 
Adult Learners in the Academy  Bash, Lee  Anker Publishing  Teaching & Learning  2003 230 
Awakening the Academy  Wilms, Wellford W., et al.  Anker Publishing  Higher Education  2002 251 
Reinventing Ourselves: Interdisciplinary Education, Collaborative Learning, and Experimentation in Higher Education  Smith, Barbara Leigh, et al.  Anker Publishing Company, Inc.  Higher Education  2001 474 
Assessing Student Learning: A Common Sense Guide  Suskie, Linda  Anker Publishing Company, Inc.  Inst. Des. & Assess.  2004 331 
The Journal of Diversity in Higher Education Volume 1 Number 3  Caroline Sotello Viernas Turner et al  APA  Higher Education  2008 
The Journal of Diversity in Higher Education Volume 1 Number 1  Cook, Richard J. et al  APA  Higher Education  2008 
Benchmarking and Organizational Change  Qayoumi, Mohammad H.  APPA  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2000 83 
Design Thinking Methodology Book  Yayici, Emrah  ArtBizTech  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2016 114 
Marketing Myopia  Levitt, Theodore  Article  Marketing  2004 11 
The Learning Leader: How to Focus School Improvement for Better Results  Reeves, Douglas B.  ASCD  Inst. Des. & Assess.  2006 220 
The Art and Science of Teaching  Marzano, Robert J.  ASCD  Teaching & Learning  2007 221 
Checking for Understanding Formative Assess Tech for classrm  Fisher, Douglas and Nancy Frey  ASCD  Inst. Des. & Assess.  2007 158 
How to Give Effective Feedback to your Students  Brookhart Susan  ASCD  Teaching & Learning  2008 121 
Getting to got it  Garner Betty  ASCD  Teaching & Learning  2007 168 
Managining Diverse Classrooms  Rothstein-Fisch Carrie  ASCD  Teaching & Learning  2008 195 
Mobilizing the Community  Price Hugh  ASCD  Teaching & Learning  2008 141 
Faculty Research Performance  Creswell, John W.  ASHE  Higher Education  1985 76 
Discipline with Dignity  Curwin, R.L., Mendler, A.N., & Mendler, B.D  Assoc. for Supervision & Curriculum Development  Teaching & Learning  2008 251 
Results Now: How Can We Achieve Unprecedented Improvements in Teachng and Learning  Schmoker, Mike  Association for Supervision and Cirriculum Development  Teaching & Learning  2006 196 
Interdisciplinary Curriculum: Design and Implementation  Jacobs, Heidi  Association for Supervision and Curriculum Develop  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1989 97 
The Transfer Challeng  Wechsler, Harold  Association of American Colleges  Higher Education  1989 74 
The Challenge of Connecting Learning Volume 1  Brownlee, Paula P., et al.  Association of American Colleges  Teaching & Learning  1990 33 
Learning for the Common Good  Jeavons, Thomas  Association of American Colleges  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1991 82 
Integrity in the College Curriculum    Association of American Colleges  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1985 47 
Strong Foundations  Gaff, Jerry G.  Association of American Colleges  Higher Education  1994 70 
Core Curriculum and Cultural Pluralism  Schmitz, Betty  Association of American Colleges  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1992 127 
Program Review & Educational Quality in the Major    Association of American Colleges  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1992 32 
General Education: The Changing Agenda  Gaff, Jeff G.  Association of American Colleges and Universities  Higher Education  1999 20 
Liberal Learning and the Arts and Sciences Major Volume 3: Program Review and Educational Quality in the Major    Association of American Colleges and Universities  Higher Education  1992 31 
Corporate Quality Universities: Lessons in Building a World-Class Work Force  Meister, Jeanne C.  ASTD  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1994 255 
Leaving ADDIE for SAM: An Agile Model for Developing the Best Learning Experiences  Allen, Michael and Sites, Richard  ASTD Press  Inst. Des. & Assess.  2012 202 
Distance Learners in Higher Education  Gibson, Chere Campbell  Atwood Publishing  Ed. Technology  1998 156 
The Distance Education Balance Sheet  Shearer, Rick L.  Atwood Publishing  Ed. Technology  2004 21 
Audio-Tech Business Book Summaries: Ten Deadly Marketing Sins  Kotler, Phillip  Audio-Tech  Marketing  2004  
Audio-Tech Business Book Summaries: The Future of Work  Malone, Thomas W.  Audio-Tech  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2004  
Audio-Tech Business Book Summaries: The Balance Scorecard  Kaplan, Robert S.  Audio-Tech  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1996  
Audio-Tech Business Book Summaries: Conquering Complexity in Your Business  George, Michael L.  Audio-Tech  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2004  
Audio-Tech Business Book Summaries: The Origins of the Brands  Ries, Al  Audio-Tech  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2004  
Audio-Tech Business Book Summaries: The Hidden Power of Social Networks  Cross, Rob  Audio-Tech  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2004  
Audio-Tech Business Book Summaries: Change Without Pain  Abrahamson, Eric  Audio-Tech  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2004  
Audio-Tech Business Book Summaries: Heads Up  McGee, Kenneth G.  Audio-Tech  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2004  
Audio-Tech Business Book Summaries: Top Grading  Smart, Bradford D.  Audio-Tech  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1999  
Audio-Tech Business Book Summaries: Built to Last  Collins, James C.  Audio-Tech  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1994  
Audio-Tech Business Book Summaries: Juice  Schwartz, Evan I.  Audio-Tech  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2004  
Audio-Tech Business Book Summaries: Seeing What's Next  Christensen,Clayton M.  Audio-Tech  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2004  
Audio-Tech Business Book Summaries: World Out of Balance  Laudicina, Paul A.  Audio-Tech  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2004  
Audio-Tech Business Book Summaries: The Wisdom of Crowds  Surowiecki, James  Audio-Tech  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2004  
Audio-Tech Business Book Summaries: The Medici Effect  Johansson, Franz  Audio-Tech  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2004  
Audio-Tech Business Book Summaries: Secrets of the Business Masters (part 2)  unknown  Audio-Tech  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.   
Audio-Tech Business Book Summaries: The Underdog Advantage  Morey, David  Audio-Tech  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2004  
Audio-Tech Business Book Summaries: The Innovators Dilemma  Christensen, Clayton, et al.  Audio-Tech  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1997  
Audio-Tech Business Book Summaries: Good to Great  Collins, Jim  Audio-Tech  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2002  
Audio-Tech Business Book Summaries: 7 Habits of Highly Effective People  Covey, Stephen R.  Audio-Tech  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1995  
Audio-Tech Business Book Summaries: Primal Leadership  Goleman, Daniel, et al.  Audio-Tech  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2002  
Audio-Tech Business Book Summaries: Predictable Surprises  Baserman, Max H.  Audio-Tech  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2004  
Audio-Tech Business Book Summaries: How Industries Evolve  McGahan, Anita M.  Audio-Tech  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2005  
Audio-Tech Business Book Summaries: Fast Second  Markides, Constanitos C.  Audio-Tech  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2005  
Audio-Tech Business Book Summaries: Secrets of the Business Masters (part 1)  unknown  Audio-Tech  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.   
Audio-Tech Business Book Summaries: Breakthrough  Davidson, Bill  Audio-Tech  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2004  
Noah: First Time Boater Arker - Philosopher  Viggo P. Hansen Ph.D.  AuthorHouse  Program Development  2010 125 
Jihad vs. McWorld  Barber, Benjamin R.  Ballantine Books  Liberal Arts  1995 389 
The Great Thoughts  Seldes, George  Ballentine Books  Liberal Arts  1985 487 
Leader Effectiveness Training: The No-Lose Way to Release the Productive Potential of People  Gordon, Thomas  Bantam Books  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1977 278 
Little Red Book of Selling: 12.5 Principles of Sales Greatness, How to Make Sales Forever  Gitomer, Jeffrey  Bard Press  Marketing  2004 219 
The New Education  Davidson, Cathy  Basic Books  Higher Education  2017 318 
The Rise of the Creative Class  Florida, Richard  Basic Books  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2002 434 
Multiple Intelligences  Gardner, Howard  Basic Books  Teaching & Learning  1993 304 
A Conflict of Visions  Sowelll, Thomas  Basic Books  Liberal Arts  2007 329 
Creating Minds  Gardner, Howard  Basic Books  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1993 464 
Frames of Mind  Gardner, Howard  Basic Books  Teaching & Learning  1983 440 
Harnessing Complexity: Organizational Implications of a Scientific Frontier  Axelrod, Robert et al.  Basic Books  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2000 184 
The Reflective Practitioner  Schon, Donald A.  Basic Books  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1983 374 
The Unschooled Mind  Gardner, Howard  Basic Books  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1991 303 
Leading Minds  Gardner, Howard  Basic Books  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1995 400 
Art, Mind, & Brain  Gardner, Howard  Basic Books  Teaching & Learning  1982 380 
Who's Your City  Florida, Richard  Basic Books  Liberal Arts  2008 374 
Making Public Policy  Kelman, Steven  Basic Books  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1987 321 
Bureaucracy: What Government Agencies Do and Why They Do It  Wilson, James Q.  Basic Books  Liberal Arts  1989 433 
The Power of Their Ideas  Meier, Deborah  Beacon Press  Higher Education  1995 190 
All Souls: A Family Story from Southie  MacDonald, Michael Patrick  Beacon Press  Liberal Arts  1999 266 
The Symbolism of Evil  Ricoeur, Paul  Beacon Press  Liberal Arts  1967 362 
Gather at the Table: The Healing Journey of a Daughter of Slavery and a Son of the Slave Trade  Dewolf, Thomas N. & Morgan, Sharon L.  Beacon Press  Liberal Arts  2012 206 
Leadership Without Easy Answers  Heifetz, Ronald A.  Belknap Press  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1994 348 
The People's Univeristy: A History of the California State University  Gerth Donald  Berkeley Public Policy Press  Higher Education  2010 664 
California Management Review Volume 51 Number 3  Beckman Sara  Berkley  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2009 152 
Eat That Frog!  Tracy, Brian  Berrett-Koehler  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2001 129 
301 More Ways to Have Fun at Work  Hemsath, Dave  Berrett-Koehler  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2001 206 
The Influence Edg  Vengel, Alan A.  Berrett-Koehler  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2000 106 
It's The Way You Say It  Carol A. Fleming, PhD  Berrett-Koehler  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2013 239 
Open Space Technology - User's Guide  Owen, Harrison  Berrett-Koehler  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1997 175 
Synchronicity: The Inner Path of Leadership  Jaworski, Joseph  Berrett-Koehler  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1996 213 
Smart Thinking for Crazy Times  Mitroff, Ian  Berrett-Koehler  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1998 169 
Leadership and the New Science: Discovering Order in a Chaotic World  Wheatley, Margaret J.  Berrett-Koehler Publishers  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1999 177 
Leadership and the New Science: Learning about Organization from an Orderly Universe  Wheatley, Margaret J.  Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1994 166 
They Just Don't Get It! Changing Resistance into Understanding  Yerkes, Leslie, et al.  Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2005 143 
Conversational Intelligence How Great Leaders Build Trust and Get Extraordinary Results  Judith E. Glaser  Bibliomotion  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2014 230 
Distance Education in Transition  Peters, Otto  Bibliotheks  Ed. Technology  2002 181 
The Cost of Open Learning  Hulsman, Thomas  Bibliotheks  Inst. Des. & Assess.  2000 165 
Distance Education in Essence  Holmberg, Borge  Bibliotheks  Ed. Technology  2001 113 
The Service Innovation Handbook  Kimbell, Lucy  BIS Publisher  Teaching & Learning  2014 240 
Literary Criticism of Dante Alighieri  Haller, Robert  Bison  Liberal Arts  1973 192 
Making Sense of the Organization  Weick, Karl E.  Blackwell Publishing  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2001 483 
Designing a High-Performance Organization  Lytle, William O.  Block/Petrella/Weisbord  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1998 423 
The Book of Beautiful Questions  Berger, Warren  Bloomsbury Publishing  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2018 271 
A More Beautiful Question  Berger, Warren  Bloomsbury Publishing  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2014 260 
At Ease, Professionally: An Etiquette Guide for the Business Arena  Klinkenberg, Hilka  Bonus Books  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1992 268 
Advancing the University from Within: Expectations  Woods, James A.  Boston College  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2004 145 
The Coaching Habit: Say Less, Ask More & Change The Way You Lead Forever  Michael Bungay Stanier  Box of Crayons P  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2016 220 
Policy Paradox  Stone, Deborah  Brandeis University  Higher Education  1997 394 
The Future of Work: Robots, AI, and Automation  West, Darrell M.   Brookings Institution Press  Ed. Technology  2018 205 
Of Boys and Men: Why the Modern Male Is Struggling, Why It Matters, and What to Do about It  Reeves, Richard   Brookings Institution Press  Sustainability and the New Economy  2022 256 
Key Issues in the New Knowledge Management  Firestone, Joseph M., et al.  Butterworth-Heinemann  Program Development  2003 350 
California Management Review Volume 46 Number 4  Vogel, David  CA Management Review, UNV of CA Berkeley  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2004 142 
State of Learning: The Report, A  Slaughter, John  California Citizens Commission  Higher Education  1998 32 
State of Learning: Blueprint, A  Slaughter, John  California Citizens Commission  Higher Education  1998 93 
The Measure of Reality  Crosby, Alfred  Cambridge  Liberal Arts  1997 245 
Situated Learning  Lave, Jean, et al.  Cambridge  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1991 138 
Biodesign: The Process of Innovating Medical Technologies  Yock et al  Cambridge University Press  Inst. Des. & Assess.  2015 816 
Self-Efficacy in Changing Societies  Bandura, Albert  Cambridge University Press  Liberal Arts  1995 320 
The Learning Paradox: Gaining Security by Rediscovering the Joy of Learning  Harris, Jim  Canadian Cataloging  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1997 361 
Learning to Fly  Collison, Chris, et al.  Capstone Publishing Limited  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2004 312 
Journal of Education & Work Volume 14 Number 1  Lauder, Hugh  Carfax Publishing  Adult & Cont. Ed.  2001 173 
Journal of Education & Work Volume 14 Number 3  Lauder, Hugh  Carfax Publishing  Adult & Cont. Ed.  2001 161 
The Learning Industry  Eurich, Nell  Carnegie Foundation  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1990 295 
Scholarship Reconsidered/Priorities of the Professoriate  Boyer, Ernesr L.  Carnegie Foundation  Higher Education  1990 147 
L.A. & Orange Counties Community Colleges: Powering Economic Opportunity  Mitra, Somjita et al.  Center for a Competitive Workforce  Community & Economic Development  2017 94 
Building Resilency: How to Thrive in Times of Change  Pulley, Mary L. & Wakefield, Michael  Center for Creative Leadership  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2001 26 
Managing Conflict with Peers  Cartwright, Talula  Center for Creative Leadership  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2003 27 
Keeping your career on Track  Chappelow, Craig & at al  Center for Creative Leadership  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2001 30 
Changing Faces, Changing Places: Mapping Southern Californians  Allen, James P. & Turner, Eugene  Center for Geographical Studies  Liberal Arts  2002 57 
Challenge for Governance: a National Report  Tierney, William G.  Center for Higher Education Policy Analysis  Research  2003 16 
Distance Learning: Academic and Political Challenges for Higher Ed.  Eaton, Judith  CHEA Publication Dept.  Ed. Technology  2001 18 
Accreditation and Assuring Quality n Distance Learning  CHEA  CHEA Publications Dept.  Inst. Des. & Assess.  2002 18 
Assuring Quality in Distance Learning  Phipps, Ronald, et al.  CHEA Publications Dept.  Ed. Technology  1998 36 
Distance Learning in Higher Education CHEA update #2  CHEA  CHEA Publications Dept.  Ed. Technology  1999 15 
All the Essential Half-Truths about Higher Education  O'Brien, George D.  Chicago Press  Higher Education  1998 243 
The Vocation of a Teacher  Booth, Wayne C.  Chicago Univ. Press  Teaching & Learning  1988 352 
Liberal Education & the Modern University  Wegener, Charles  Chicago Univ. Press  Higher Education  1978 163 
The Unsentimental Education  Writers, et al.  Chicago Univ. Press  Higher Education  1992 256 
Higher Education Abstracts Volume 36, Number 1  McLaughlin, Bonny M.  Claremont Graduate University  Higher Education  2001 99 
Higher Education Abstracts Volume 37, Number 1  Anderson, Sonya  Claremont Graduate University  Higher Education  2000 147 
They Teach That In College? (A Resource Guide to More Than 95 Interesting College Majors)  Mokes, Andrew  College & Career Press, LLC  Higher Education  2008 342 
The Innovator's Dilemma  Christensen, Clayton M.  Collins Business Essentials  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2000 320 
Solving Problems with Design Thinking  Jeanne Liedka, Andrew King, and Kevin Bennett  Columbia University Press  Inst. Des. & Assess.  2013 216 
Critique & Conviction: Conversations with Francois Azouvi and Marc de Launay  Ricoeur, Paul  Columbia University Press  Liberal Arts  1998 194 
The Classic Touc  Clemens, John K.  Contemporary Books  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1999 298 
Words That Sell  Bayan, Richard  Contemporary Books  Marketing  1984 127 
The American University  Ehrenberg, Ronald  Cornell University Press  Higher Education  1997 171 
Doctoral Education and the Faculty of the Future  Ehrenberg Roanald and Kuh Charlotte V  Cornell University Press  Higher Education  2009 308 
Creation of the Future the  Rhodes Frank H  Cornell University Press  Higher Education  2001 265 
Changing by Design  Zell, Deone  Cornell University Press  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1997 180 
Monday Morning Leadership: 8 Mentoring Sessions You Can't Afford to Miss  Cottrell, David  CornerStone Leadership Institute  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2002 110 
Keys to Curriculum Mapping: Strategies and Tools to Make It Work  Udelhofen, Susan  Corwin Press  Inst. Des. & Assess.  2005 97 
Foreign Affairs Vol. 97 No. 3: Is Democracy Dying?  Rose, Gideon  Council on Foreign Relations  Research  2018 211 
Foreign Affairs Volume 85 Number 4: The Rise of India  Hoge, James F.  Council on Foreign Relations  Research  2006 202 
Foreign Affairs Volume 86 Number 1: Do No Harm  Hoge, James F.  Council on Foreign Relations  Research  2007 184 
Foreign Affairs Volume 86 Number 2: Gulf Wars  Hoge, James F.  Council on Foreign Relations  Research  2007 184 
How To Outsmart Your Brain: Using Your Emotions to Make the Best Decisions At Work  Marcia Reynolds  Covisioning  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2002 69 
How To Outsmart Your Brain: How to Make Success Feel Easy  Marcia Reynolds  Covisioning  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2004 127 
How To Outsmart Your Brain  Marcia Reynolds  Covisioning  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2002 61 
Knowledge Management in Practice  Rhem, Anthony J.  CRC Press; Taylor & Francis Group  Program Development  2017 375 
Creative Confidence  Kelly, T. & Kelley, D.   Crown Business  Teaching & Learning  2013 288 
32 ways t be a Champios in Business  Johnson Earvin Magic  Crown Business  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2007 299 
News vs. Entertainment: Does is matter if the line disappears?  CSUN & The George Washington University  CSUN  Teaching & Learning  1999  
Co-opetition  Brandenburger, Adam, et al.  Currency Doubleday  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1996 290 
Dance of Change: The Challenges to Sustaining Momentum in Learning Organizations (A Fifth Discipline Resource)  Senge, Peter, et al.  Currency/Doubleday  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1999 596 
Managing Transitions: Making the Most of Change  Bridges, William, PhD  Da Capo Press  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1991 169 
Effective Communication in the Workplace  David L. Lewis  David L. Lewis  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2019 186 
About Understanding  Fuglesang, Andreas  Decade Media Books  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1982 231 
Soar with your Strengths  Clifton, Donald D., et al.  Dell Publishing  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1992 193 
The First of Everything  Sanders, Dennis  Dell Publishing Co.  Liberal Arts  1979 384 
Success in On-line Learning  Kramer, Candice  Delmar Thomson Hearing  Teaching & Learning  2002 248 
Sketching User Experiences  Buxton, Bill  Diane Cerra  Inst. Des. & Assess.  2007 419 
The Ten Faces of Innovation  Kelley, Tom & Littman, Jonathan  Doubleday  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2005 266 
The Art of Innovation  Kelley, Tom et. al  Doubleday Business  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2001 320 
The Fifth Discipline: The Art & Practice of the Learning Organization  Senge, Peter M.  Doubleday/Currancy  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1990 424 
Illustrating Nature  Barlowe, Dorothea, et al.  Dover  Liberal Arts  1982 111 
Boundary Layer People Immigration & Education: America  Hansen, Viggo P.  Dreams & Hopes  Community & Economic Development  2010 282 
Universities and the Future of America  Bok Derek  Duke University Press  Higher Education  1990 135 
Common Knowledge Volume 9 Number 1: Peace and Mind  Perl, Jeffery M.  Duke University Press  Liberal Arts  2003 178 
The Politics of Liberal Education  Gless, Paryl J., et al.  Duke University Press  Higher Education  1992 305 
Job Descriptions for Film, Video & CGI  Hines, William E.  ED-Venture Films/Books  Writing Reference  1999 342 
Answers in the Tool Box  Adelman, Clifford  Education Publications Center  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1999 124 
The Educational Enterprise; A  Fujimoto, Jack, et al.  Educational Leadership Program/Cohort Six  Higher Education  1998 368 
The Educational Enterprise; B  Fujimoto, Jack, et al.  Educational Leadership Program/Cohort Six  Higher Education  1999 403 
Altering the Structure & Culture of Schooling  Fadem, Joel A., et al.  Educational Leadership Program/Cohort Six  Higher Education  1999 512 
Knowledge Management in Theory and Practice  Dalkir, Kimiz  Elsevier Butterworth Heinemann  Program Development  2005 356 
The Fundraising Habits of Supremely Successful Boards  Panas, Jerold  Emerson & Church, Publishers  Fundraising  2010 112 
Ask without Fear  Pitman, Marc  Executive Books  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2008 93 
That Used to be Us  Friedman, L. Thomas, et. al.  Farrar, Straus and Giroux  Sustainability and the New Economy  2011 380 
The World is Flat  Friedman, Thomas L.  Farrar, Straus and Giroux  Liberal Arts  2005 488 
The Sense of Reality  Berlin, Isaiah  Farrar, Straus, & Giroux  Liberal Arts  1996 278 
Zapp!: The Lightening of Empowerment  Byham, William C.  Fawcett Columbine  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1988 197 
Invitation to Lifelong Learning  Gross, Ronald  Follett  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1982 287 
Fallible Man  Ricoeur, Paul  Fordham Univeristy Press  Liberal Arts  1986 
Figuring the Sacred: Religion, Narrative, and Imagination  Ricoeur, Paul  Fortress Press  Liberal Arts  1995 340 
The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness  Covey, Stephen R.  Free Press  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2004 408 
Managing Professional People  Shapiro, Albert  Free Press  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1985 252 
On Leadership  Gardner, John  Free Press  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1990 220 
What Management Is  Magretta, Joan  Free Press  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2002 244 
Excellent Sheep- The Miseducation of The American Elite & The way to a meaningful life   Deresiewicz, William  Free Press  Teaching & Learning  2014 245 
Vision, Values and Courage  Snyder, N., et al.  Free Press  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1994 270 
Innovation Nation: How America is Losing Its Innovation Edge, Why It Matters, and What We Can Do to Get It Back  Kao, John  Free Press  Liberal Arts  2007 306 
The Nurture Assumption  Harris, Judith  Free Press  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1998 460 
Diffusion of Innovations Fifth Edition  Rogers, Everett M.  Free Press  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2003 471 
Managing the Professional Service Firm  Maister, David H.  Free Press  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1993 376 
The Aims of Education  Whitehead, Alfred N.  Free Press  Higher Education  1929 165 
Web Accessibility: Web Standards and Regulatory Compliance  Thatcher, Jim et. al  friendsofed  Ed. Technology  2006 
Black Crosses off my Wingtip  Kennedy, I. F.  General Store  Liberal Arts  1995 181 
The Department Chair (New Roles, Responsibilities and Challenges)  Seagren, et al.  George Washington Univ.  Higher Education  1993 116 
The Vitality of Senior Faculty Members  Bland, Carol J., et al.  George Washington Univ.  Higher Education  1997 167 
Faculty Job Satisfaction  Tack, Martha W., et al.  George Washington Univ.  Higher Education  1992 126 
Enhancing Promotion, Tenure, & Beyond  Tierney, et al.  George Washington Univ.  Higher Education  1994 110 
Early Intervention Programs  Fenske, Robert, et al.  George Washington Univ.  Higher Education  1997 136 
Culture for Academic Excellence, A  Freed, Jann E., et al.  George Washington Univ.  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1997 191 
Affirmative Rhetoric, Negative Action  Washington, Valora, et al.  George Washington Univ.  Higher Education  1989 115 
Taking Teaching Seriously  Michael, Paulsen, et al.  George Washington Univ.  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1995 187 
Models for Improving College Teaching  Travis, Jon E.  George Washington Univ.  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1995 137 
Faculty Workload Studies  Meyer, Katrina A.  George Washington Univ.  Higher Education  1998 129 
Tenure, Promotion, & Reappointment  Baez, Benjamin, et al.  George Washington Univ.  Higher Education  1995 203 
Clashing of Symbols, A  O'Callaghan, Phyllis  Georgetown Univ. Press  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1988 156 
Envisioning Information  Tufte, Edward R.  Graphics Press  Teaching & Learning  1990 126 
Visual Explanations  Tufte, Edward R.  Graphics Press  Teaching & Learning  1997 156 
The Visual Display of Quantitative Information  Tufte, Edward R.  Graphics Press  Teaching & Learning  2001 197 
The Politics of Organizational Chang  Mangham, Iain  Greenwood Press  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1979 221 
The Politics and Processes of Scholarship  Moxley, Joseph M.  Greenwood Press  Higher Education  1995 263 
Woe is I: The Grammarphobe's Guide to Better English in Plain English  O'Conner, Patricia T.  Grosset/Putnam  Writing Reference  1996 227 
Bottom-Line Training  Ford, Donald J.  Gulf Publishing Company  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1999 316 
Nobody Ever Gets Credit for Fixing Problems that Never Happened  Repenning, et al.  Haas Business School  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2001 24 
Sensemaking: The Power of the Humanities in the Age of the Algortithm  Madsbjerg, Christian  Hachette Book Group  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2017 211 
Free Agent Nation  Pink Daniel  Hachette Book Group USA  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2002 376 
Ways of World Making  Goodman, Nelson  Hackett  Liberal Arts  1978 148 
The Little Princ  De Saint-Exupery, Antoine  Harcourt  Liberal Arts  1943 83 
American Democracy and the Public Good  Kelman, Steven  Harcourt Brace College Publishers  Liberal Arts  1996 845 
Jamming  Kao, John  Harper Business  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1996 204 
The Wisdom of Teams  Katzenbach, et al.  Harper Business  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1993 320 
The Right Fight  Joni Saj-Nicole et al  Harper Business  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2010 234 
The Dilbert Principl  Adams, Scott  Harper Business  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1996 336 
The Leadership Engin  Tichy, Noel M.  Harper Business  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1997 367 
Change by Design   Tim Brown  Harper Business   Inst. Des. & Assess.  2009 264 
Leaders: Strategies for Taking Charge  Bennis, et al.  Harper Business  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1985 227 
Dogbert's Top Secret Management Handbook  Adams Scott  Harper Business  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1996 
Good to Great  Collins, Jim  Harper Business  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2001 287 
Etiquette  Post, Peggy  Harper Collins  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1997 845 
Data Smog  Shenk, David  Harper Edge  Ed. Technology  1997 256 
Ingenius: A Crash Course on Creativity  Seelig, Tina  Harper One  Marketing  2012 216 
Civility  Carter, Stephen L.  Harper Perennial  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1998 338 
Emily Post on Etiquette  Post, Elizabeth  Harper Perennial  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1995 195 
Leadership  Burns, James M.  Harper Torchbooks  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1978 507 
The Etiquette Advantage in Business  Post, Peter, et al.  HarperColins Publishers  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2014 338 
The Shift future of work is already here  Gratton, Lynda  HarperCollins Publishers  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2011 374 
Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience  Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi  HarperCollins Publishers  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1990 336 
Academic Duty  Kennedy, Donald  Harvard  Higher Education  1997 302 
Winning in Emerging Markets: A Road Map for Strategy and Execution  Khanna, Tarun & Palepu, Krishna G.  Harvard Business Press  Marketing  2010 247 
What Leaders Really Do  Kotter, John P.  Harvard Business Review  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1999 171 
Selling to the Moneyed Masses  Nunes, Paul F. et al  Harvard Business Review  Marketing  2004 10 
Emotional Intelligence: Mindfulness  Harvard Business Review Press  Harvard Business Review Press  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2017 115 
Emotional Intelligence: Empathy  Harvard Business Review Press  Harvard Business Review Press  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2017 130 
How to Be Good at Performance Appraisals  Dick Grote  Harvard Business Review Press  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2011 218 
Emotional Intelligence: Resilience  Harvard Business Review Press  Harvard Business Review Press  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2017 120 
Shine Using Brain Science to Get the Best from Your People  Edward M. Hallowell, MD  Harvard Business Review Press  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2011 197 
Emotional Intelligence: Happiness  Harvard Business Review Press  Harvard Business Review Press  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2017 155 
Guide to Giving Effective Feedback  Harvard Business Review  Harvard Business Review Press  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2011 60 
Buy In: Saving Your Good Idea From Getting Shot Down  Kotter, John P. & Whitehead, Lorne A.  Harvard Business Review Press  Marketing  2010 192 
HBR Guide to Making Every Meeting Matter  Harvard Business Review Press  Harvard Business Review Press  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2016 217 
HBR Guide to Leading Teams  Harvard Business Review Press  Harvard Business Review Press  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2015 159 
HBR Guide to Delivering Effective Feedback  Harvard Business Review Press  Harvard Business Review Press  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2016 196 
HBR Guide to Coaching Employees  Harvard Business Review Press  Harvard Business Review Press  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2015 161 
Negotiation and Conflict Resolution  Harvard Business Review  Harvard Business School Press  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2000 228 
Value Migration  Slywotzky, Adrian  Harvard Business School Press  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1996 314 
Beyond HR The New Science of Human Capital  Boudreau John and Ramstad Peter  Harvard Business School Press  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2007 255 
More Than A Motorcycle  Teerlink, et al.  Harvard Business School Press  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2000 278 
Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant  W. Chan Kim, et al.  Harvard Business School Press  Marketing  2005 238 
Breaking the Code of Change  Beer, Michael, et al.  Harvard Business School Press  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2000 507 
When Sparks Fly  Leonard, Dorothy, et al.  Harvard Business School Press  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1999 206 
Serious Play  Schrage, Michael  Harvard Business School Press  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2000 234 
In Good Company  Cohen, et al..  Harvard Business School Press  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2001 214 
The Age of Unreason  Handy, Charles  Harvard Business School Press  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1989 278 
Five Minds For The Future  Gardner, Howard  Harvard Business School Press  Teaching & Learning  2007 196 
Seeing Differently  Brown, John S.  Harvard Business School Press  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1997 245 
The Social Life of Information  Brown, John, et al.  Harvard Business School Press  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2000 330 
10 Rules for Strategic Innovators  Govindarajan, Vijay, et. al  Harvard Business School Press  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2005 224 
Harvard Business Review on Innovation (8 articles)  various  Harvard Business School Press  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2001 240 
Geeks and Geezers  Bennis, Warren G.  Harvard Business School Press  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2002 223 
Managing Across Borders  Bartlett, et al.  Harvard Business School Press  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1989 274 
The Balanced Scorecard  Kaplan, Norton  Harvard Business School Press  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1996 322 
Off Ramps and On Ramps: Keeping Talented Women on the Road to Success  Hewlett, Sylvia Ann  Harvard Business School Publishing  Research  2007 299 
Innovative Teams  Harvard Business Review Press  Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2015 93 
Time for Growth, A  Hemp, Paul  Harvard Business School Review  Teaching & Learning  2004 
The Culture of Education  Bruner, Jerome  Harvard College  Teaching & Learning  1996 224 
Reinventing Higher Education   Wildavsky, Ben, et al.  Harvard Education Press  Higher Education  2011 288 
Restoring Opportunity: The Crisis of Inequality and the Challenge for American Education  Duncan, Greg; Murnane, Richard  Harvard Education Press; Russell Sage Foundation  Teaching & Learning  2014 189 
Acts of Inquiry in Qualitative Research  Brizuela, et al.  Harvard Educational Review  Research  2000 434 
Cool Thinking on Hot Topics  Harvard Educational Review Educators  Harvard Educational Review  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1998 146 
Harvard Educational Review Volume 69, Number 1  Hayes, Denis, et al.  Harvard Graduate School of Education  Higher Education  1999 229 
Harvard Educational Review Volume 71, Number 2  Brennan, Robert T., et al.  Harvard Graduate School of Education  Higher Education  2001 340 
Harvard Educational Review Volume 62, Number 2  Labaree, David F., et al.  Harvard Graduate School of Education  Higher Education  1992 273 
Harvard Educational Review Volume 62, Number 3  Maxwell, Joseph A., et al.  Harvard Graduate School of Education  Higher Education  1992 419 
Harvard Educational Review Volume 71, Number 4  Cummins, Jim., et al.  Harvard Graduate School of Education  Higher Education  2001 780 
Harvard Educational Review Volume 63, Number 1  Murnane, Richard J., et al.  Harvard Graduate School of Education  Higher Education  1993 131 
Harvard Educational Review Volume 71, Number 3: Immigration & Education  Sheila, Brenner, et al.  Harvard Graduate School of Education  Higher Education  2001 639 
Harvard Educational Review Volume 63, Number 4  Delgado-Gaitan, Concha, et al.  Harvard Graduate School of Education  Higher Education  1993 131 
Harvard Educational Review Volume 72, Number 2  Goldhaber, Dan D., et al.  Harvard Graduate School of Education  Higher Education  2002 127 
Harvard Educational Review Volume 69, Number 2  Donato, Ruben, et al.  Harvard Graduate School of Education  Higher Education  1999 108 
Harvard Educational Review Volume 64, Number 2  Connell, R. W., et al.  Harvard Graduate School of Education  Higher Education  1994 236 
Harvard Educational Review Volume 69, Number 3  Stein, Mark K., et al.  Harvard Graduate School of Education  Higher Education  1999 360 
Harvard Educational Review Volume 70, Number 4  Steelman, Lala C., et al.  Harvard Graduate School of Education  Higher Education  2000 248 
Harvard Educational Review Volume 70, Number 2  Cochran-Smith, Marilyn., et al.  Harvard Graduate School of Education  Higher Education  2000 428 
Harvard Educational Review Volume 70, Number 3  Rist, Ray C., et al.  Harvard Graduate School of Education  Higher Education  2000 569 
Harvard Educational Review Volume 69, Number 4  Brandt, Deborah, et al.  Harvard Graduate School of Education  Higher Education  1999 505 
The University in Ruins  Readings, Bill  Harvard Univ. Press  Higher Education  1996 238 
The One Best System  Tyack, David B.  Harvard Univ. Press  Higher Education  1974 353 
Higher Learning  Bok, Derek  Harvard Univ. Press  Higher Education  1986 206 
The Uses of the University  Kerr, Clark  Harvard University  Higher Education  1996 226 
Kwanzaa and Me  Paley, Vivian G.  Harvard University  Teaching & Learning  1995 140 
The College Administrator's Survival Guide  C.K. Gunsalus  Harvard University Press  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2006 244 
Race Between Education and Technology   Goldin, Claudia, et al.  Harvard University Press  Ed. Technology  2009 488 
Language and Learning  Piaget, Jean, et al.  Harvard University Press  Teaching & Learning  1980 409 
Beyond the Ivory Tower  Bok, Derek  Harvard University. Press  Higher Education  1982 318 
Communities of Creation: Managing Distributed Innovation in Turbulent Maker  Sawhney, Mohanbir, et al.  Hass Business School  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2000 31 
Creation and Interpretation  Stern, Raphael, et al.  Haven Publications  Liberal Arts  1985 413 
If Aristotle Ran General Motors  Morris, Tom  Henry Holt  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1997 216 
Nickel and Dimed: On (not) Getting By in American  Ehrenreich, Barbara  Henry Holt and Company, LLC  Liberal Arts  2001 227 
American College Teacher: National Norms for the 2001-2002 HERI Faculty Survey  Lindholm, Jennifer A., et. al  Higher Education Research Institute  Research  2002 145 
The Disheveled Dictionary  Gordon, Karen Elizabeth  Houghinton Mifflin Company  Writing Reference  2003 162 
Strategic Management Theory: An Integrated Approach (Sixth Edition)  Hill, Charles, et al.  Houghton Mifflin  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2004 495 
Knowledge of Angels  Walsh, Jill  Houghton Mifflin  Liberal Arts  1994 268 
Teaching Online: A Practical Guide  Ko, Susan, et al.  Houghton Mifflin  Ed. Technology  2004 339 
Punished By Rewards  Kohn, Alfie  Houghton Mifflin  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1993 397 
Mckeachie's Teaching Tips  McKeachie, Wilbert J.  Houghton Mifflin  Teaching & Learning  2002 371 
Those Who Can, Teach  Ryan, Cooper  Houghton Mifflin  Inst. Des. & Assess.  2001 551 
Teaching Strategies  Harder, Gibson  Houghton Mifflin  Inst. Des. & Assess.  2001 388 
Casses In Strategic Management (sixth edition)  Hill, Charles W. L., et al.  Houghton Mifflin Co.  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2004 647 
Fundamentals of Strategic Management  Parthasarthy, Raghavan  Houghton Mifflin Co.  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2007 278 
The Call of Stories  Coles, Robert  Houghton Mifflin Co.  Teaching & Learning  1989 212 
Easter Rising  MacDonald, Michael Patrick  Houghton Mifflin Company  Liberal Arts  2006 248 
How Doctors Think  Groopman, Jerome  Houghton Mifflin Company  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2008 319 
Roget's II New Thesaurus  Ellis Kaethe  Houghton Mifflin Company  Writing Reference  1995 1200 
Spark of Genius: The 13 Thinking Tools of the World's Most Creative People  Root-Bernstein, Robert and Michèle  Houghton Mifflin Company  Teaching & Learning  1999 327 
Lincoln on Leadership for Today  Donald T. Phillips  Houghton Mifflin Harcourt  Community & Economic Development  2017 280 
How We Decide  Lehrer, Jonah  Houghton Mifflin Harcourt  Liberal Arts  2010 265 
Imagine: How Creativity Works  Lehrer, Jonah  Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2012 279 
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The Empty Raincoat  Handy, Charles  Hutchinson  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1994 280 
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Emerging Patterns of Social Demand and University Reform: Through a Glass Darkly  Dill, David D., et al.  IAU Press Pergamon  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1995 244 
Designing a Successful KM Strategy: A Guide for the Knowledge Management Professional  Barnes, Stephanie; Milton, Nick  Information Today Inc  Program Development  2015 200 
The Hedgehog Review Critical Reflections on Contemporary Culture - Spring 2019. Vol 21. No. 1  Tolson, Jay  Institute for Advance Studies in Culture  Liberal Arts  2019 135 
New Developments in Workers Training  Ferman, et al.  IRRA  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1990 338 
From Bottom to Top Tier in a Decade  Smith, Norman R.  iUniverse  Higher Education  2010 290 
Metropolitan Universities, An International Forum Volume 13 Number 4: Partnerships for Urban Teacher Eduation  Holland, Barbara A.  IUPUI  Adult & Cont. Ed.  2002 158 
Creating Sustainable School - University Partnerships Volume 18, Number 4  Holland, Barbara A.  IUPUI  Higher Education  2007 136 
Metropolitan Universities, An International Forum Volume 14 Number 1: 2002 Conference  Hollland, Barbara A.  IUPUI  Adult & Cont. Ed.  2003 120 
International Perspectives on Education and Society Volume 9: The Worldwide Transformation of Higher Education  Baker, David P. & Wiseman, Alexander W.  JAI Press  Higher Education  2008 333 
Hedgehog Review Critical Reflections on Contemporary Culture   Jay Tolson  James Davison Hunter   Liberal Arts  2019 130 
Review of Higher Education Volume 24 Number 3  Altbach, Philip G.  John  Higher Education  2001 124 
Land-grant Universities for the Future: Higher Education for the Public Good  Gavazzi, Stephen M. and E. Gordan Gee  John Hopkins University Press  Higher Education  2018 202 
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Review of Higher Education, Vol. 42, No. 2, Winter 2019  Pike, Gary  John Hopkins University Press;ASHE  Higher Education  2018 -485 
Review of Higher Education, Vol. 42, No. 3, Spring 2019  Pike, Gary  John Hopkins University Press;ASHE  Higher Education  2019 -456 
Review of Higher Education, Vol. 42, Special Issue 2019 Activism in the Woke Academy: Scholars Review The Last Half-Century  Stewart, D-L and Lori D. Patton  John Hopkins University Press;ASHE  Higher Education  2019 456 
The Transformational Leader  Tichy, Noel  John Wiley & Sons  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1986 306 
The Customer is Key  Lele, Milind M.  John Wiley & Sons  Marketing  1987 260 
Relationship Marketing  Gordon, Ian  John Wiley & Sons  Marketing  1998 314 
Reflections on Leadership  Spears, Larry C.  John Wiley & Sons  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1995 352 
Introduction to Critical Thinking and Creativity, An  Joe Lau  John Wiley & Sons  Teaching & Learning  2011 262 
Teaching at the people's University  Henderson, Bruce  John Wiley & Sons  Higher Education  2007 195 
Strategic Management  Saloner, Garth Shepard , Andrea Podolny, Joel  John Wiley & Sons inc.  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2001 442 
Complete Guide to Knowledge Management: A Strategic Plan to Leverage Your Company  Pasher, Edna; Ronen Tuvya  John Wiley & Sons, Inc  Program Development  2011 204 
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Digital Etiquette for Dummies  Butow, Eric, et al.  John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2022 334 
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The Future of the Public University in America  Duderstadt, et al.  Johns Hopkins  Teaching & Learning  2003 236 
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New Literary History  Cohen, Ralp  Johns Hopkins Univ. Press  Liberal Arts  1993 225 
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Higher Learning in America (1980-2000)  Levine, Arthur  Johns Hopkins Univ. Press  Higher Education  1983 383 
The Research University in a Time of Discontent  Cole, Jonathan R., et al.  Johns Hopkins University  Higher Education  1993 404 
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Review of Higher Education Volume 25 Number 2  Altbach, Philip G.  Johns Hopkins University Press  Higher Education  2002 125 
Review of Higher Education Volume 39 Number 3  Gary Pike  Johns Hopkins University Press  Higher Education  2016 478 
Review of Higher Education Volume 39 Number 2  Gary Pike  Johns Hopkins University Press  Higher Education  2016 317 
Review of Higher Education Volume 29 Number 3  Nora, Amaury  Johns Hopkins University Press  Higher Education  2006 425 
Review of Higher Education Volume 29 Number 4  Nora, Amaury  Johns Hopkins University Press  Higher Education  2006 89 
Review of Higher Education Volume 30 Number 3  Nora, Amaury  Johns Hopkins University Press  Higher Education  2007 339 
Review of Higher Education Volume 30 Number 4  Nora, Amaury  Johns Hopkins University Press  Higher Education  2007 497 
Review of Higher Education Volume 42 Number 4  Gary Pike   Johns Hopkins University Press   Higher Education  2019 477 
Review of Higher Education Volume 24 Number 2  Altbach, Philip G.  Johns Hopkins University Press  Higher Education  2001 333 
Review of Higher Education Volume 31 Number 1  Nora, Amaury  Johns Hopkins University Press  Higher Education  2007 129 
Review of Higher Education Volume 23 Number 2  Altbach, Philip G.  Johns Hopkins University Press  Higher Education  2000 119 
Review of Higher Education Volume 27 Number 1  Altbach, Philip G.  Johns Hopkins University Press  Higher Education  2003 149 
Review of Higher Education Volume 22 Number 2  Altbach, Philip G.  Johns Hopkins University Press  Higher Education  1999 99 
Review of Higher Education Volume 28 Number 1  Altbach, Philip G.  Johns Hopkins University Press  Higher Education  2003 151 
Review of Higher Education Volume 21 Number 3  Altbach, Philip G.  Johns Hopkins University Press  Higher Education  1998 205 
Review of Higher Education Volume 23 Number 1  Altbach, Philip G.  Johns Hopkins University Press  Higher Education  1999 223 
Review of Higher Education Volume 25 Number 3  Altbach, Philip G.  Johns Hopkins University Press  Higher Education  2002 368 
Universities and Their Cities  Diner, Steven J.  Johns Hopkins University Press  Higher Education  2017 136 
Review of Higher Education Volume 29 Number 1  Nora, Amaury  Johns Hopkins University Press  Higher Education  2005 139 
Review of Higher Education Volume 28 Number 2  Nora, Amaury  Johns Hopkins University Press  Higher Education  2005 293 
Review of Higher Education Volume 28 Number 4  Nora, Amaury  Johns Hopkins University Press  Higher Education  2005 645 
Review of Higher Education Volume 28 Number 3  Nora, Amaury  Johns Hopkins University Press  Higher Education  2005 454 
Review of Higher Education Volume 29 Number 2  Nora, Amaury  Johns Hopkins University Press  Higher Education  2006 260 
Review of Higher Education Volume 31 Number 2  Nora, Amaury  Johns Hopkins University Press  Higher Education  2008 256 
Review of Higher Education Volume 21 Number 4  Altbach, Philip G.  Johns Hopkins University Press  Higher Education  1998 97 
Review of Higher Education Volume 31 Number 3  Nora, Amaury  Johns Hopkins University Press  Higher Education  2008 375 
Review of Higher Education Volume 22 Number 3  Altbach, Philip G.  Johns Hopkins University Press  Higher Education  1999 344 
Review of Higher Education Volume 39 Number 4  Pike, Gary  Johns Hopkins University Press  Higher Education  2016 375 
Review of Higher Education Volume 22 Number 4  Altbach, Philip G.  Johns Hopkins University Press  Higher Education  1999 118 
Review of Higher Education Volume 31 Number 4  Nora, Amaury  Johns Hopkins University Press  Higher Education  2008 529 
Review of Higher Education Volume 23 Number 3  Altbach, Philip G.  Johns Hopkins University Press  Higher Education  2000 112 
Review of Higher Education Volume 32 Number 1  Nora, Amaury  Johns Hopkins University Press  Higher Education  2008 154 
Review of Higher Education Volume 23 Number 4  Altbach, Philip G.  Johns Hopkins University Press  Higher Education  2001 114 
Review of Higher Education Volume 27 Number 3  Nora, Amaury  Johns Hopkins University Press  Higher Education  2004 427 
Review of Higher Education Volume 25 Number 1  Altbach, Philip G.  Johns Hopkins University Press  Higher Education  2001 204 
Review of Higher Education Volume 27 Number 4  Nora, Amaury  Johns Hopkins University Press  Higher Education  2004 598 
Review of Higher Education Volume 27 Number 2  Nora Amaury  Johns Hopkins University Press  Higher Education  2004 165 
Review of Higher Education Volume 22 Number 1  Altbach, Philip G.  Johns Hopkins University Press  Higher Education  1998 315 
Review of Higher Education Volume 32 Number 2  Nora, Amaury  Johns Hopkins University Press  Higher Education  2009 290 
Review of Higher Education Volume 24 Number 1  Altbach, Philip G.  Johns Hopkins University Press  Higher Education  2000 241 
Review of Higher Education Volume 30 Number 1  Nora, Amaury  Johns Hopkins University Press  Higher Education  2006 424 
The Review of Higher Education  Journal of the Association for the Study of Higher Education  Johns Hopkins University Presss  Higher Education  2019 517 
Contrarians guide to leadership the  Sample Steven B  Jossey Bass  Higher Education  2002 197 
Reframing Organizations  Bolman, Lee G and Terrence E. Deal  Jossey- Bass; A Wiley Brand  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2017 492 
The Shaping of American Higher Education  Cohen, Arthur M.  Jossey-Bass  Higher Education  1998 495 
Strengthening Departmental Leadership  Lucas, Ann E.  Jossey-Bass  Higher Education  1994 295 
Change the World: How Ordinary People Can Accomplish Extraordinary Results  Quinn, Robert E.  Jossey-Bass  Higher Education  2000 272 
The University Teacher as Artist  Axelrod, Joseph  Jossey-Bass  Teaching & Learning  1973 246 
The Skilled Facilitator  Schwarz, Roger M.  Jossey-Bass  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1994 314 
Deep Change  Quinn, Robert E.  Jossey-Bass  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1996 236 
New Directions for Adult and Continuing Edcuation Number 78: Adult Learning and the Internet  Cahoon, Brad  Jossey-Bass  Adult & Cont. Ed.  1998 82 
Transformative Dimensions of Adult Learning  Mezirow, Jack  Jossey-Bass  Adult & Cont. Ed.  1991 247 
Understanding and Facilitating Adult Learning  Brookfield, Stephen  Jossey-Bass  Adult & Cont. Ed.  1986 356 
The Design of Education Second Edition  Houle, Cyril O.  Jossey-Bass  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1996 262 
Adult Education in the American Experience  Stubblefield, Harold W.  Jossey-Bass  Adult & Cont. Ed.  1994 360 
Teaching Writing to Adults  Sommer, Robert F.  Jossey-Bass  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1989 252 
Learning That Lasts: Integrating Learning, Development, and Performance in College and Beyond  Mentkowski, Marcia, et al.  Jossey-Bass  Teaching & Learning  2000 536 
Qualitative Research & Case Study Applications in Education  Merriam, Sharon B.  Jossey-Bass  Research  1998 275 
Scholarship Assessed  Glassick, Charles E.  Jossey-Bass  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1997 117 
Principles of Professional Fundraising  Mixer, Joseph  Jossey-Bass  Fundraising  1993 268 
Achieving Excellence in Fundraising  Rosso, Henry A.  Jossey-Bass  Fundraising  1991 304 
The Design of Education  Houle, Cyril O.  Jossey-Bass  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1974 302 
Bases of Competence  Evers, Fredrick T., et al.  Jossey-Bass  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1998 258 
Creating Interdisciplinary Campus Cultures  Thompson Klein Julie  Jossey-Bass  Teaching & Learning  2010 208 
Learning as Transformation  Mezirow, Jack  Jossey-Bass  Inst. Des. & Assess.  2000 358 
The Zen of Fundraising  Burnett, Ken  Jossey-Bass  Fundraising  2006 161 
Strategic Choices for the Academy: How Demand for Lifelong Learning Will Re-Create Higher Education  Rowley, Daniel, et al.  Jossey-Bass  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1998 279 
Managing to Keep the Customer  Desatnick, Robert L.  Jossey-Bass  Marketing  1987 163 
Leading Academic Change  Lucas, Ann E.  Jossey-Bass  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2000 300 
Reporting Higher Education Results: Missing Links in the Performance Chain  Minassians, Henrik, et al.  Jossey-Bass  Higher Education  2002 143 
Taking Learning to Task  Vella, Jane  Jossey-Bass  Teaching & Learning  2000 141 
Women of Influence, Women of Vision  Astin, Helen, et al.  Jossey-Bass  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1991 195 
Developing Adult Learners  Taylor, Marienau, et al.  Jossey-Bass  Adult & Cont. Ed.  2000 382 
Developing Critical Thinkers  Brookfield, Stephen, et al.  Jossey-Bass  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1987 280 
Working Toward Strategic Change: Step by Step Guide  Dolence, Daniel J., et al.  Jossey-Bass  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1997 180 
Discussion As A Way of Teaching  Brookfield, Stephen, et al.  Jossey-Bass  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1999 228 
Leadership Challenge: How to Get Extraordinary Things Done in Organizations  Kouzes, James M. et. al  Jossey-Bass  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1987 362 
Envisioning the Future of Doctoral Education  Golde Chris M, Walker George E  Jossey-Bass  Higher Education  2006 450 
No Neutral Ground  Young, Robert  Jossey-Bass  Higher Education  1997 231 
Guide for Planning and Implementing Instruction for Adults, A  Dirkx, John, et al.  Jossey-Bass  Adult & Cont. Ed.  1997 154 
Handbook of Adult and Continuing Education  Wilson, Arthur  Jossey-Bass  Adult & Cont. Ed.  2000 707 
Training Through Dialogue  Vella, Jane  Jossey-Bass  Teaching & Learning  1995 196 
Enhancing Adult Motivation to Learn  Wlodkowski, Raymond  Jossey-Bass  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1999 359 
Educating the Reflective Practitioner  Schon, Donald  Jossey-Bass  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1987 343 
Profession and Practice of Adult Education  Merriam, Sharan, et al.  Jossey-Bass  Adult & Cont. Ed.  1997 324 
Learning in Adulthood  Merriam, Sharan, et al.  Jossey-Bass  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1999 473 
Promoting Active Learning  Meyers, et al.  Jossey-Bass  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1993 183 
Patterns of Learning  Houle, Cyril O.  Jossey-Bass  Adult & Cont. Ed.  1984 233 
Modern Approaches to Understanding & Managing Organizations  Bolman, et al.  Jossey-Bass  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1984 325 
Conducting Training Workshops  Van Kavelaar, Eileen  Jossey-Bass  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1998 170 
Becoming a Critically Reflective Teacher  Brookfield, Stephen  Jossey-Bass  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1995 270 
Professional Development as Transformative Learning  Cranton, Patricia  Jossey-Bass  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1996 202 
Engaging Ideas  Bean, John C.  Jossey-Bass  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1996 265 
Why Leaders Can't Lead  Bennis, Warren  Jossey-Bass  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1989 169 
Enhancing Faculty Careers  Schuster, Jack, et al.  Jossey-Bass  Higher Education  1990 346 
Invisible Faculty  Gappa, Judith M., et al.  Jossey-Bass  Higher Education  1993 324 
Assessment Essentials: Planning, Implementing, and Improving Assessment in Higher Education  Palomba, Catherine  Jossey-Bass  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1999 405 
How Learning Works  Ambrose, Susan A., et al.   Jossey-Bass  Teaching & Learning  2010 301 
The Connective Edg  Lipman-Blumen, Jean  Jossey-Bass  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1996 401 
Governing Boards  Houle, Cyril O.  Jossey-Bass  Higher Education  1989 223 
Managing Projects in Organizations  Frame, J. Davidson  Jossey-Bass  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1995 247 
The Empowered Manager  Block, Peter  Jossey-Bass  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1987 204 
New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education Number 81: Enhancing Creativity in Adult & Continuing Education  Edelson, et al..  Jossey-Bass  Adult & Cont. Ed.  1999 98 
New Life For The College Curriculum  Jerry G. Gaff  Jossey-Bass  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1991 270 
Leadership By Design  Bogue, E. Grady  Jossey-Bass  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1994 161 
Strategic Change in Colleges & Universities  Rowley, Daniel J., et al.  Jossey-Bass  Higher Education  1997 343 
Developing, Administering, and Evaluating Adult Education  Knox, Alan  Jossey-Bass  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1980 299 
Strategic Planning and Leadership in Continuing Education  Simerly, Robert  Jossey-Bass  Adult & Cont. Ed.  1987 247 
New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education Number 90: Promoting Journal Writing in Adult Education  English, Leona M., et al.  Jossey-Bass  Adult & Cont. Ed.  2001 98 
Jugaad Innovation: Think Frugal, Be Flexible, Generate Breakthrough Growth  Navi Radjou, Jaideep Prabhu, Simone Ahuja  Jossey-Bass  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2012 228 
To Improve the Academy Volume 26  POD Network  Jossey-Bass  Inst. Des. & Assess.  2008 348 
Improving Higher Education Environments for Adults  Schlossberg, N., et al  Jossey-Bass  Adult & Cont. Ed.  1989 279 
Quality in Continuing Education  Freedman, Leonard  Jossey-Bass  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1987 195 
The Search Conferenc  Emery, Fred  Jossey-Bass  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1996 320 
Reframing Organizations: Artistry, Choice, and Leadership  Boleman, Lee G., et al.  Jossey-Bass  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1997 423 
Self-Direction For Lifelong Learning  Candy, Philip  Jossey-Bass  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1991 567 
Effective Teaching and Mentoring  Daloz, Laurent A.  Jossey-Bass  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1987 256 
Leading Beyond the Walls  Hesselbein, et al.  Jossey-Bass  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1999 297 
Teaming- How Organizations Learn, Inoovate, and Compete in the Knowledge Economy  Edmondson, Amy  Jossey-Bass  Teaching & Learning  2012 334 
The Handbook of Coaching  Hudson, Frederic M.  Jossey-Bass  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1999 264 
What Matters In College?  Astin, Alexander  Jossey-Bass  Higher Education  1993 482 
Learning to Listen, Learning to Teach  Vella, Jane  Jossey-Bass  Inst. Des. & Assess.  2002 263 
Continuing Learning in the Professions  Houle, Cyril O.  Jossey-Bass  Adult & Cont. Ed.  1980 390 
Handbook of the Undergraduate Curriculum  Gaff, Jerry, et al.  Jossey-Bass  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1997 747 
The Literature of Adult Education  Houle, Cyril O.  Jossey-Bass  Adult & Cont. Ed.  1992 441 
Mentor  Daloz, Laurent A.  Jossey-Bass  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1999 272 
The Skillful Teacher  Brookfield, Stephen D.  Jossey-Bass  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1990 233 
Recognizing Faculty Work  Diamond, Robert M., et al.  Jossey-Bass  Higher Education  1993 125 
Power in Practice  Cervero, Ronald, et al.  Jossey-Bass  Adult & Cont. Ed.  2001 301 
Planning Programs for Adult Learners  Caffarella, Rosemary  Jossey-Bass  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1994 248 
Designing and Assessing Courses & Curricula  Diamond, Robert  Jossey-Bass  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1998 321 
Strategic Financial Management for Conferences, Workshops, and Meetings  Simerly, Robert  Jossey-Bass  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1993 120 
Diagnosing and Changing Organizational Culture  Cameron, Kim; Quinn, Robert  Jossey-Bass  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2011 268 
America and the New Economy  Carnevale, Anthony Patrick  Jossey-Bass  Sustainability and the New Economy  1991 267 
The Courage to Teach: A Guide for Reflection and Renewal  Livsey, Rachel C.  Jossey-Bass  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1999 51 
Planning Non-Traditional Programs  Cross, K. Patricia  Jossey-Bass  Adult & Cont. Ed.  1975 
Facilitator's Guide to Participatory Decision-Making  Kaner, Sam et al.  Jossey-Bass  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2007 341 
New Directions for Adult and Continuing Edcuation Number 89: The New Update on Adult Learning Theory  Merriam, Sharan B.  Jossey-Bass  Adult & Cont. Ed.  2001 101 
Masterful Coaching  Hargrove, Robert  Jossey-Bass  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1995 310 
How Colleges Work  Birnbaum, Robert  Jossey-Bass  Higher Education  1988 229 
Knowledge Without Boundaries: What America's Research Universities Can Do for the Economy, the Workplace, and the Community  Walshok, Mary L.  Jossey-Bass  Higher Education  1995 277 
The Shaping of American Higher Education Second Edition  Cohen, Arthur M. & Kisker, Carrie B.  Jossey-Bass  Higher Education  2010 575 
Changing the Essence: The Art of Creating and Leading Fundamental Change in Organizations  Beckhard, Richard & Pritchard, Wendy  Jossey-Bass  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1992 96 
The Center for Creative Leadership: Handbook of Leadership Development Second Edition   McCauley, Cynthia D. et al  Jossey-Bass  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2004 527 
New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education Number 92: Sociocultural Perspectives on Learning Through Work  Fenwick, Tara  Jossey-Bass  Adult & Cont. Ed.  2001 100 
Individual Differences and Behavior in Organizations  Murphy, Kevin R.  Jossey-Bass  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1996 606 
Organizational Architecture  Nadler, David, et al.  Jossey-Bass  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1992 284 
Managing as a Performing Art: New Ideas for a World of Chaotic Change  Vaili, Peter B.  Jossey-Bass  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1989 236 
Leading with Soul: An uncommon Journey of Spirit  Bolman, Lee G. & Deal, Terrence E.  Jossey-Bass  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1995 176 
The Center for Creative Leadership: Handbook for Leadership Development  McCauley, Cynthia, et al.  Jossey-Bass  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1998 481 
Project Management Handbook  Pinto, Jeffery K.  Jossey-Bass  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1998 468 
Teaching Naked: How Moving Technology ut of Your College Classroom Will Improve Student Learning  José Antonio Brown  Jossey-Bass  Teaching & Learning  2012 288 
Executive Teams  Nadler, David, et al.  Jossey-Bass  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1998 300 
Changing the Curriculum  Mayhew, Lewis, et al.  Jossey-Bass  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1971 188 
Assessing Faculty Work: Enhancing Individual and Institutional Performance  Braskamp, Larry A., et al.  Jossey-Bass  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1994 333 
Improving the Environment for Learning  Donald, Janet  Jossey-Bass  Teaching & Learning  1997 269 
Effective Budgeting in Continuing Education  Matkin, Gary W.  Jossey-Bass  Adult & Cont. Ed.  1985 447 
Liberating Education  Gamson, Zelda F.  Jossey-Bass  Higher Education  1984 253 
Credibility: How Leaders Gain and Lose It, Why People Demand it  Kouzes, Posner  Jossey-Bass  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1993 332 
New Case for the Liberal Arts, A  Winter, David G., et al.  Jossey-Bass  Higher Education  1981 247 
On Becoming a Servant Leader  Greenleaf, Robert K.  Jossey-Bass  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1996 394 
Higher Educaton as Competitive Enterprise: When Markets Matter  Zemsky, Robert, et al.  Jossey-Bass  Higher Education  2001 108 
Adults as Learners  Cross, K. Patricia  Jossey-Bass Classics  Adult & Cont. Ed.  1981 300 
When Hope & Fear Collide  Levene, Arthur  Jossey-Bass Publication  Higher Education 
Leading Change: Overcoming the Ideology of Comfort and the Tyranny of Custom  O'Toole, James  Jossey-Bass Publishers  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1995 282 
How College Affects Students  Ernest Pascarella and Patrick Terenzini  Jossey-Bass, Inc.  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1991 894 
The Seven Faces of Philanthropy  Prince, Alan Russ, et al.  Jossey-Bass, Inc. Publishers  Fundraising  1994 219 
Continuing Higher Education Review Volume 72  Shinage Michael  Journal of the University Continuing Education Association  Higher Education  2008 
Continuing Higher Education Review Volume 71  Shinagel, Michael  Journal of UCEA  Higher Education  2007 192 
Dawn Over Oman  Searle, Pauline  Khayat Book and Publishing Co  Liberal Arts  1979 139 
Research in Higher Education Volume 43 Number 6  Smart, John C.  Kluwer Academic  Higher Education  2002 120 
Research in Higher Education Volume 43 Number 1  Smart, John C.  Kluwer Academic / Human Sciences Press  Higher Education  2002 259 
Research in Higher Education Volume 42 Number 5  Smart, John C.  Kluwer Academic / Human Sciences Press  Higher Education  2001 493 
Research in Higher Education Volume 42 Number 1  Smart, John C.  Kluwer Academic / Human Sciences Press  Higher Education  2001 237 
Research in Higher Education Volume 42 Number 2  Smart, John C.  Kluwer Academic / Human Sciences Press  Higher Education  2001 118 
Research in Higher Education Volume 42 Number 3  Smart, John C.  Kluwer Academic / Human Sciences Press  Higher Education  2001 119 
Research in Higher Education Volume 40 Number 1  Smart, John C.  Kluwer Academic / Human Sciences Press  Higher Education  1999 500 
Research in Higher Education Volume 42 Number 4  Smart, John C.  Kluwer Academic / Human Sciences Press  Higher Education  2001 378 
Research in Higher Education Volume 37 Number 1  Smart, John C.  Kluwer Academic / Human Sciences Press  Higher Education  1996 133 
Research in Higher Education Volume 41 Number 2  Smart, John C.  Kluwer Academic / Human Sciences Press  Higher Education  2000 282 
Research in Higher Education Volume 41 Number 3  Smart, John C.  Kluwer Academic / Human Sciences Press  Higher Education  2000 538 
Research in Higher Education Volume 41 Number 4  Smart, John C.  Kluwer Academic / Human Sciences Press  Higher Education  2000 142 
Research in Higher Education Volume 41 Number 5  Smart, John C.  Kluwer Academic / Human Sciences Press  Higher Education  2000 418 
Research in Higher Education Volume 41 Number 6  Smart, John C.  Kluwer Academic / Human Sciences Press  Higher Education  2000 664 
Research in Higher Education Volume 40 Number 2  Smart, John C.  Kluwer Academic / Human Sciences Press  Higher Education  1999 113 
Research in Higher Education Volume 40 Number 3  Smart, John C.  Kluwer Academic / Human Sciences Press  Higher Education  1999 641 
Research in Higher Education Volume 40 Number 4  Smart, John C.  Kluwer Academic / Human Sciences Press  Higher Education  1999 375 
Research in Higher Education Volume 40 Number 5  Smart, John C.  Kluwer Academic / Human Sciences Press  Higher Education  1999 115 
Research in Higher Education Volume 40 Number 6  Smart, John C.  Kluwer Academic / Human Sciences Press  Higher Education  1999 247 
Research in Higher Education Volume 45 Number 8  Smart, John C.  Kluwer Academic/ Human Science Press  Higher Education  2004 97 
Research in Higher Education Volume 45 Number 5  Smart, John C.  Kluwer Academic/Human Sciences Press  Higher Education  2004 97 
Research in Higher Education Volume 44 Number 2  Smart, John C.  Kluwer Academic/Human Sciences Press  Higher Education  2003 495 
Research in Higher Education Volume 44 Number 3  Smart, John C.  Kluwer Academic/Human Sciences Press  Higher Education  2003 263 
Research in Higher Education Volume 43 Number 3  Smart, John C.  Kluwer Academic/Human Sciences Press  Higher Education  2002 132 
Research in Higher Education Volume 43 Number 4  Smart, John C.  Kluwer Academic/Human Sciences Press  Higher Education  2002 744 
Research in Higher Education Volume 43 Number 5  Smart, John C.  Kluwer Academic/Human Sciences Press  Higher Education  2002 104 
Research in Higher Education Volume 44 Number 5  Smart, John C.  Kluwer Academic/Human Sciences Press  Higher Education  2003 140 
Reason: Why Liberals Will Win the Battle for America  Reich, Robert B.  Knopf  Liberal Arts  2004 257 
Thriving on Chaos: Handbook for a Management Resolution  Peters, Tom  Knopf  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1987 561 
Being Digital  Negroponte, Nicholas  Knopf  Ed. Technology  1995 243 
Lifelong Learning  Longworth, Norman, et al.  Kogan Page  Adult & Cont. Ed.  1996 179 
Teaching and Learning Materials and the Internet  Forsyth, Ian  Kogan Page  Ed. Technology  1996 197 
Enabling Student Learning  Wisker, Gina, et al.  Kogan Page  Teaching & Learning  1996 182 
The Costs & Economics of Open & Distance Learning  Rumble, Greville  Kogan Page  Ed. Technology  1997 224 
The Knowledge Manager's Handbook  Milton, Nick & Lambe, Patrick  Kogan Page Limited  Program Development  2016 303 
Organizations Serving the Public  Richards, Thomas E., et al.  KPMG  Higher Education  1997 86 
Future University  Eddie Blass  Lambert  Higher Education  2008 163 
Lapham's Quarterly Vol II Num 2  Lapham Lewis H  Lampham's Quarterly  Liberal Arts  2009 218 
American Journal of Distance Education Vol 21 No 1 pp 1-53  Grahame Michael  LEA  Higher Education  2007 
Nine Shift: Work, Life and Education in the 21st century  Draves, et al.  LERN  Adult & Cont. Ed.  2004 300 
The Motivation Factor  Maehr, et al..  Lexington Books  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1986 283 
General's War  Gordon, Michael, et al.  Little, Brown  Liberal Arts  1995 551 
Outliers: The Story of Success  Malcolm Gladwell  Little, Brown and Company  Program Development  2008 296 
blink: Power of Thinking Without Thinking  Gladwell, Malcom  Little, Brown and Company  Liberal Arts  2005 277 
The Tipping Point  Gladwell, Malcom  Little, Brown and Company  Liberal Arts  2000 279 
Bartlett's Familiar Quotations  Bartlett John  Little, Brown and Company  Writing Reference  1992 1405 
Teachers and the Law  Fischer, Louis, et al.  Longman  Teaching & Learning  1999 518 
Lapham's Quaterly: The City Volume III No. 4  Lewis H. Lapham  Louisa Daniels Kearney   Liberal Arts  2010 218 
Future of Business Schools  Thomas Durand and Stephanie Dameron  MacMIllan  Higher Education  2007 365 
The Complete Grants Sourcebook for Nursing and Healt  Bauer, David G.  Macmillan Publishing Company  Fundraising  1988 297 
Secretary  Taintor, Sarah Augusta, et. al.  Macmillan Publishing Company  Writing Reference  1988 422 
Chairing the Academic Department, Leadership Among Peers, Second Edition  Allan Tucker  Macmillan Publishing Company  Higher Education  1984 390 
Managing the Academic Department  Bennett, John B.  Macmillan, Inc.  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1983 182 
Marina  Marina  Marina  Fundraising  2017 365 
Balancing Act: Competencies of Effective Teachers and Mentors  Schneider, Carol, et al.  McBer  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1981 77 
The Guardians of Campus Chang  Klemp, George O.  McBer & Company  Higher Education  1980 61 
Reclaiming Higher Ground  Secretan, Lance H.K.  McGraw - Hill  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1997 260 
Growing Up Digital  Tapscott, Don  McGraw Hill  Ed. Technology  1998 338 
The Essential Deming Leadership Principles from the Father of Quality  W. Edwards Deming  Mcgraw Hill   Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2013 326 
The Brand Mindset  Knapp, Duane E.  McGraw Hill  Marketing  2000 277 
Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High (Second Edition)  Patterson, Kerry; Grenny, Joseph; McMillan, Ron; Switzler, Al  McGraw Hill  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2012 244 
Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High.  Patterson, Kerry, et al.  McGraw-Hill  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2002 240 
Mentoring  Wickman, et al.  McGraw-Hill  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1997 191 
Interpersonal Conflict  Wilmot, William W., et al.  McGraw-Hill  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1998 290 
The New Articulate Executive Look, Act and Sound Like a Leader  Granville N. Toogood  McGraw-Hill  Fundraising  2010 230 
Great Communication Secrets of Great Leaders  John Baldoni  McGraw-Hill  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2003 220 
The Saber-Tooth Curriculum  Peddiwell, J. Abner  McGraw-Hill  Teaching & Learning  1939 139 
The Four Pillars of Profit-Driven Marketing (How to Maximize Creativity, Accountability, and ROI)  Moeller, Leslie H. et. al  McGraw-Hill Companies  Marketing  2009 232 
The Essentials of Business Etiquett  Pachter, Barbara & Cowie, Denise  McGraw-Hill Education  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2013 239 
Developing Proofreading and Editing Skills  Camp, C. Sue,  McGraw-Hill Irwin  Writing Reference  2005 416 
Merriam-Webster's Geographical Dictionary Third Edition  Merriam-Webster  Merriam Webster Inc.  Writing Reference  2007 
Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary 10th Edition  Merriam-Webster  Merriam-Webster Inc.  Writing Reference  2001 1557 
Making Instructional Design Decisions  Seels, Barbara, et al.  Merrill Prentice Hall  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1998 342 
Reskilling America  Newman, Katherine & Winston, Hella  Metropolitan Books  Ed. Technology  2016 257 
Beyond Bullet Points: Using Microsoft PowerPoint to Create Presentations that Inform, Motivate, and Inspire  Atkinson, Cliff  Microsoft Press  Teaching & Learning  2005 223 
Design Research: Methods and Perspectives  Laurel, Brenda  MIT Press  Marketing  2003 334 
Unlocking the Clubhouse Women in Computing  Margolis, Jane and Allan Fisher  MIT Press  Teaching & Learning  2002 172 
Knowledge Management in Theory and Practice Second Edition  Dalkir, Kimiz  MIT Press  Program Development  2011 460 
Distance Degrees - 2006  Wilson, Mark  Morris publishing  Ed. Technology  2006 352 
Capital Campaign in Higher Education: A Practical Guide for College and University Advancement  G. David Gearheart  NACUBO: National Association of College and University Business Officers  Higher Education  1995 220 
Assessing Student Learning & Development  Bresciani, Marilee  NASPA  Inst. Des. & Assess. 
How People Learn  National Research Council  National Academy Press  Inst. Des. & Assess.  2000 374 
Murder City  Charles Bowden  Nations Books  Adult & Cont. Ed.  2010 230 
Reinventing Organizations; A Guide to Creating Organizations Inspired by the Next Stage of Human Consciousness  Laloux, Frederic  Nelson Parker  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2014 360 
Overcoming Imposter Anxiety: Move Beyond Fear of Failure and Self-Doubt to Embrace Your Worthy, Capable Self  Ijeoma C Nwaogu  New Harbinger Publications, Inc.  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2023 188 
The Moral Underground: How Ordinary Americans Subvert an Unfair Economy  Dodson, Lisa  New Press  Sustainability and the New Economy  2009 227 
Design for How People Learn  Dirksen, Julie  New Riders  Inst. Des. & Assess.  2016 287 
Planet U: Sustaining the World, Reinventing the University  New Society Publisher  Sustainability and the New Economy  2006 270 
Breaking Through Culture Shock  Marx, Elizabeth  Nicholas Brealey Publishing  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1999 233 
Dealing with Employee Discipline & Performance Problems 1: Identifying & Managing the Problem Employee  Pryor, Fred  Nightingale-Conant Corp.  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1997  
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Dealing with Employee Discipline & Performance Problems 3: Maximizing Feedback & Performance Analysis  Pryor, Fred  Nightingale-Conant Corp.  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1997  
Project Management Volumes 1-3  Pryor, Fred  Nightingale-Conant Corp.  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1996  
How to Manage Multiple Projects, Meet Deadlines & Achieve Objectives Volumes 1-3  Pryor, Fred  Nightingale-Conant Corp.  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1995  
How to Recruit, Interview & Hire the Right Person Volumes 1-3  Pryor, Fred  Nightingale-Conant Corp.  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1997  
How to Hire - How to Fire Volumes 1-3  Pryor, Fred  Nightingale-Conant Corp.  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1996  
Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics Volumes 1-3  Pryor, Fred  Nightingale-Conant Corp.  Teaching & Learning  1996  
The Psychology of Achievement: 1. Building a Positive Self-Concept  Tracy, Brian  Nightingale-Conant Corp.  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1994  
The Psychology of Achievement: 2. Accepting Responsibility and Taking Charge  Tracy, Brian  Nightingale-Conant Corp.  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1994  
The Psychology of Achievement: 3. Programming for Success  Tracy, Brian  Nightingale-Conant Corp.  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1994  
The Psychology of Achievement: 4. Goals and Goal Achieving  Tracy, Brian  Nightingale-Conant Corp.  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1994  
The Psychology of Achievement: 5. Creative Problem Solving and Decision Making  Tracy, Brian  Nightingale-Conant Corp.  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1994  
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Handbook for Professional Development in Continuing Higher Education, A  Hatfield, Thomas A.  NUCEA  Adult & Cont. Ed.  1990 146 
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Continuing Higher Education Review Volume 57 Number 3  Shannon, Daniel W.  NUCEA  Higher Education  1993 188 
Continuing Higher Education Review Volume 58 Number 1 & 2  Shannon, Daniel W.  NUCEA  Higher Education  1994 111 
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The Knowledge Connection  Kohl., Kay J.  NUCEA  Teaching & Learning  1995 47 
The Myths of Innovation  Berkun, Scott  Liberal Arts  2007 192 
Gamestorming  Gray, Dave, et al.  O'Reilly  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2010 258 
Higher Education to 2030 Volume 1: Demography  Ischinger, Barbara  OECD  Higher Education  2008 294 
Higher Education to 2030 Volume 2: Globalisation  Ischinger, Barbara  OECD  Higher Education  2009 350 
Perspectives: Empowerment & Reality  Association for Gen. & Liberal Studies  Ohio Dominican College  Higher Education  1988 61 
The American Academic Profession  Finkelstein, Martin J.  Ohio State Univ.  Higher Education  1984 289 
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The Journal of Higher Education Volume 72 Number 4  Baird, Leonard  Ohio State University Press  Higher Education  2001 265 
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The Journal of Higher Education Volume 77 Number 6  Cross, Theodore L.  Ohio State University Press  Higher Education  2006 144 
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The Journal of Higher Education Volume 78 Number 4  Baird, Leonard L.  Ohio State University Press  Higher Education  2007 490 
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The Journal of Higher Education Volume 74 Number 1  Baird, Leonard L.  Ohio State University Press  Higher Education  2003 361 
The Journal of Higher Education Volume 74 Number 2  Baird, Leonard L.  Ohio State University Press  Higher Education  2003 601 
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The Journal of Higher Education Volume 71 Number 1  Baird, Leonard L.  Ohio State University Press  Higher Education  2000 116 
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How Do You Fight a Horse-Sized Duck?: And Other Perplexing Puzzles from the Toughest Interviews in the World   William Poundstone  Oneworld Publications  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2021 313 
Exploring Open and Distance Learning  Rowntree, Derek  Open University  Ed. Technology  1992 300 
Sustaining Change in Universities - Continuities in case studies and concepts  Clark, Burton R.  Open University Press  Higher Education  2004 210 
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Administering Grants, Contracts, and Funds  Bauer, David G.  Oryx Press  Fundraising  1995 233 
The Complete Grants Sourcebook for Higher Education  Bauer, David G.  Oryx Press  Fundraising  1995 340 
Collegial Professionalism  Bennett, John  Oryx Press  Higher Education  1998 193 
Using Financial Information In Continuing Education  Matkin, Gary  Oryx Press  Adult & Cont. Ed.  1997 307 
Managing Higher Education As A Business  Lenington, Robert  Oryx Press  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1996 190 
Chairing the Academic Department, Leadership Among Peers, Third Edition  Allan Tucker  Oryx Press  Higher Education  1993 556 
College Deans: Leading From Within  Wolverton, Mimi  Oryx Press  Higher Education  2002 149 
Enhancing Departmental Leadership: The Role of the Chairperson  Bennett, John B., et al.  ORYX Press  Higher Education  1993 230 
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Ethics and Excellence  Solomon, Robert C.  Oxford Univ. Press  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1992 288 
Common Knowledge Volume 4 Number 3  Perl, Jeffery M.  Oxford Univ. Press  Liberal Arts  1995 198 
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Passionate Minds  Wolpert, Lewis, et al.  Oxford Univ. Press  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1997 240 
Islam and the West  Bernard Lewis  Oxford University  Liberal Arts  1993 197 
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Erotic City  Josh Sides  Oxford University Press  Liberal Arts  2009 292 
Emerald Cities: Urban Sustainability and Economic Development  Fitzgerald, Joan  Oxford University Press  Sustainability and the New Economy  2010 242 
Writing with Power  Elbow, Peter  Oxford University Press  Writing Reference  1998 384 
Overcoming the Odds  Hrabowski, Freeman A.  Oxford University Press  Teaching & Learning  2002 267 
Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations  Augarde, Tony  Oxford University Press  Writing Reference  1991 371 
NSG Speakers Showcase 1: Anne Musatti, David Horsewood, Stacey Jackman, Dave Jensen, Jennifer Curtet, Judi Moreo, Greg Mears  various  Padgett-Thompson  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2003  
NSG Speakers Showcase 3: Brian Grossman, Michael Angelo Caruso, Cindy Kubica, Ruth St. Pierre, Harry Paul  various  Padgett-Thompson  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2003  
Woman With Birthmark  Nesser, Hakan  Pantheon Books  Liberal Arts  2009 336 
The Delux Transitive Vampire - the Ultimate Handbook of Grammar for the Innocent, the Eager, and the Doomed  Gordon, Karen Elizabeth  Pantheon Books New York  Writing Reference  1993 175 
We've Got to Start Meeting Like This: A Guide to Successful Meeting Management  Mosvick, Roger K. & Nelson, Robert B.  Park Avenue Productions  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1996 282 
The Nibble Theory & The Kernel of Power  Jamison, Kaleel  Paulist Press  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1989 74 
The Systematic Design of Instruction  Dick, Walter; Carey, Lou; Carey, James O.  Pearson  Inst. Des. & Assess.  2009 396 
ASHE Reader - Distance Education  Foster, Lenora, et al.  Pearson Custom Publishing  Teaching & Learning  2002 616 
Dialogue with the Other  Tracy, David  Peeters Press  Liberal Arts  1990 123 
Getting to Yes  Fisher, Roger  Penguin  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1981 161 
Zero: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea  Charles Seife  Penguin Books  Liberal Arts  2000 248 
Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss What Matters Most  Stone, Douglas, et al.  Penguin Books  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1999 250 
Purple Cow  Gordon, Seth  Penguin Books  Marketing  2002 144 
Drive  Daniel H. Pink  Penguin Books  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2009 242 
Writing with Precision  Bates, Jefferson D.  Penguin Books  Writing Reference  2000 322 
Lives on the Boundary  Rose, Mike  Penguin Books  Teaching & Learning  255 
Lives on the Boundary  Rose, Mike  Penguin Books  Higher Education  1989 255 
Exaltation of Larks, An  Lipton, James  Penguin Books Ltd  Writing Reference  1993 324 
The Age of Spiritual Machines  Kurzweil, Ray  Penguin Group  Ed. Technology  1999 377 
Eyes on the Prize  Williams, Juan  Penguin Group  Liberal Arts  1987 297 
Robert's Rules of Order  Major Henry M. Robert & Dr. Darwin Patnode  Penguin Group USA Inc.   Writing Reference  1989 155 
Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas are Setting up a Generation for Failure  Lukianoff, Greg and Jonathan Haidt  Penguin Press  Higher Education  2018 338 
Creating Entrepreneurial Universities  Clark, Burton R.  Pergamon  Higher Education  1998 163 
Things That Make Us Smart  Norman, Donald A.  Perseus  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1993 290 
Respect, An Exploration  Lawrence-Lightfoot, Sara  Perseus Book  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2000 243 
The Corporate University Workbook: Launching the 21st Century Learning Organization  Wheeler, Kevin  Pfeiffer  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2005 128 
The Gamification of Learning and Instruction  Kapp, Karl M.  Pfeiffer  Inst. Des. & Assess.  2012 276 
101 Ways to Make Training Active  Silberman, Mel, et al.  Pfeiffier  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1995 298 
Knowledge Management 2nd Ed.  Awad, Elias; Ghaziri, Hassan  PHI Learning Private Limited  Program Development  2010 505 
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Getting What You Want  Anderson, Kare  Plume/Penguin  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1993 244 
To Improve The Academy Volume 28  Linda B. Nilson  POD  Inst. Des. & Assess.  2010 378 
Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action  Simon Sinek  Portfolio/Penguin  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2009 246 
Taking the Reins: Instit. Transf. in Higher Edu.  Eckel, Peter, et al.  Praeger  Higher Education  2003 193 
Inside Arthur Anderson: Shifting Values, Unexpected Consequences  Squires, Susan E., et al.  Prentice Hall  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2003 185 
Little Red Book of Sales Answers: 99.5 Real World Answers that make sense, make sales, and make money  Gitomer, Jeffrey  Prentice Hall  Marketing  2005 202 
Basic Methods of Policy Analysis and Planning  Patton, Carl V. and David S. Sawicki  Prentice Hall  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1993 482 
Experiential Learning  Kolb, David A.  Prentice Hall  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1984 256 
Reading in the Strategy Process 3rd Edition  Mintzberg, Henry  Prentice Hall  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1998 429 
Entrepreneurship, Creativity, & Organization  Kao, John J.  Prentice Hall  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1989 543 
Leadership in Organizations; 5th Ed.  Yukl, Gary  Prentice Hall  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2002 508 
Woman's Guide to the Languages of Success, A  Mindell, Phyllis  Prentice Hall  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1995 227 
Strategy and Tactics of Pricing  Nagle, Thomas  Prentice-Hall  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1987 351 
Organizations: Rational, Natural, and Open Systems  Scott, W. Richard  PrenticeHall  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2003 430 
Harvard Educational Review Volume 72, Number 1  Hehir, Thomas, et al.  President and Fellows of Harvard College  Higher Education  2002 139 
Harvard Educational Review Volume 72, Number 4  Giroux, Henry A., et al.  President and Followers of Harvard College  Higher Education  2002 148 
Harvard Educational Review Volume 70, Number 1  Lomawaima, K. Tsianina, et al.  President and Followers of Harvard College  Higher Education  2000 150 
Restructuring Higher Education    Primary Research Group  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1997 118 
The Story of Square Root -1: An Imaginary Tal  Nahim Paul  Princenton  Liberal Arts  1998 257 
Universities in the Market Place  Bok, Derek  Princeton  Higher Education  2003 233 
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To Infinity and Beyond  Maor Eli  Princeton  Liberal Arts  1987 283 
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Universities and Their Leadership  Bowen, William G., et al.  Princeton Univ. Press  Higher Education  1998 268 
The 5 Elements of Effective Thinking  Edward B. Burger and Michael Starbird  Princeton University Press  Teaching & Learning  2012 157 
Great Brain Race  Wildavsky, Ben  Princeton University Press  Higher Education  2010 240 
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Not for Profit  Martha C. Nussbaum  Princeton University Press  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2010 158 
The Myth of the Eternal Return  Eliade, Mircea  Princeton University Press/Bollingen  Liberal Arts  2005 195 
New Work Habits for a Radically Changing World: 13 Ground Rules for Job Success in the Information Age    Pritchett & Associates, Inc.  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1996 74 
Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, A (Third Edition)  Project Management Institute  Project Management Institute, Inc.  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2004 390 
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Spy Pilot  Francis Gary Powers Jr & Keith Dunnavant  Prometheus Books  Liberal Arts  2019 296 
Self-Directed Work Teams Volumes 1-3  Pryor, Fred  Pryor Resources, Inc.  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.   
Stress Management for Women Volumes 1-3  Pryor, Fred  Pryor Resources, Inc.  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.   
No Ordinary Disruption  Dobbs, Manyika, Woetzel  Public Affairs Books  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2015 279 
Who Moved My Cheese?  Johnson, Spencer  Putnam  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1998 94 
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Mindset: The New Psychology of Success  Dweck, Carol  Random House  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2016 301 
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The Ranforest The Secret to Building the Next Silicon Valley  Victor W. Hwang, Greg Horowitt  Regenwald  Ed. Technology  2012 282 
Lead Right: Every Leader's Straight-Talk Guide to Job Success  Ventura, Steve  Resources for Personal and Professional Success  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2008 62 
So You've been Publicly Shamed  Ronson, Jon  Riverhead Books  Higher Education  2015 318 
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Adult Education and Phenomenological Research  Stanage, Sherman  Robert Krieger Publishing  Adult & Cont. Ed.  1987 419 
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The History of U.S. Higher Education  Gasman, Marybeth  Routledge  Higher Education  2010 222 
Adult Education as Theory, Practice, and Research  Usher, Robin, et al.  Routledge  Adult & Cont. Ed.  1989 212 
Cities and the Creative Class  Florida, Richard  Routledge  Liberal Arts  2005 198 
Knowledge Management: Systems and Processes 2nd Ed.  Becerra-Fernandez, Irma; Sabherwal, Rajiv  Routledge  Program Development  2015 368 
The Essentials of Instructional Design  Brown, Abbie H. & Green, Timothy D.  Routledge  Inst. Des. & Assess.  2016 209 
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The Rule of Metaphor: The Creation of Meaning in Language  Ricoeur, Paul  Routledge Classics  Liberal Arts  1975 454 
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Neoliberalism: National and Regional Experiments with Global Ideas  Roy, Ravi K.; Denzau, Arthur T.; Willett, Thomas D.  Routledge Taylor and Francis Group  Sustainability and the New Economy  2007 346 
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Online Education: Foundations, Planning, and Pedagogy  Picciano, Anthony G.  Routledge; Taylor & Francis Group  Teaching & Learning  2019 193 
The Journal of Higher Education; Vol 89, No. 5, 2018  Chang, Mitchell J.  Routledge; Taylor & Francis Group  Higher Education  2018 -194 
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The Journal of Continuing Higher Education; Vol. 66, No. 3; September - December 2018  Busby, Bruce  Routledge; Taylor & Francis Group  Higher Education  2018 -71 
The Journal of Higher Education; Vol 90, No. 3, 2019  Chang, Mitchell J.  Routledge; Taylor & Francis Group  Higher Education  2019 -164 
Distance Education: Vol 39, No. 4, November 2018  Som Naidu, et. al.  Routledge; Taylor & Francis Group; ODLAA  Ed. Technology  2018 -147 
Journal of Higher Education Vol. 9 No. 4  Mitchell J. Chang  Routledge; Taylor & Francis Group   Higher Education  2019 151 
Distance Education: Vol 39. No. 1  Roberts, Jennifer  Routledge; Taylor and Francis  Higher Education  2018 133 
The Journal of Higher Education: Volume 89, Number 4, 2018  Change, Mitchell J.  Routledge; Taylor and Francis  Higher Education  2018 -212 
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Remaking the American University: Market-Smart and Mission-Centered  Zemsky, Robert, et al.  Rutgers University Press  Higher Education  2005 231 
The Art of the Schmooz  Saxon, Bret, et al.  S.P.I. Books  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1998 239 
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Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences  Padilla, Amado  Sage Periodicals Press  Liberal Arts  1997 154 
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Building the Responsive Campus: Creating High Performance Colleges and Universities  Tierney, William G.  SAGE Publications  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1999 185 
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Utilization-Focused Evaluation  Patton, Michael Q.  Sage Publications  Research  1997 430 
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Online Teacing in the Digital Age  Swenson, Pat & Taylor, Nancy  SAGE Publications  Teaching & Learning  2012 88 
The Qualitative Research Methods Series 44: Life Story Interview  Atkinson, Robert  Sage Publications  Research  1998 97 
Qualitative Inquiry & Research Design  Creswell, John W.  Sage Publications  Research  1998 403 
Journal of Hispanic Higher Education Volume 6 Number 1  Mulnix, Michael W. & Lopez-Mulnix, Esther E.  Sage Publications  Higher Education  2007 100 
Journal of Hispanic Higher Education Volume 6 Number 3  Mulnix, Michael W. & Lopez-Mulnix, Esther E.  Sage Publications  Higher Education  2007 296 
Very Short, Fairly Interesting and Reasonably Cheap Book About Studying Marketing, A  Blythe, Jim  SAGE Publications  Marketing  2006 146 
Travel and Tourism  Sharpley, Richard  SAGE Publications  Research  2006 232 
Cultural Studies, Critical Methodologies  Denzin, Norman K.  Sage Publications  Liberal Arts  2002 517 
Qualitative Research Methods Series 33: Strategies for Interpreting Qualitative Data  Feldman, Martha S.  Sage Publications  Research  1995 71 
Journal of Hispanic Higher Education Volume 7 Number 4  Mulnix, Michael W. & Lopez-Mulnix, Esther E.  Sage Publications  Higher Education  2008 370 
Journal of Hispanic Higher Education Volume 7 Number 1  Mulnix, Michael W. & Lopez-Mulnix, Esther E.  Sage Publications  Higher Education  2008 
Journal of Hispanic Higher Education Volume 7 Number 2  Mulnix, Michael W. & Lopez-Mulnix, Esther E.  Sage Publications  Higher Education  2008 
Journal of Hispanic Higher Education Volume 4 Number 2  Mulnix, Michael W. & Lopez-Mulnix, Esther E.  Sage Publications  Higher Education  2005 170 
Coping with Faculty Stress  Gmelch, Walter H.  Sage Publications  Higher Education  1993 79 
Journal of Hispanic Higher Education Volume 13 Number 2  Mulnix, Michael W. & Lopez-Mulnix, Esther E.  Sage Publications  Higher Education  2014 132 
Journal of Hispanic Higher Education Volume 13 Number 3  Mulnix, Michael W. & Lopez-Mulnix, Esther E.  Sage Publications  Higher Education  2014 228 
Journal of Hispanic Higher Education Volume 14 Number 1  Mulnix, Michael W. & Lopez-Mulnix, Esther E.  Sage Publications  Higher Education  2015 93 
Journal of Hispanic Higher Education Volume 15 Number 1  Mulnix, Michael W. & Lopez-Mulnix, Esther E.  Sage Publications  Higher Education  2016 105 
Journal of Hispanic Higher Education Volume 15 Number 3  Mulnix, Michael W. & Lopez-Mulnix, Esther E.  Sage Publications  Higher Education  2016 284 
Journal of Transformative Education Volume 2 Number 1  McWhinney, Will  Sage Publications  Higher Education  2004 69 
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Journal of Transformative Education Volume 3 Number 1  McWhinney, Will  Sage Publications  Higher Education  2005 89 
Journal of Transformative Education Volume 3 Number 2  McWhinney, Will  Sage Publications  Higher Education  2005 189 
Leadership: A New Synthesis  Hunt, James G.  Sage Publications  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1996 299 
How to Assess Program Implementation  King, Jean, et al.  Sage Publications  Research  1987 143 
How to Analyze Data  Fitz-Gibbon, Carol, et al.  Sage Publications  Research  1987 162 
Chairing an Academic Department (Survival Skills for Scholars)  Gmelch, Walter H., et al.  SAGE Publications  Higher Education  1995 150 
Journal of Hispanic Higher Education Volume 9 Number 4  Mulnix, Michael W. & Lopez-Mulnix, Esther E.  Sage Publications  Higher Education  2012 60 
Journal of Hispanic Higher Education Volume 10 Number 3  Mulnix, Michael W. & Lopez-Mulnix, Esther E.  Sage Publications  Higher Education  2011 60 
Journal of Hispanic Higher Education Volume 11 Number 1  Mulnix, Michael W. & Lopez-Mulnix, Esther E.  Sage Publications  Higher Education  2012 60 
Journal of Hispanic Higher Education Volume 8 Number 2  Mulnix, Michael W. & Lopez-Mulnix, Esther E.  Sage Publications  Higher Education  2009 241 
Journal of Hispanic Higher Education Volume 11 Number 2  Mulnix, Michael W. & Lopez-Mulnix, Esther E.  Sage Publications  Higher Education  2012 60 
Journal of Hispanic Higher Education Volume 11 Number 3  Mulnix, Michael W. & Lopez-Mulnix, Esther E.  Sage Publications  Higher Education  2012 60 
Encyclopedia of Global Studies 1  Helmut K. Anheier & Mark Juergensmeyer  SAGE Publications, Inc.  Research  2012 438 
Encyclopedia of Global Studies 2  Helmut K. Anheier & Mark Juergensmeyer  SAGE Publications, Inc.  Research  2012 973 
Encyclopedia of Global Studies 3  Helmut K. Anheier & Mark Juergensmeyer  SAGE Publications, Inc.  Research  2012 1424 
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Journal of Hispanic Higher Education: vol 16, No. 4, October 2017  Lopez-Mulnix, Esther Elena  Sage Publishing  Higher Education  2017 -98 
Journal of Hispanic Higher Education: vol 16, No. 4, October 2017  Lopez-Mulnix, Esther Elena  Sage Publishing  Higher Education  2017 -98 
Journal of Hispanic Higher Education: vol 16, No. 4, October 2017  Lopez-Mulnix, Esther Elena  Sage Publishing  Higher Education  2017 -98 
Journal of Hispanic Higher Education: vol 16, No. 4, October 2017  Lopez-Mulnix, Esther Elena  Sage Publishing  Higher Education  2017 -98 
Journal of Hispanic Higher Education Volume 17   Lopez-Mulnix, Esther Elena   Sage Publishing  Higher Education  2018 95 
California Management Review, Volume 59 Number 1  David Vogel  Sage Publishing  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2016 152 
Journal of Hispanic Higher Education Vol. 17, No. 3, July 2018  Esther Elena Lopez-Mulnix  Sage Publishing  Higher Education  2018 -98 
Journal of Hispanic Higher Education Vol. 17, No. 4, October 2018  Esther Elena Lopez-Mulnix  Sage Publishing  Higher Education  2018 -154 
Journal of Hispanic Higher Education Vol. 18, No. 1, January 2019  Esther Elena Lopez-Mulnix  Sage Publishing  Higher Education  2019 -103 
California Management Review Vol. 61, No. 3  Vogel, David et al.  Sage Publishing  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2019 114 
One and the Same: The History of Continuing Educ at San Jose  James P. Walsh  San Jose State University  Liberal Arts  2006 124 
Suddenly a Giant  Broesamle, John  Santa Susana Press  Higher Education  1993 187 
They Have A Word for It  Rheingold, Howard  Sarabande Books  Writing Reference  2000 284 
Natchez On the Mississippi: A Journey Through Southern History  Henry C. Norman Collection  School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, CSUN  Liberal Arts  1995 52 
Transition Mathematics  Usiskin, Zalman  Scott, Foresman and Company  Liberal Arts  1990 662 
Random Family  LeBlanc, Adrian N.  Scribner  Liberal Arts  2003 408 
Planning for Students Services  Beede & Burnett, Martha, Darlene  Scup  Adult & Cont. Ed.  1999 150 
Free-Range Learning in the Digial Age: The Emerginig Revolution in College, Career, and Education  Dr. Peter P. Smith  SelectBooks  Higher Education  2018 200 
Free-Range Learning in the Digital Age: The Emerging Revolution in College, Career, and Education  Smith, Peter  SelectBooks Inc.  Ed. Technology  2018 200 
The Cognitive Style of PowerPoint  Tufte, Edward R.  self publised  Teaching & Learning  2004 27 
Good to Great and the Social Sectors: A Monograph to Accompany Good to Great  Collins, Jim  self published  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2005 35 
No Boundary  Wilber, Ken  Shambhala  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2001 149 
Real Power: Stages of Personal Power in Organizations  Hagberg, Janet O.  Sheffield Publishing  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1994 269 
Journey in the Middle of the Road  Murch, Muriel  Sibyl  Adult & Cont. Ed.  1995 193 
Restructuring the University Reward System  Altbach, Philip G.  Sid W. Richardson Foundation Forum  Higher Education  1997 41 
The Closing of the American Mind  Bloom, Allan  Simon & Schuster  Higher Education  1987 392 
The Power of Corporate Kinetics  Fradette, et al.  Simon & Schuster  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1998 255 
The Monster Under the Bed  Davis, Stan, et al.  Simon & Schuster  Higher Education  1994 189 
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Peopl  Covey, Stephen  Simon & Schuster  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1989 358 
Certain Trumpets  Wills, Gary  Simon & Schuster  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1994 336 
Enlightened Leadership: Getting to the Heart of Change  Oakley, Ed, et al.  Simon & Schuster  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1991 265 
Mind at a Time, A  Levine, Mel M.D.  Simon & Schuster  Teaching & Learning  2002 352 
When Giants Learn to Dance  Kanter, Rosabeth M.  Simon & Schuster  Higher Education  1989 415 
Touched with Fire  Jamison, Kay Redfield  Simon & Schuster  Liberal Arts  1993 369 
The Creative Habit: Learn It and Use It For Life  Tharp, Twyla  Simon & Schuster Paperbacks  Teaching & Learning  2003 243 
The CSS Anthology, 101 Essential Tips, Tricks & Hacks  Andrew, Rachel  SitePoint Pty Ltd  Ed. Technology  2007 392 
The Oman Visitor: Your Essential Guide to Oman Volume 2  SJS  SJS  Liberal Arts  2008 91 
Unleashing the Power of Perpetual Learning  Norris, Donald M.  Society for College & Univ. Planning  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1997 46 
Revolutionary Strategy for the Knowledge Age  Norris, Donald M.  Society for College & Univ. Planning  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1997 46 
Facilitating Problem-Based Learning  Savin-Baden, Maggi  Society for Research into Higher Education & Open  Higher Education  2003 144 
Facilitating Reflective Learning in Higher Education  Brockbank, Anne, et al.  Society for Research into Higher Education & Open  Higher Education  1998 275 
Foundations of Problem-based Learning  Savin-Baden, Maggi et al.  Society for Research into Higher Education & Open  Higher Education  2004 197 
Executive Book Summaries: True to Our Roots; Beyond the Core; Scoring Points  Dolon, Paul, et al.  Soundview  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2004  
Executive Book Summaries: The Dollarization Discipline; Mass Affluence; Bonus Reviews  Fox, Jeffrey J., et al.  Soundview  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2005  
Executive Book Summaries: World Out of Balance; The Third Option; Becoming a Category of One  Laudicina, Paul A., et al.  Soundview  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2005  
Executive Book Summaries: Lion Taming; Renovate Before You Innovate; The New Mainstream  Katz, Steven L., et al.  Soundview  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2005  
Executive Book Summaries: Into the Unknown; Customer Centric Selling  Uldrich, Jack, et al.  Soundview  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2004  
Executive Book Summaries: Don't Think Pink; A Bias for Action; Heads Up  Johnson, Lisa, et al.  Soundview  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2004  
Executive Book Summaries: Compassionate Capitalism; Optimizing the Power of Action Learning  Benioff, Marc, et al.  Soundview  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2004  
Executive Book Summaries: Crucial Confrontation; Ideas Are Free; Strategic Partnerships  Patterson, Kerry, et al.  Soundview  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2004  
Executive Book Summaries: The Underdog Advantage; Off the Cuff; Who Really Maters?  Morey, David, et al.  Soundview  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2004  
Executive Book Summaries: Does It Matter?; The Power of Impossible Thinking; Bonus Reviews  Carr, Nicholas G., et al.  Soundview  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2004  
Executive Book Summaries: Managers Not MBAs; The Toyota Way; Bonus Reviews  Mintzberg, Henry, et al.  Soundview  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2004  
Executive Book Summaries: Strategy Maps; The First 90 Days; Bonus Reviews  Kaplan, Robert, et al.  Soundview  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2004  
Executive Book Summaries: The Heat of Change  Solon, Maureen L., et al.  Soundview  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2002  
Proofreading & Editing Precision  Norstrom, Pagel.  South-Western Cengage Learning  Writing Reference  2011 295 
Between the World and Me  Ta-Nehisi Coates  Spiegel & Grau  Community & Economic Development  2015 152 
Research in Higher Education Volume 47 Number 7  Smart, John C.  Springer  Higher Education  2006 247 
Research in Higher Education Volume 47 Number 2  Smart, John C.  Springer  Higher Education  2006 370 
Research in Higher Education Volume 47 Number 3  Smart, John C.  Springer  Higher Education  2006 612 
Research in Higher Education Volume 47 Number 4  Smart, John C.  Springer  Higher Education  2006 872 
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Research in Higher Education Volume 48 Number 3  Smart, John C.  Springer  Higher Education  2007 401 
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Research in Higher Education Volume 48 Number 8  Smart, John C.  Springer  Higher Education  2007 
Research in Higher Education Volume 49 Number 1  Smart, John C.  Springer  Higher Education  2008 197 
Creating Innovation Leaders  Banny Banerjee  Springer  Teaching & Learning  2016 277 
Knowledge Management: Value Creation Through Organizational Learning  North, Klaus; Kumta, Gita  Springer  Program Development  2014 326 
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Research in Higher Education Volume 48 Number 6  Smart, John C.  Springer  Higher Education  2007 
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Designing Courses for Higher Education  Toohey, Susan  SRHE & Open University Press  Higher Education  1999 204 
Assessment, Learning and Employability  Knight, Peter T., et al.  SRHE and Open University  Inst. Des. & Assess.  2003 245 
The Internet Guide for Students and Writers  Harnack, Andrew, et al.  St. Martin's Press  Writing Reference  1997 157 
The Pursuit of Knowledge Under Difficulties  Kett, Joseph F.  Stanford Univ.  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1994 581 
The Future of the City of Intellect  Abbott, Andrew, et al.  Stanford Univ. Press  Higher Education  2002 353 
American Journal of Play Volume 1 Number 1  Bergen Doris  Stron National Museum of Play  Liberal Arts  2008 137 
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American Journal of Play Volume 1 Number 3  Dyson Jon-Paul  Strong National Museu of Play  Liberal Arts  2009 391 
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Assessing for Learning: Building A Sustainable Commitment for Learning Across the Institution  Maki, Peggy L.  Stylus  Inst. Des. & Assess.  2004 204 
Of Education, Fishbowls, and Rabbit Holes  Fried, Jane  Stylus  Teaching & Learning  2016 119 
Managing the Unthinkable: Crisis Preparation and Response for Campus Leaders  Bataille, Gretchen M. & Cordova, Diana I.  Stylus  Higher Education  2014 203 
High-Impact Practices in Online Education: Research and Best Practices  Linder, Kathryn E. and Chrysanthemum Mattison Hayes  Stylus Publishing Inc.  Teaching & Learning  2018 248 
International Student Engagement  Glass, Wongtrirat, and Buus  Stylus Publishing LLC  Inst. Des. & Assess.  2015 122 
Are you SMART Enough?  Astin, Alexander W.   Stylus Publishing, LLC  Teaching & Learning  2016 147 
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The Journal of Higher Education Volume 90 Number 6  Mitchell J. Chang  Taylor & Francis Group  Higher Education  2019 182 
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University Next Door  Schneider, Mark & Dean, KC  Teachers College Press  Higher Education  2015 245 
Telos: The Crisis of Education  Piccone, Paul  Telos  Higher Education  1998 191 
The Possessive Investment in Whiteness  Lipsitz, George  Temple Univ.  Liberal Arts  1998 274 
Thinkertoys  Michalko, Michael  Ten Speed Press  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2006 394 
Life After Forty  The Educational Resource Institute  TERI  Adult & Cont. Ed.  1996 83 
Interpretation Theory  Ricoeur, Paul  Texas Christian University  Liberal Arts  1976 107 
Handbook for Adjunct/Part-Time Faculty &Teacher, A  Greive, Donald  The Adjunct Advocate, Inc  Teaching & Learning  2003 127 
Handbook II: Advanced Teaching Strategies for Adjunct and Part-Time Faculty  Greive, Donald  The Adjunct Advocate, Inc.  Teaching & Learning  2003 154 
Procurement and Public Management  Kelman, Steven  The AEI Press  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1990 208 
Our Constitution: A Conversation - The Judicial Branch    The Annenberg Founcation Trust  Liberal Arts  2005  
Mandate: The President and the People - The Executive Branch    The Annenberg Foundation Trust  Liberal Arts  2005  
Key Constitutuional Concepts - The Judicial Branch    The Annenberg Foundation Trust  Liberal Arts  2005  
Justice For Hedgehogs  Dworkin, Ronald  The Belknap Press  Liberal Arts  2011 506 
Creating Capabilities: The Human Development Approach  Nussbaum, Martha C.  The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2011 237 
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Working for California  The Commission on the Extended University  The CSU  Mgmt. & Org. Dev. 
Speaking As A Leader  Judith Humphrey  The Humphrey Group  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2012 250 
The American Faculty: The Restructuring of Academic Work and Careers  Schuster, Jack, et. al.  The John Hopkins University Press  Higher Education  2006 572 
Higher Education and the New Society  Keller, George  The Johns Hopkins University Press  Higher Education  2008 131 
What's Happening to Public Higher Education? The Shifting Financial Burden  Ehrenberg, Ronald G.  The Johns Hopkins University Press  Higher Education  2006 344 
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Robot-Proof: Higher Education in the Age of Artificial Intelligence  Aoun, Joseph E.  The MIT Press  Higher Education  2018 187 
State of Resistance: What Cailfonia's Dizzying Descent and Remarkable Resurgence Mean for America's Future  Manuel Pastor  The New Press  Community & Economic Development  2018 277 
Lies My Teacher Told Me  Loewen, James W.  The New Press  Higher Education  1995 372 
Artificial Intelligence: Health Care | Everyday Life | Business  The New York Times  The New York Times  Ed. Technology  2020 96 
The Journal of Higher Education, November/December 2016  Scott L. Thomas  The Ohio State University Press  Higher Education  2016 919 
The Journal of Higher Education, May/June 2016  Scott L. Thomas  The Ohio State University Press  Higher Education  2016 459 
The Journal of Higher Education, September/October 2016  Scott L. Thomas  The Ohio State University Press  Higher Education  2016 766 
The Journal of Higher Education, September/October 2015  Scott L. Thomas  The Ohio State University Press  Higher Education  2015 806 
The Journal of Higher Education, November/December 2015  Scott L. Thomas  The Ohio State University Press  Higher Education  2015 959 
The Journal of Higher Education, January/February 2016  Scott L. Thomas  The Ohio State University Press  Higher Education  2016 149 
Postbaccalaureate Futures  Kay Kohl and Jules LaPidus  The Oryx Press  Higher Education  2000 274 
Citizenville  Newsom, Gavin  The Penguin Group  Sustainability and the New Economy  2013 249 
The Adventures of Johnny Bunko: The Last Career Guide You'll Ever Need  Pink, Daniel H.  The Penguin Group  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2008 
Getting to Yes Second Edition  Fisher, Roger & Ury, William  The Penguin Press  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1991 200 
The Journal of Continuing Higher Education Volume 47 Number 2  Martin, Charlene  The Pennsylvania State University  Higher Education  1999 56 
Emerging Perspectives on Continuing Professional Education  Smutz, Wayne D. et al  The Pennsylvania State University  Adult & Cont. Ed.  39 
Riptide: The New Normal in Higher Education  Angel, Dan & Connelly, Terry  The Publishing Place  Higher Education  2011 220 
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The Fourth Education Revolution: Will Artificial Intelligence Liberate or Infantilise Humanity  Seldon, Anthony and Oladimeji Abidoye  The University of Buckingham Press  Ed. Technology  2018 353 
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Plurality and Ambiguity (Hermeneutics, Religion, Hope)  David Tracy  The University of Chicago Press  Liberal Arts  1987 148 
History of Religions Volme 46 Number 4  Doniger, Wendy  The University of chicago Press  Liberal Arts  2007 375 
God Without Being  Jean-Luc Marion  The University of Chicago Press  Liberal Arts  2011 313 
Technics & Civilization   Langdon Winner  The University of Chicago Press  Ed. Technology  2010 495 
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Living Up to Death  Paul Ricoeur  The University of Chicago Press  Liberal Arts  2009 97 
Saving Alma Mater: A Rescue Plan for America's Public Universities  Garland, James C.  The University of Chicago Press  Higher Education  2009 245 
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The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education Number 63  Cross, Theodore  Theodore Cross  Higher Education  2009 128 
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Campus-Free College Degrees, 8th Ed.  Thorson, Marcie K.  Thorson Guides  Ed. Technology  1998 303 
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Getting to Giving: Fundraising the Entrepreneurial Way by a billion-dollar fundraiser  Howard Stevenson  Timberline LLC  Fundraising  2011 186 
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Thurgood Marshall: American Revolution  Williams, Juan  Times Books  Liberal Arts  1998 461 
Restoring Prosperity  Wilms, Wellford W.  Times Business  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1996 323 
The Barbie Chronicles: A Living Doll Turns Forty  McDonough, Yona Z.  Touchstone Books  Liberal Arts  1999 240 
Metropolitan Universities, An International Forum Volume 3 Number 2: Continuing Education  Lynton, Ernest A.  Transaction Publishers  Adult & Cont. Ed.  1992 92 
Louisiana Republican Party, 1948 - 1984  Theodoulou, Stella  Tulane University  Liberal Arts  171 
Disorient Ballroom  Uba, George  Turning Point  Liberal Arts  2004 132 
Lifelong Learning Trends 8th Edition  Kohl, Kay J.  UCEA  Adult & Cont. Ed.  2004 104 
Continuing Higher Education Review Volume 66  Shinagel, Michael  UCEA  Higher Education  2002 196 
Continuing Higher Education Review Volume 65  Shinagel, Michael  UCEA  Higher Education  2001 180 
Continuing Higher Education Review Volume 75  Shinagel, Michael  UCEA  Higher Education  2011 216 
Who's Who, Univ Continuing Educ Assoc  UCEA  UCEA  Adult & Cont. Ed.  2006 208 
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Continuing Higher Education Review Volume 70  Shinagel Michael  UCEA  Higher Education  2006 198 
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Lifelong Learning Trends 5th Edition  Kohl, Kay J.  UCEA  Adult & Cont. Ed.  1998 92 
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History of Religions Volume 46 Number 3  Doniger, Wendy  Univ of Chicago Press  Liberal Arts  2007 281 
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Perspectives on Higher Education  Clark, Burton R.  Univ. of California Press  Higher Education  1984 281 
The Craft of Researc  Booth, et al.  Univ. of Chicago Press  Research  1995 294 
Tricks of the Trade  Becker, Howard S.  Univ. of Chicago Press  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1998 232 
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The Quest for Mind  Gardner, Howard  Univ. of Chicago Press  Teaching & Learning  1981 303 
Academia and the Luster of Capital  Cohen, Sande  Univ. of Minnesota Press  Higher Education  1993 184 
Ms. Mentor's Impeccable Advice For Women in Academia  Toth, Emily  Univ. of Pennsylvania Press  Higher Education  1997 222 
The Tradition in Modern Times  Hands, Charles B.  Univ. Press of America  Higher Education  1988 148 
The New Face of Higher Education: Lifelong Learning Trends  Kohl Kay  University Continuing Education Essociation  Higher Education  2009 95 
California Management Review Volume 45 Number 4  Vogel, David  University of California - Berkeley  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2003 143 
California Management Review Volume 50 Number 1  Vogel David  University of Berkeley  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2007 294 
The Academic Profession  Clark, Burton  University of California Press  Higher Education  1987 409 
The Higher Education System  Clark, Burton R.  University of California Press  Higher Education  1983 276 
California Management Review Volume 55 Number 3  Vogel, David  University of California, Berkeley  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2013 165 
The Powerholders  Kipnis, David  University of Chicago  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1976 230 
The Calling of Education  Shils, Edward  University of Chicago  Higher Education  1997 294 
Critical Inquiry: vol. 45, No. 1, pages 1 - 254  W.J.T. Mitchell, et. al.  University of Chicago  Liberal Arts  2018 254 
Truth and Beauty  Chandraseskhar, S.  University of Chicago Press  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1987 170 
On Metaphor  Sacks, Sheldon  University of Chicago Press  Liberal Arts  1978 196 
On Narrative  Mitchell, W.J.T.  University of Chicago Press  Liberal Arts  1981 270 
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (Third Edition)  Kuhn, Thomas S.  University of Chicago Press  Liberal Arts  1996 212 
The Chicago Manual of Style 16th Edition  The University of Chicago  University of Chicago Press  Writing Reference  2010 1026 
Academically Adrift: Limited Learning on College Campuses  Arum, Richard, et al.  University of Chicago Press  Higher Education  2011 259 
History of Religions Volume 46 Number 2  Doniger, Wendy  University of Chicago Press  Liberal Arts  2006 186 
Critical Inquiry: vol. 45, No. 3, Spring 2019 pages 577 - 838  W.J.T. Mitchell, et. al.  University of Chicago Press  Liberal Arts  2019 261 
Simple & Direct, A Rhetoric for Writers  Barzun, Jacques  University of Chicago Press  Writing Reference  1994 291 
Talking to Strangers: Anxieties of Citizenship since Brown v. Board of Education  Allen, Danielle S.  University of Chicago Press  Liberal Arts  2004 232 
Rhetoric of Irony  Booth, Wayne C.  University of Chicago Press  Liberal Arts  1974 292 
Time and Narrative (Volume 1)  Ricoeur, Paul  University of Chicago Press  Liberal Arts  1984 274 
Time and Narrative (Volume 2)  Ricoeur, Paul  University of Chicago Press  Liberal Arts  1984 208 
Time and Narrative (Volume 3)  Ricoeur, Paul  University of Chicago Press  Liberal Arts  1985 355 
Memory, History, Forgetting  Ricoeur, Paul  University of Chicago Press  Liberal Arts  2004 642 
History of Religions Volume 45 Number 2  Doniger, Wendy, et al.  University of Chicago Press  Liberal Arts  194 
The Chicago Manual of Style 14th Edition  Grossman John  University of Chicago Press  Writing Reference  1993 921 
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Milton Stern  Simpson, Ed, et al.  University of Georgia  Adult & Cont. Ed.  1997  
Managing Distance Education Courses  Houdek, Elizabeth  University of Illinois  Ed. Technology  1990 50 
Academic Tribes  Adams, Hazard  University of Illinois Press  Higher Education  1976 185 
Understanding Your International Students: An Educational, Cultural, and Linguistic Guide (Michigan Teacher Resource)  Flaitz, Jeffra, et al  University of Michigan Press  Teaching & Learning  2003 211 
The End of Education  Spanos, William V.  University of Minnesota  Higher Education  1993 277 
Postmodern Education  Aronowitz, Stanley, et al.  University of Minnesota  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1991 205 
Debates in the Digital Humanities  Gold, Matthew & Klein, LAuren  University of Minnesota   Ed. Technology  2016 580 
The Idea of a University  Newman, John H.  University of Notre Dame  Higher Education  1960 428 
Humanistic Education for Business Executives  Peckham, Morse  University of Pennsylvania Press  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1960 146 
Dollars and Scholars  Linnell, Robert  University of Southern California Press  Higher Education  1982 142 
Rotunda Tales  Vaughn, Joseph  University of Virginia Alumni Association  Liberal Arts  1991 218 
Centennial Conversations  Daniel W. Shannon and Robert Wiltenburg   University Professional and Continuing Education Association  Higher Education  2015 348 
Sustainable Learning Community  John Aber  Universtiy of New Hampshire Press  Teaching & Learning  2009 267 
Toward Resiliency  Horn, Laura, et al..  US Dept. of Education  Higher Education  1998 41 
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More Bloody Meetings (John Cleese)  Hemingway, John  Video Arts  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1994  
Meetings, Bloody Meetings (John Cleese)  Sergeant, Andrew  Video Arts  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1993  
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The Helping Hand: Coaching Skills for Managers Parts 1 and 2 (John Cleese)  Downey, Myles  Video Arts  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1990  
The Balance Sheet Barrier (John Cleese)  Thexton, Mike  Video Arts  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1993  
Building the Perfect Team (John Cleese)  Hemingway, John  Video Arts  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1991  
The Unorganized Manager: Part 1 Damnation (John Cleese)  Tietjen, Tina  Video Arts  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1996  
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Performance Matters: The Importance of Praise  AIM Learning Group, Inc.  Video Arts  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2002  
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How am I Doing? (Revision)  AIM Learning Group, Inc.  Video Arts  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2001  
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The Future of Lif  Wilson, Edward O.  Vintage  Liberal Arts  2002 229 
True North  Conway, Jill K.  Vintage Books  Liberal Arts  1994 250 
So Long, See you Tomorrow  Maxwell, William  Vintage International  Liberal Arts  1980 135 
Earth: The Sequel (The Race to Reinvent Energy and Stop Global Warming)  Krupp, Fred, et. al  W. W. Norton & Co.  Research  2008 279 
The Muslim Discovery of Europ  Lewis, Bernard  W.W. Norton  Liberal Arts  2001 350 
The Thinker's Thesaurus Sophisticated Alternatives to Common Words  Peter E. Meltzer  W.W. Norton & Company  Writing Reference  2010 672 
Distance Education: A Systems View  Moore, Michael G.  Wadsworth  Ed. Technology  1996 290 
Joy of Pi  Blatner David  Walker  Liberal Arts  1997 
If It Ain't Broke, Break It!  Kriegel, Robert, et al.  Warner  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1991 284 
Lions Don't Need to Roar  Benton, D.A.  Warner Books  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1992 257 
Leadership: A Communication Perspective; 3rd Ed.  Hackman, et al..  Waveland Press  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2000 426 
Educational Policy & the Law  Yudof, Mark G., et al.  West Publishing  Higher Education  1992 860 
Predictable Magic  Deepa Prahalad and Ravi Sawhney  Wharton School Publishing   Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2011 177 
Competing in a Flat World: Building Enterprises for a Borderless World  Fung, Victor K.,  Wharton School Publishing  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2008 240 
Journal of Engineering Education  Michael C. Loui   Wiley  Ed. Technology  2016 395 
Journal of Engineering Education Vol. 108 No. 2  Lisa Benson  Wiley   Ed. Technology  2019 164 
Performance Improvement Quarterly Vol 21 No 3  Cassidy Michael  Wiley  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2008 134 
Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion  Cialdini, Robert B.  William Morrow and Company  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  1984 320 
Common Errors in English Usage  Brians, Paul  William, James & Co.  Writing Reference  2003 250 
There's Not an App For That! Communication Skills to BECOME and Irreplaceable LEADER  Cary Pfeffer  Wise Ink  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2016 171 
Leadership Reconsidered  Astin, Alexander W., et al.  WK Kellogg Foundation  Teaching & Learning  103 
The Long Road to Better Schools  Bryan, William J.  Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars  Higher Education  1999 128 
Foresight, Innovation, and Strategy: Toward a Wiser Future  Wagner, Cynthia G.  World Future Society  Research  2005 435 
Innovate Your Innovation Process: 100 Proven Tools  Maital, Shlomo  World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2016 180 
Innovation and Growth: What Do We Know?  Anjan Thakor  World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2013 190 
How to Write Science Fiction & Fantasy  Card, Orson S.  Writer  Writing Reference  1990 140 
Workplace Politics  Grossman, Bruce  Xlibris Corporation  Ed. Technology  2003 206 
The University in a Corporate Cultur  Gould, Eric  Yale University  Higher Education  2003 243 
If Mayors Ruled The World  Barber, Benjamin R.  Yale University Press  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2013 416 
Green to Gold, How smart companies use environmental strategy to innovate, create value, and build competitive advantage  Esty, C Daniel & Winston, S Andrew  Yale University Press  Mgmt. & Org. Dev.  2006 366 
The Pedagogical Imperative: Teaching as a Literary Genr  Johnson, Barbara  Yale University Press.  Inst. Des. & Assess.  1982 252