College of Education Self-Care

  • Participants at the self-care drum session
  • Sunset over water
  • Blue lens flares
  • Zen garden with rocks
  • Sunset over hills
  • Spiral staircase
  • Path through trees with autumn leaves

Articles & Information on Self-Care

Learn more about...


Radical self-care

Self-Care & Contemplative Practice

Social Justice

Self-care and saving the earth

Self-Care and Mental Health


Self-care and the Arts

Coping with War

Resources to Address Racism and Inequality

Coping with Coronavirus



Self-Care and Joy


Blue Zones

COE SUN Program Articles and Resources


Eating & Exercise

Forest Bathing (Shinrin Roku)


Introduction to Mindfulness

Resources for Teachers and Parents


Safety and Self-Care at CSUN

School Mindfulness Programs

Self-care and Advocacy

Below are a few self-care resources for those involved with advocacy and dealing with political issues:

In general, try to

  • Unplug - Limit your consumption of media, particularly the 24-hour news cycle and social media.
  • Be present - Take time to just be in the moment, not constantly projecting into an unforeseen future, with mindfulness meditation.
  • Find a healthy escape - Do something engaging or energizing such as exercise, dance, journal, listen to music.
  • Connect - Be aware of your emotions, give yourself permission to feel the way you do, and then share with supportive friends and allies. 
  • Refuel- Get enough rest, eat well, and drink water.
  • Do something positive - Channel what you are feeling into positive activity and advocacy for change (see EPC Social Justice).

Self-care Apps

We don’t always have time to schedule activities that offer ways to take care of ourselves. So what to do? There are lots of options for self-care in our personal world, including self-care applications on our cell phones, which offer a wide range of self-care supports.  Check out these great apps, mostly free and for both iPhones and Androids, and see what works for you! We’ve included a brief description from the manufacturer and the website link for more information.

  • Insight Timer  With beautiful Tibetan singing bowls and a dynamic worldwide meditation community, Insight Timer is the fun, connected way to support your meditation practice. View others meditating with you all over the world. Guided meditation practices available. Available for iPhone, Android, and iPad.
  • Pocket Yoga  Practice yoga anywhere at any time with this easy to use app. Available for iPhone, iPad, Mac, Android, and Windows 8.
  • Myfitnesspal  The best way to lose weight and keep it off is to simply keep track of the foods you eat. Gimmicky machines and fad diets don't work, so we designed a free website and mobile apps that make calorie counting and food tracking easy. 
  • Pacer  Pedometer plus Weight and BMI Management and Blood Pressure Tracker
  • Sleep Pillow  With this app you'll sleep tonight, guaranteed.
Its the most effective & highest quality sleep app, with over 5,400,00 happy customers. For both iPhone and iPad. 
  • Sleep Cycle  Waking up easy is all about timing. Sleep Cycle alarm clock tracks your sleep patterns and wakes you up during light sleep. Waking up during light sleep feels like waking up naturally rested without an alarm clock.
  • Vivino  Never forget another wine! Our app and wine community offer an up-to-date catalog with prices, stores, regions, grapes and reviews. Take a photo of the wine bottle and get instant information and ratings. For iPhone and Android.

Self-care and Mindfulness Books and Articles

Self-care Books

The following books were recommended by SUN guides and facilitators. They are linked to Amazon for a quick overview of their contents, but can be found at many different book stores in your neighborhood and online. 


Allen, D. (2013). Self-Care for Teachers:Regain your balance, Reclaim your time, Renew your practice. Bloomington, IN: Trafford Publishing

Blue Zones The Science of Living. Buettner, D. (2016, October 21.). National Geographic.

Clifford, M. A. (2018). Your guide to Forest Bathing:Experience the Healing Power of Nature. Newburyport, MA: Conari Press.

Corey, G., Muratori M., Austin J. T, II, & Austine, J. A. (2018). Counselor Self-Care. Alexandria VA: American Counseling Association

Harward, D. W. (2016). Well-being and higher education: A strategy for change and the realization of educations greater purposes. Washington, DC: Bringing Theory to Practice.

Hanh, T. N. (2015). Silence: The Power of Quiet in a World Full of Noise. New York, NY: HarperOne.

Kraayenbrink, A., Skaar, N., & Clopton, K. (2018, June). Using Mindfulness to Promote Resilience. Communique, p. 1.

Monaghan, P. (2019, June 21). What the Woods Do for Stressed Students. The Chronicle of Higher Education, p. A47.

Neff, K., PH.D. (2013). Self-Compassion. New Yor, NY: HarperCollins Publication. Seeking More Balance. (2016, July/August). Monitor on Psychology, 47(7)

Siegel, D. J., MD. (2018). Aware: The Science and Practice of Presence. New York, NY:TarcherPerigee

Siegel, D. J., MD. (2017). Mindfulness: How School Leaders Can Reduce Stress and Thrive on the Job. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield

Siegel, D. J. (2007). The Mindful Brain: Reflection and Attunement in the cultivation of well-being. New York: W.W. Norton.

Stahl, B., & Goldstein, E. (2017). A Mindfulness- Based Stress Reduction Workbook. Vancouver, B. C.: New Harbinger Publications.

The Exercise Cure. (2016, September 12-19) TIME, (2).

Thompson, T. (2017). Mindfulness and Leadership Insights and Benefits. (Vol. 05., No.1). Practicing OD.

Wells, C. M. (2016). Mindfulness: How School Leaders Can Reduce Stress and Thrive on the Job. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

Wharton, J., Wharton, P., & Browning, B. (1996). The Whartons Stretch Book. New York, NY: Harmony Books.

Self-care for Leaders

Self-care Strategies for Educators

Sleep and Napping

Stress Management


Travel and Self-care

How do we define travel? Any trip away from our normal routines and living spaces that gives us a new and different experience could be considered travel. 

We're inspired by a theme of "traveling for bliss" in the July/August issue of the National Geographic Traveler.  This issue features a perspective piece on travel in a discussion with the Dalai Lama, who believes "travel teaches trust, and trust leads to happy lives." When we travel, we have a chance to gain a wider perspective on life and share it with others. Other articles in this issue describe places where travelers can experience bliss though various types of wellness and self-care activities: walking in exotic locations, yoga and meditation retreats, enjoying a nature trip in the forest, or visiting locations focused on healing, such as healing waters.  And, blissful travel always includes traveling with loved ones to special locations. 

Below we've listed special travel places, apps, and experiences that COE faculty and staff have found lead to positive self-care experiences for them, including local areas to visit. May your travels be full of bliss!

Favorite Travel Apps

  • Hotel Tonight allows you to find really good deals on great hotels locally and all over the world. You first open the app on your computer than it sends the app to your phone. It's addictive! 
  • GateGuru is a leading day-of-travel app that covers over 204 airports across the world. It allows you to view your itineraries, travel stats, airport security wait times and airport food, shops, and services including reviews, tips, and photos from fellow travelers on airports, terminals, and airport amenities!

Favorite Local Travel Activities

Favorite Travel Locations

  • Catalina Island is "a world apart from the hustle and bustle of the mainland just 22 miles away." There are lots of activities from which to choose to create your own personal self-care experience: spa treatments, zip line, museum exhibits, island tours, hiking, swimming, snorkeling, kayaking, golfing, fishing, wine tasting,...
  • Sycamore Mineral Springs in Avila Beach by San Luis Obispo. Hotel and spa are located in a sycamore grove close to the beach with hot tubs on the patio of every room, massage, yoga hut, restaurant. Farmers market and great fish restaurants within a couple of miles. Look for specials on their website. 

Favorite Travel Self-care Sites  

How to Practice Self-care When Traveling

Self-care While Traveling: What to Pack

Resources for CSUN Students on Campus

The Michael D. Eisner College of Education recognizes the importance of students practicing self care, in addition to faculty and staff. Navigating personal and professional issues and finding a healthy work/school/life balance can be difficult. Please see the student self-care resources page to help you manage your stress, find support, and succeed.


Self-Care/Civil Discourse & Social Change

Self-care and Resilience



LGBT History Month

Gender Inclusive Schools FAQs - National Association of School Psychologists

Pride Month - American Counseling Association

Self-care and Work-life Balance


Self-care and Hope

Self-care and social support

Self-care and letting go

Trauma-informed Self-care

Living Your Beliefs

Grace in Self-Care

Self-care and anxiety