The Single Subject University Intern Program (SSUIP) is a 4-semester (often less) program designed for a teacher credential candidate who has a permanent, full-time teaching position in a public middle or high school.
The program is typically 4 semesters. A one (1) or two (2)-semester Early Completion Option (ECO) enables an Intern who has passed the National Evaluation Series Assessment of Professional Knowledge and the Teacher Performance Assessment (e.g., edTPA) to bypass most credential coursework and to advance to the final fieldwork courses. Please contact the Intern Coordinator for more information about the ECO.
David L. Moguel, Coordinator
Office – Education 1203
Support and Guidance
Support and guidance are provided for each Intern. The instructional team, including the Intern Coordinator, the Seminar Instructor, and the school-based Support Provider, offer advisement and support to the Intern. The University Supervisor visits each Intern’s classroom, provides feedback, and completes progress reports and evaluations. More details about the SSUIP can be found in the SSUIP Handbook (.pdf).
Transfer of Credit
Many Interns begin as Traditional or ACT Credential Program candidates and complete some credential courses before they are hired as full-time teachers and transfer into the Intern Program. Transfer Interns then have a course sequence with a different starting point.
The Intern Coordinator will help you plan the sequence of courses that is most appropriate for you.
Program Courses (44-49 units)
- SED 511 Fundamentals of Secondary Education in Multiethnic Secondary Schools (3). Required in first semester of enrollment.
- EPC 420 Educational Psychology of Adolescence (3)
- SED 525xx Methods of Teaching Single Subject [Art, English, etc.] (3)—525A, 525D, 525EN, 525MA/MAL, 525MU, 525PE, 525S/SL, 525SS, 525WL
NOTE: Most SED 525XX offered fall only. Only SED 525EN and SS can be expected in the spring. - SED 554I/554S Initial Field Experience for Interns and Seminar (5+2)
- SED 593 Field Experience for Single Subject Interns (5)*
- SED 514 Computers in Instruction (3)
- AAS/AFRS/ARMN/CHS/ELPS 417 Equity and Diversity in Schools (3)
- SED 529 Teaching English Learners in Multiethnic Secondary Schools (3)
- SED 521 Content Area Literacy and Learning in Multiethnic Secondary Schools (3)
- SPED 420 Designing Equitable Learning Through Universal Design (3)
- HSCI 466ADO Health Issues of the Adolescent (1)
- SED 555S Field Experience Seminar (5)**
- SED 555I Final Field Experience (5)**
* SED 593 taken every semester when not enrolled in either SED 554I or 555I.
**SED 555I taken in the final semester. SED 555S taken in the second-to-final or final semester, as per advisement by the Intern Coordinator.
The Intern Program is designed as a four-semester (two-year) program. All semesters are fulltime. A sample course sequence is below:
Sample Two-Year Intern Program
Semester 1 | Semester 2 | Semester 3 | Semester 4 |
SED 511 | SED 529 | SED 521 | ELPS/AAS/AFRS/ARMN/CHS 417 |
SED 525XX | EPC 420 | SPED 420 | HSCI 466ADO |
SED 554I/554S | SED 514 | SED 593 | SED 555I |
| SED 593 | SED 555S |
Some courses may also be offered during Summer Session. HSCI 466ADO offered Fall, Spring, Summer and Winter Sessions.
NOTE: Single Subject Interns teaching in an elementary school (Grades K – 6) have an additional requirement. In their first semester of Internship in an elementary setting, they must take EED or EPC 500 (3 units).