Welcome to the Secondary Education Department
The CSUN Noyce Project was awarded a grant to support teachers use of GeoGebra in with students. GeoGebra is a powerful tool for visualizing mathematical equations and geometric constructions. GeoGebra is widely popular around the world because it is free open source software and supports computers and mobile devices.
GeoGebra (geogebra.org) is an amazing free tool for your students to explore math and science. Create dynamic mathematical objects to demonstrate variation and changes over time.
Want to learn more? The WRNN GeoGebra Institute will be happening at CSUN this summer. A great opportunity to expand your skills and develop new curriculum. A limited number of Noyce Scholars and Alumnae will be funded to travel to Los Angeles and stay at CSUN for the week.
When: June 20-23
Where: CSUN Campus in Los Angeles